
Reincarnation as Obito Uchiha

What will happens if a Naruto fan transmigrated to the Naruto world in the body of Obito Uchiha... as one of the main antagonist of the series Obito now play with the timeline and re-write the entire series. Timeline will be same but situation will be different. Dark character , R-18 scenes inculcated , Over powerd Obito , Uchiha clan heritage , love+hate , fight scenes included , romance as well massacre.

Suryaputra_Karan · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Talking with Isobu

Obito is in deep meditation...

He is currently gathering his chakra back as he has just captured the 3 tailed and battled with hundreds of Genins from Kirigakure.

His luck is good that he has use Genjutsu on few high officials to let all Jonin level Kiri nin's engaged on heavy missions or work.

As there were only few Genin level shinobis present that take time to come where 3 tailed was and because of there late arrival my plan was a success.

Well it really surprising that some Kirigakure Ganins can do ice release : Ice Release is known to be quite a powerful Kekkei Genkai, created by combining Water Release with Wind Release.

Obito able to copy that jutsu , sharingan is really a very good dojutsu.

As Obito is meditating he started to remember some memories of his clone and his life he has been living.

After coming to this world he want to gain power and strength as fast as possible, when he sees that he is an Uchiha and on top of that he is Obito Uchiha the only thing he want is to unlock his mangekyo sharingan to get super cool space time ninjutsu ability.

To his surprise when in the last movement he thinks of his death from the past which is offcourse real he felt great pain in his heart not because of activating mangekyo but because losing his parents and dear little brother he knows very well that he can never be able to meet them in this life-time.

After that he start to remember how his clone use to make a fuss of being a hokage in the academy.

The memories of Sakumo Hatake talking directly to Lord 3rd Hiruzen Sarutobi to let Me join the academy at the last month of the year vividly appear in his subconscious mind.

How he performed 2 multi-shadow clones to pass the genin test in 1 month and then just after 2 months how he pass the chunin exam that conducted because of war time and only recently promoted Genins can participate in it.

The house in which Hiruzen teach us some Taijutsu martial arts moves , some memories of Kakashi fighting with him , and rin sitting beside me looking at them.

The memories of whole 2 years that I spent training my body and lot of experiments.

This is such a good life but this life is also full of lots of danger as well.

Sakumo-san use his connection to let me , Kakashi and rin on one team well rin basically join the acedamy that year , as for Having my Sensei Minato Namikaze that was pure luck.

Minato Sensei is strong stronger than me even at that time he has mastered flying Raijin and can completely outweigh me it's good that he was not in sage mode that time during bell test otherwise he may have found out about Kamui.

Kamui really is a legendary ability that I possess after thinking so far in the Uchiha clan only my mangekyo sharingan can have that ability, shisui and Itachi can't make a seprate dimensional space as for Sasuke he only unlocked it when he got rinnegan because of sage of six path chakra.

I remember clearing many D rank missions with Kakashi and Rin most of the time I use multi-shadow clones for that as real me is not there.

Missions like Delivery Run to information crucial information because it was a war time period , Defensive patrol, Supply Escort, Evacuation escort etc.

We never go on the front line to deliver any thing only once when i fake my own death.

Well no need to remember that now...

Obito still has not gather all of his chakra so he still relaxing in his kamui Dimension.

( In hidden leaf village )

Minato Namikaze: "Kushina, I need to talk to you about something important. It seems there's trouble brewing with the Hidden Stone Village. They've been causing disruptions along our borders, and I've been called in to address the situation."

Kushina Uzumaki: "Trouble with the Hidden Stone? What kind of disruptions are we talking about, Minato?"

Minato Namikaze: "They've been making aggressive movements, encroaching on our territory, and causing unrest among the neighboring villages. The higher-ups have decided it's time to take action, and I've been tasked with leading a team to investigate and resolve the issue."

Kushina Uzumaki: "But Minato, isn't that dangerous? What if something happens to you out there?"

Minato Namikaze: "I know it's risky, Kushina, but it's my duty to protect our village and maintain peace in the region. I promise to do everything in my power to ensure my team's safety and to handle the situation swiftly and decisively."

Kushina Uzumaki: "I understand, Minato. Just promise me you'll come back to us, safe and sound.

( An orphanage in konoha )

Danzo just use his power to take one of the orphan ( Kabuto ) away saying if they don't give him any child he will cut their supply.

( Obito in Kamui Dimension )

Obito thinking about just absorbing chakra from Isobu by Preta path but don't use it.

Now that Isobu is inside of his he can't meet Black Zetsu for quite some time , So he use a shadow clone to relay this information.

After some time...

Obito has now gain all the chakra that he needed , "time to meet Isobu" Obito says to himself and enter his mind space.

( Obito entered his mins space )

Obito after entering his mind space he found Isobu the 3 tails inside a black colour Cage with blue coloured water like view on the ground surface and everything is black in this space.

"Hello Isobu" I said

As i thought Isobu is surprise "How do you know my name" Isobu ask shyly

I don't say anything just goes up and start to remove the seal from the cage.

Isobu has a surprise expression all this time as I gathered chakra on my all fingers of right hand hand and then put it on my stomach.

Rotate it clock wise , then remove the paper seal on the front of the cage.

The gate slowly unlocked and cage got removed, Isobu eyes fall on the unlock cage and suddenly he released his Great roar.

To his surprise it don't have any affect on me because I use repulsive force on that direction one of Rinnegan ability.

I slowly start to remove my mask as I fall backwards, remove enough so Isobu can able to see my Rinnegan.

Isobu got shocked and frozen in his position when his eyes sees my rinnegan , nope I don't perform any Genjutsu this time.

"That eyes how? How do you have them" Isobu questions me.

"Do you still want to attack me?" I ask him.

Isobu has a surprise expression on his face as he don't know what to say.

"Isobu you don't need to worry I am not here to harm you instead to save you there are many things that you don't know about" I said to Isobu

Listen for now I will not use any force to let you kept inside a Cage you can stay inside me freely but if you try to harm me i will use my visual prowess to put you down once and for all.

Isobu have a look of perplexed but I don't remain here as my conscious fall back to reality.

Well i really don't want of Isobu just a simple look of me is enough to let him sleep under my Genjutsu.

A week passed by as I try to be friends with Isobu using force, goodwill , power, dominance, truth and some lies.

I stay on the land of Kirigakure for a month.

I catch fishes and cooked them to calm my hungry.

I eat Apples and oranges if I found them , Onigiri is famous here they are like rice balls portable and easy-to-carry option for ninja on the move. They are made by shaping cooked rice into triangular or cylindrical shapes and often filled with various ingredients such as pickled plum (umeboshi), fish, or seaweed.

I don't let my body get weak as all this time I use weight on my legs and hands to do training while catching fishes.

Regular exercise and perfecting Susanoo as i always do.

Now I am trying to use keke gankai jutsu's well it hard because it will make after combining 2 or more elements.

But I am getting a hand on all of the elements.

When I was fighting with snakes on Ryuchi cave I do goes on full physical strength but still my body can't able to keep up with me so I have to train more.

When i enter sage mode and try to fight with them on pure physical strength I do gain advantage because of it but I have many flaws also.

As Obito decided to train himself more and more from before...