
Reincarnation as Obito Uchiha

What will happens if a Naruto fan transmigrated to the Naruto world in the body of Obito Uchiha... as one of the main antagonist of the series Obito now play with the timeline and re-write the entire series. Timeline will be same but situation will be different. Dark character , R-18 scenes inculcated , Over powerd Obito , Uchiha clan heritage , love+hate , fight scenes included , romance as well massacre.

Suryaputra_Karan · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Capturing 3 tails , fighting with kiri Shinobis

Obito wait for a few minutes as he make a thousands of shadow clones and let some of them enter sage mode.

( Fighting is currently taking place inside the hidden mist village , inside a big island which has large lake in middle of it. Isobu also known as 3 tails is resting at the centre at the lowest level on the ground )

( Fight with Isobu 3 tailed beasts )

Obito knows 3 tails strength as he has seen him fighting in anime series , obito's 10 shadow clones that are nearest to Isobu quickly each of them took out a scroll make some hand signs and a great invisible seal barrier like a prison takes place.

Isobu look around his surroundings as he can now sense the fluctuations in space and time.

Obito with no further delay commands his shadow clones to step away a few metres.

Just as they steps away Isobu use his Great Roar that repel the water thousand of meter away creates small hurricanes 10 meter's of area near 3 tails get cracked.

A few handful clones of Obito got vanished because of intense pressure and as they were near Isobu.

Without any delay Obito used wood style jutsu to near the gap between clones and Isobu and to trap Isobu's 2 Hands.

Isobu use his illusionary Mist technique to try to hide his presence and senses of enemy direction ( generally a Genjutsu ).

But to his bad luck the one he is fighting against is Obito Uchiha , obito Mangekyo sharingan easily see through his illusions as the 5 clones near Isobu display 2 stage Susanoo ( close to form a complete Susanoo ).

Isobu use Water Release: Great Water Mass Bullet from his mouth and release 5 big size water bullet towards the direction of 5 Susanoo's.

Obito's Susanoo's were in water so because of water pressure they starts to fall backwards as they try to go up against the pressure and the flow of water with taking the damage from water bullet head on.

Isobu look at the seen with his one eye as his other one is closed , looking at the enemies falling backwards he try to move his Hands so he can get away from here.

To his surprise 5 more Susanoo appears behind him and throw their shuriken at him and then with their 2 sided sword quickly swim towards him.

What's more surprising for him is many enemies i.e Obito clones attack him from below with enough strength to even make a 3 tailed tail beast fall.

Isobu looking at the situation that is not in his favour try to make a tailed beat ball as he takes all the attack from the enemies on his body.

All the 15 Shuriken ( each SuSanoo can draw 3 ) that SuSanoo throw attack at Isobu back.

Some of the Clone who attack Isobu with physical strength by kicks or punches got coral on their body and vanished.

As All the 5 Susanoo's big sword landed on Isobu's back he released his tailed beast ball infront.

Obito a little far away without any harm or pressure that can be caused by the current fighting of his clones with Isobu , see the tailed beast ball is about to explode.

Quickly Obito use kamui on the entire tailed beast ball although this cost quite a bit of chakra.

Isobu also sees that the tailed beats ball he made vanished.

Quickly he without any delay use his full physical strength to let his hands be free from the wood thing and cover his body in a circle shape , he use Leaping Bullet Shell Tower.

As he starts to quickly run away a hundreds of meters in a mere second after then he use his space time ability to hide himself in pocket dimension.

But everything changed as sudden he feels something wrong.

Something very wrong.

Suddenly the scene in his view changed what he saw is many red colour chain is on his body , he try to move but it all for nothing he can't even move. ( Adamantine Sealing Chains )

As the view changed he find himself back in the place where he was before, what's more there are 1-1 large swords stick to each of his 3 tail , 1 on each hands and 5 on each side of his large shell.

He is completely trapped ( obito use Genjutsu on him with the help of his Mangekyo sharingan when their eyes first met after binding both of his hand by wood release jutsu ).

Obito use his Nine tailed beasts seal ( Eight tailed beast formation currently incomplete version ) as his many clones take out scroll by using their Chakra in it.

As Obito clones started to vanishes because they are pouring all of their chakras on the scroll.

The 3 tailed beast Isobu now going inside Real Obito body ( his stomach where the Seal lie )

Isobu try to move to get away but to his surprise his body can't able resist even a little bit.

"I use a month to prepare for today" Obito said while still being catious , because he knows this movement will surely be visible to Kiri ninjas.

( Sure as many Kiri Ninja's starts to run towards Obito and Isobu direction ).

Now Isobu is inside Obito and in cage ( like kurama in Naruto ) , Obito released all the shadow clone as he starts to swim to go above the water surface.

He can't stay under water any longer as he needs to breath so far he only trap Isobu in his Genjutsu and quickly try to seal him.

It takes a large amount of chakra to perform multiple clones , Susanoo , Sealing formation , Andamantine sealing chain , etc.

Obito Chakra reserves are now deplited quite a lot but it still more then enough to deal with the lots of them.

Obito comes out of the lake as he use the basic jutsu to stand above the water.

Quickly start to meditate to gain nature energy to restore his chakra and also to enter sage mode again.

To Obito surprise many Kiri Ninja's already found his exact location.

Kirin ninjas ( Shinobis of Hidden Mist Village ) they are ruthless why because they has to kill their teammates to become a Ninja.

In a few minutes atleast a hundred Ninja Shinobi of Kirigakure ( hidden mist ) surrounding Obito.

What they saw is a man with orange mask with only 1 eye who wield a Gunbai wearing full body purple colour cloak.

Before a ninja from the mist village can even open his mouth to say something obito use his mangekyo sharingan to cast a powerful Genjutsu.

5 members of Kirigakure including the one in front fall under his Genjutsu , they all turne back and started to attack their comrades.

"Stay focused they are under illusion" one of the Ninja from Kirigakure shouted our loud.

"Dance with them" obito said as he make ten clones using water release.

Soon a small fight starts as 10 on obito's clone fighting with Kirigakure Ninja's on the back in front they are trying to stop their own comrades.

To Obito surprise this Kirigakure Ninja's after seen no hope kill their own teammates mercilessly as they quickly started to run towards him.

They can perform water release jutsu some of the few can even perform Ice release , Many use sword and kunai look like they are proficient in Kenjutsu.

Their every move is full of ruthlessness as the sign of stealth is embed on it they are more like assassination nins.

"Good they can entertain me a little" Obito said as he starts to move as well.

Obito quickly open the 2 inner gate (Gate of healing) , his body strength, speed , and reflexes heightened to another level as he also is in sage mode.

The Kirigakure Ninja's made a big circle and Obito is in the middle of it.

Obito quickly make 3 shadow clone using multi-shadow clones jutsu.

First one use Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique.

Second use Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere.

Third one use Lightning Ball

All jutsu released at lot's of Kirigakure Ninja's.

Kirigakure Ninja's also understand the situation they are in as they all enter the fighting mode.

Using water release jutsu to avoid getting injured or killed.

Some use water clone technique, a few go under the water , a few water style jutsu to block the attack , some try to dodge.

To their surprise those who try to block the Wind Cutter jutsu end in their after life because the wind cutter is so powerful that its slashes everything that comes in its way and finally at the end cut the opponent down.

A few Shinobi's from Kirigakure die instantly.

On the other side things are going smoothly as all of them engaged with the clones , even if they are fighting with the clones Obito clones are on whole another level but to their surprise one of their comrades die without physical harm their eyes can see. What they don't know that Obito's limbo clone is killing them. ( Obito use his Rinnegan eye ability )

Obito also run towards the nearest Kirigakure Ninja as he use his bare fist to attack , Obito speed is so fast that that Kirigakure Ninja before seeing him got himself been fall backwards several meters away as an intense pain from the stomach cause him to lose consciousness.

The shinobi's who jump to dodge Obito clones attack , white Zetsu that all the time stick to Obito's body shapeshift himself and make a sharp shape edge like cone and with lightning fast speed instantly goes into there respective direction.

Before the Kiri Ninja's can do anything White Zetsu sharp edges penetrated inside their heart killing all the shinobis all together.

A few minutes passed away ,

Obito release all the Shadow clone and water clone that he make , we can see the lake becomes slightly red as hundred of Kirigakure Ninja's bodies can be found dead floating above the water surface.

Obito already sensed that few team consisting of 7-10 members coming into his direction from 3 different sides.

They are still afar and it will take atleast a few more minutes before they can come here.

Obito look around seeing with his mangekyo sharingan that if any trace of him being left after a few seconds of searching and with rinnegan looking out cautiously that if any Kirigakure Ninja remain alive.

Obito confirm that no one is left alive he then look towards the incoming team of high level jonins of Kirigakure Ninja's and use kamui to teleport himself away.

( A few minutes after )

The team of High level Jonins finally arrived at the location from 3 different side they all investigate the surrounding and dead shinobis with a surprise expression as they can't find clues of any enemies to confirm which nation it was.

All they could find it the dead bodies mercilessly lying floating above the lake.

We can Obito in his kamui world dimension meditating to gather chakra...

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