
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Two days later, a protracted battle took place on the border of Black Wind Mountain. The Blood Gorilla is one of the most dangerous beasts of the first level of Ling, which is famous for its strong muscles and strong paws. He also fought against two young disciples of the Yun Hai Sect: a beautiful, gentle-looking girl and a tall, thin guy with a wooden spear. In the vicinity, two other students were watching the scene, keeping a close eye on the safety of their companions.

The gorilla howled in a loud roar, looking red-eyed at its opponents. The monster felt that its opponents were at the Ki stage, so, ignoring all the dangers, it rushed at the guy and the girl, threatening to crush them with its paws.

"Go ahead, Jing Yun!" Po Jun said in a distant voice. His spear began to glow with crushing Qi, becoming heavier and heavier.

Nodding, the girl held out her hand, releasing her spirit. There was a flexible and soft wave, in which even the crumbs of water power taken from the atmosphere were felt. The stream enveloped the running gorilla, tying it tightly with water ropes.

The animal began to struggle with all its might, spreading its animal Qi. Sweating profusely, Jing Yun continued to hold on to the beast with all her strength, waiting for her new companion's move.

Po Jun did not disappoint anyone, instantly sending a spear projectile straight into the gorilla's chest. The flaming weapon tore a huge hole in the beast's body, killing it instantly. The red eyes, steeped in rage and hatred, went out, announcing victory to everyone.

"Jing Yun, Po Jun, you're doing great!" Lin Feng came out of hiding, giving two thumbs up.

"My Yun has become much stronger, her water control is really good. Even now, she is able to unconsciously control the power of water. I think by breaking through to Ling Qi, she will be able to completely subdue the force in space. Po Jun is definitely capable of more. He has developed sensory senses and excellent spear skills. The guy has a lot of potential! " - the main character nodded contentedly, recognizing the abilities of both participants in the battle.

"Lin Feng is right, your potential is even higher than mine! The big man agreed in a clear voice. In their group, the oldest was Han Man, who would soon turn 19. At his age, there are many students who have achieved great success.

– Why do I need your confession?" I came here for resources, " Po Jun said coldly as he collected the treasure from the gorilla carcass. He didn't care about other people's opinions, he was a person who needed to constantly develop.

- Don't be so cold with your friends! Jing Yun replied in an instructive tone as she clung to Lin Feng's arm.

"No need, Yun... okay, let's get ready for the exam, or we'll be late because of this hunt!" He warned the others as he stepped forward and activated the world of darkness.

With the help of the heavenly spirit, he could see all the nearby territory; the guy easily led himself and his friends out of the dense forest of Black Wind Mountain.

On the approach to the Storm Gorge, Lin Feng stopped to tell his comrades all the information.

– I guess every one of you knows about the Patriarch's mysterious disciple, right?" - the main character asked the guys.

"Good! he continued, receiving a sign of agreement. – I want to say that I am the student.

With his arms outstretched and his eyes closed, Lin Feng expected a lot of things, including shocked exclamations or a stream of questions, but to his surprise, all he heard was Han Man's laughter.

– And? - the guy looked at his friends with bewilderment.

"Lin Feng, no offense, but we are your friends, we understood everything from the beginning –" Jing Yun explained, barely suppressing a harmless chuckle.

Po Jun, who had recently joined their team, only raised an eyebrow, mentally confirming his guess. Lin Feng had seemed familiar to him from the start with his build and hair.

Seeing the break in the Chinese pattern with his own eyes, Lin Feng was truly stunned. After waiting for Han Man to stop laughing and calm down, the main character asked one question:

"Po Jun, what is your true spirit?" Lin Feng asked in an interested voice. They fought side by side for several days, but the thin guy always hid his true strength by using only a spear.

Han Man and Jing Yun had also been gnawing at this question, but they were too uncomfortable to be interested in it. Lin Feng once again revealed his frivolous side, not afraid to ask his new acquaintance about his personal matters.

Instead of answering, Po Jun released his strength, turning his thin arm into tree roots. The wood began to weave together, forming a long spear. After the cultivator's mental signal, the hand returned to its original position again.

"Tree spirit!" said Lin Feng in amazement. Before his eyes floated Hashirama Senju from the anime "Naruto", who because of his element of wood was one of the most powerful characters. It was in his power to create wooden structures with a height of several hundred meters!

"If Po Jun can unleash the full potential of his spirit, then he will definitely become an apostle of nature!»

After learning about the abilities of the new comrade, the friends immediately rushed to the Arena of Life and Death, where today's exam will be held.

After covering a couple of kilometers, they came to a huge crowd of people.

Mingling in the crowd, standing shoulder to shoulder with many other practitioners, Lin Feng and his companions began to observe what was happening in the arena. The exam did not represent any complex tests. Fight and win. If you lose,your reputation will be destroyed.

At the top of the Gorge, there was a platform with the most important people of the entire Yun Hai Sect. Patriarch Nan Gong Ling, along with Grand Elder Mo Kang Lang, were looking for Lin Feng. Finally noticing him with the other students, they nodded to each other, looking forward to our main character's exit.

Liu Fei was also nearby and was looking for Lin Feng with her light brown eyes. Seeing him conversing in the company of a girl, a strange feeling of jealousy appeared in her heart, spreading throughout her soul. Exasperated, she went to the vacant arena to quickly obtain the title of Elite Disciple.

Liu Fei walked to the platform with a calm step, went up to the stage, drawing her bow: many fans of the girl immediately became active, starting to watch her beauty with breathless eyes.

Among the Elite students, there was a daredevil of the first level who was not afraid to lose shamefully to the female sex in case of something. After entering the arena and nodding to Liu Fei, he immediately rushed towards it, releasing the fire spirit. But before the guy could really close the distance, he already got an arrow under his feet. The shock wave from the explosion carried him off the stage, instantly disabling him.

The crowd broke into a standing ovation. The girl's arrows were so deadly that a single shock wave from their explosion could incapacitate a Lin Qi level practitioner.

Protector Bey, watching from his pavilion, nodded with a smile, proud that the daughter of his disciple Liu Kang Lang had reached great heights. However, he soon became gloomy. Realizing that in the future she would go to the capital, the Guardian let out a frustrated sigh, hoping that Liu Fei would be able to deal with all the rabble of the Imperial City.

The girl herself did not become proud of herself. Her goals in life are quite different. Since she was a child, she had been training to grow up to be a strong cultivator and help her father on the battlefield. All the attentions from the other students made her wildly angry, forcing her to hide in the mountains. The girl was a tomboy with a belligerent nature, and she didn't want to waste time on romance. However, Lin Feng was able to attract her. It was he who gave her a second purpose in life.

Liu Fei wanted to defeat him. That was her new goal. She wanted to give it her all, to show him her true strength. As she walked down the steps from the arena, she looked at Lin Feng to see his reaction. The guy did not ignore her gaze, giving her the most charming smile of all possible. However, distracted by a push in the shoulder, the main character saw a haughty and so familiar guy. He walked straight towards Liu Fei, flashing a nasty smile.

Recognizing that Yu Hao was ready to kill him for no reason at a single command, Lin Feng's face broke into an evil smile. After notifying his friends of his imminent battle, he flashed his red eyes as he walked towards the direction of the stage. As soon as he was on the platform, he immediately attracted the attention of the audience. The unusual appearance of the young man, coupled with a militant aura, gave him a strong fighter. Nan Gong Ling and Mo Kang Lang waited with interest for further developments, looking forward to a great fight.

Turning to face the crowd, Lin Feng immediately announced his intentions in a clear voice.

"Yu Hao, little dog, come out here and die!" his cold and murderous gaze swept over all the students, eventually finding its target.

- Ha-ha-ha. Are you sure?" You jerk! Who are you to humiliate me?! Yu Hao asked in a furious tone.

The people were amazed, considering Lin Feng's actions insane. On the exam, the weakest students are usually called to battle, thus ensuring a hundred percent success. However, the young man managed to challenge a far from weak Elite Practitioner. Being on the Ling Qi layer, Yu Hao could be considered a strong middle-class in the ranking of all the Elite, but there was no denying his brilliant skills, coupled with the spirit of the sword.

"I'm Lin Feng!" The main character replied in a dispassionate and calm tone. Having calmed his fleeting anger, he was ready to put things in order on the stage.

- WHAT?! the crowd exclaimed. Many believed that Lin Feng had died at the hands of his relative and would never return to the sect.

"Ha ha ha," Yu Hao burst out with a haughty laugh, spreading murderous intent – " I seem to remember you. You're the trash of the whole sect, aren't you? Back then, I just felt sorry for you, you fool, but now don't expect mercy!

After entering the arena, Yu Hao began to release Level 2 Ling Qi energy, exerting incredible pressure on the crowd of ordinary students. Just recently, he was able to break through to a new level, so he was completely confident in his abilities. Chuckling with an evil look, the guy took out his sword, intending to behead the main character.

– You and I weren't enemies, but you attacked me to curry favor with Liu Fei. Lin Feng began to tell the details of the conflict, acting as the judge who passes the sentence.

– So what?! I'm a swordsman! In my great hands is life and death, " Yu Hao whispered in a strangled tone at the end, looking with dull eyes at the sword sticking out of his neck. Just a second ago, Lin Feng was calmly standing 50 meters away from him. Not expecting such speed, Yu Hao couldn't even react to the attack, slowly choking on the blood in his lungs. The scarlet liquid slowly dripped from the sword, giving the weapon a more charming and intimidating appearance.

Silence spread throughout the Gorge. Everyone in the territory was shocked by the swift execution of Yu Hao. The crowd had expected something quite different, but Lin Feng demonstrated demonic speed, crossing dozens of meters in an instant. Nan Gong Ling and Mo Kang Lang were amazed at such a brutal murder, however, there was no trace of disappointment on their faces, rather its complete opposite. They prided themselves on such a quick and instant attack.

"Sword master?" Lin Feng snorted coldly, " just the stupid bragging of a worthless cultivator!

After bowing to the Patriarch and the elders, the protagonist descended from the arena, spreading an even more belligerent aura.

While walking down the stone stairs, Lin Feng suddenly sensed a presence behind him. Using the Geppo, he instantly jumped into the air and made a 180-degree turn. Near the steps was a giant with short purple hair. It was more than two meters tall and towered over everyone in the sect. The giant had an indifferent look on his face as Lin Feng descended from the sky.

"He is very dangerous and very strong!" - the main character soberly assessed the situation, fully analyzing the possible enemy. The abnormally tall guy was young – no older than 18. He was at the peak of the third level of the Ling Qi stage and had the ability to defeat stronger practitioners.

The others were also startled by the Giant's appearance. Everyone in Yun Hai knew his identity. Nan Gong Ling stopped exuding an aura of relaxation and began to watch the interaction of the two geniuses expectantly.

"You have perfectly developed instincts," the tall guy praised Lin Feng, exuding a poisonous pressure from his huge body.

"Who are you?" - the main character asked in a calm tone, realizing that as long as the Patriarch is around, it is unlikely that there will be someone who will harm him.

"Wen Ren Yang, the best Elite Student –" the giant introduced himself with arrogance.

"Heh," Lin Feng chuckled strangely, " so what does the strongest Elite disciple want from me?"

– I suggest you join my faction. Yu Hao was in it, but you brutally killed him. I'm willing to turn a blind eye to this if you take responsibility for your actions! Wen Ren Yang said with a cheeky smile. His acid-green eyes glowed with a mysterious light at this conversation. Viewers had mixed and conflicting feelings on the Giant's proposal. Being under the wing of such a strong disciple is definitely prestigious, but they want to hang a stupid crime on Lin Feng, hinting that if he refuses, he will face a difficult future.

"I have taken my revenge," Lin Feng replied dispassionately, turning his back on Wen Ren Yang. He completely ignored the strongest of the Elites, leaving to join his friends.

To the surprise of many, the Giant simply smiled a calm and understanding smile, disappearing like a mirage in the desert.

Nan Gong Ling let out a long sigh, complaining about the fate of the villain. Wen Ren Yang is not just an Elite disciple. His teacher is the Protector, who leads the most reclusive lifestyle in the entire sect, surpassing even the Guardian Kong in this. None of the ordinary students saw him. The Protector is the wife of the late Head of Yun Hai. By passing on her knowledge to Wen Ran Yang, the old woman helped him reach his full potential, allowing him to become the leader of the Elite Students.

Returning to his companions, Lin Feng slapped Han Man on the shoulder, bringing him out of his agitated state.

"Stop shaking, big guy, get into the fight!" The main character admonished him as he pushed Han Man onto the stage.

"The Imperial clan is much more dangerous than Wen Ren Yang. It is the Duan clan that is my biggest problem in the Xue Yue Kingdom, " Lin Feng thought with a nagging pain in his chest. He felt that disaster was coming.

With a full breath of fresh air, Han Man walked with confident steps into the arena. The people cheered up when they saw that Lin Feng's close friend was coming to fight. So far, no one has been able to identify the real level of the main character's strength. He was a real mystery to the audience. Thus, people became terribly jealous of Han Man and the rest of the guys. Everyone would like to be a close companion of a brilliant genius.

After stepping onto the platform, the big man walked to the middle, looking at the crowd of Elite Practitioners.

"Heh-heh-heh." I completely forgot to pick my opponent before the exam started. Can someone with a second level come out against me? Han Man asked, chuckling awkwardly.

Hearing his suggestion, the crowd stared blankly. Everyone is speechless – this is the first time such a frivolous fool has appeared before their eyes.

"Ha ha ha," Jing Yun laughed sweetly, and the rest of the audience followed her.

"You're making a show of it!" An arrogant voice rang out. A large young man leaped onto the stage next. People immediately recognized him as a talented practitioner who had entered the Elite Class a year ago, Chin Xing.

"Oh, so you want to fight?" Thank you, " Han Man thanked him, releasing his spirit.

"Fool, your friend has called our faction's reputation into question. Wen Ren Yang, brother, watch him fly out of the arena crippled! he announced, releasing his spirit stone.

The rubble spread all over the boy's body, turning him into stone like a Golem. Walking with heavy steps, he covered half the distance without much trouble. Han Man was surrounded by a dense brown aura, forming a protective armor. Using the Power of the Earth, he easily took on the attack of the stone fists. However, instead of flying out of the territory, he continued to stand firmly in his place. Jin Sin hesitated, realizing that he couldn't move Han Man no matter how hard he tried. The crowd also did not understand what was happening, waiting for further developments.

"He controls the force!" the Patriarch marveled. His disciple's friend was also not weak, demonstrating excellent control over the earth spirit. Right now, Nan Gong Ling was in a blissful state, imagining how Yun Hai would rise with such talents. It seems that the sect is thriving, but this is a misconception. With each generation, the strength of the disciples decreased and decreased. But this period gave the Patriarch many different talents, definitely making it a better year.

"I'm sorry, but I'm stronger!" With a cry of joy, Han Man raised his heavy fist full of Qi and smashed it directly into Chen Xing's head, sending him into a deep sleep.

The crowd was already dumbfounded. Suddenly, the frivolous fool was quite strong, knocking out a famous Elite disciple with a single punch!

"Han Man has become much stronger. Developing further, he will definitely be able to conquer the entire earth under his feet, " Lin Feng thought with a smile about the big man's future success. He didn't want to protect his friends forever, he wants them to also grow stronger by tempering their characters.

"We're the Elite now, Lin Feng!" We are destined to fight in the name of the sect! Heh-heh – heh, " Han Man came up to his comrades and began to make a fool of himself.

"Stop now, warrior, first we need to get the Elite Apprentice uniforms," Lin Feng reminded him, shaking his head but with amusement in his voice.

"Then," Han Man lightly put aside all the worries, " let's watch the rest of the battles!"