
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


– Our Yun Hai Sect welcomes you, Chu Zhang Peng. Your spirit is truly the fastest I've ever seen. Very impressive! Patriarch Nan Gong Ling said as he came forward and greeted the young man.

"In a fight, Ling Hu doesn't stand a chance. There is no suitable disciple in the sect to fight him. Lin Feng has incomparable potential and promises to grow into a very powerful practitioner, but right now he is too weak."

"Patriarch, you flatter me. The girl who flew in with me is Ling Qian's junior disciple. Not long ago, she broke through to the Ling Qi stage and asked me to accompany her to your sect in order to gain combat experience in battle. I hope you will help and provide the student with an equal opponent, " Chu Zhang Peng introduced his friend to everyone with a grin.

My cousin was a beautiful young girl with hair as red as flame. Especially prominent in her appearance was her size 4 breasts, which attracted the lustful glances of the guys. With her sweet smile, she tried to hide the arrogance in her eyes. But I know perfectly well the true nature of such bitches that hide behind the backs of rich and successful guys. Their soul is ugly and envious. This Chu Zhang Peng has fallen for a pretty face and is now most likely under her control. Great! My first serious enemy in this world turned out to be a typical heel!

Ling Qian wants to test his strength on some live pear, right? As the saying goes, anyone who sows the seeds of evil opens the gates of his own destruction. Of course, it would be nice to rest first, but since it was a chance to fight a practitioner at the Ling Qi stage, I would not want to miss it.

My cousin walked to the center of the arena, giving the crowd a provocative look. The elite students looked at each other in silence and decided who would shed blood in the sparring. One tough guy, whose name I remember as Chen Xing, was about to enter the battlefield, but I beat him to it by stepping lightly into the arena. It's funny that Ling Qian will know defeat at my hands much sooner than I thought.

"Apprentice, are you sure?" The Patriarch asked me with the utmost seriousness.

However, this question is just a formality on the part of the Head. Nan Gong Ling is well aware that I have complete confidence in my actions, and the nod I gave without hesitation only confirmed his thoughts.

Lin Feng stopped some distance away from Lin Qian. The ordinary students burst into heated discussions. They were very interested to see Patriarch Yun Hai's only disciple in action, but when the main character revealed his cultivation stage, people thought he was crazy.

– He's a real madman!" Where did he go against the cultivator Ling Qi?! the students exclaimed.

"Patriarch, are you sure?" I have no doubt that you will be able to save him if anything happens, but his loss will be bad for the prestige of the sect! Elder Mo Qi asked with concern.

"Son, don't you dare question the wisdom of the Head! Mo Kang Lan shouted at his son. Mo Qi paused in shame and began to observe the actions taking place in the arena.

- Level 9 Ki? I wanted a worthy opponent for the battle, and you are too weak for me! Lin Qian said with annoyance.

The scarlet hair changed its color, becoming snow-white. The girl waved her hand, and a stream of frosty air headed towards Lin Feng. The latter, seeing the approaching attack, did not evade, but simply continued to walk at a calm pace. A small snowstorm instantly covered the figure of the guy, making him an ice sculpture. The people were excited to see the girl's demonstrated strength.

– Her ice spirit is very strong. She really has a high natural talent! Mo Qi exclaimed in alarm. The elite disciple Hao Yue had slain the Patriarch's personal disciple with a single attack! If she knew about this outside of the sect, Yun Hai would be quickly disgraced by the competition.

Every person was born with a spirit. The strength of the spirit depends on the level of cultivation, innate abilities, combat techniques, as well as many variables that make it impossible to develop without the right basics. For example, two cultivators of the same level have an identical fire spirit, but one of them will release a stronger fire because he surpasses his opponent in natural talent.

With her nose in the air, Ling Qian was about to gracefully approach the cold statue, but in an instant, it was covered in cracks and shattered into pieces. Lin Feng, as if nothing had happened to him, continued walking towards the girl. A dark brown aura surrounded him, and every step left cracks in the stone platform. Everyone looked at this scene with shock, even Mo Kang Lan and Nan Gong Lin were pleasantly surprised. Chu Zhangpeng no longer looked relaxed, his brows furrowed, and his body tensed to help his girlfriend if anything happened. Seeing the actions of Hao Yue's best disciple, the Patriarch also prepared to fight if the situation took an unexpected turn.

Anger took over the girl as soon as she came out of her confusion. Her snow-white hair had changed to a bright scarlet. She held out her hands, and the flames leaped out. The boiling element was heading towards Lin Feng. Crossing his arms, the guy took all the damage. Under the anger, Ling Qian's spirit became especially violent, the earth's power could barely withstand the waves of fire, it seemed that just a little more, and the Qi defense would be broken in an instant under the flow of flames, however, the dark brown aura became even denser and easily withstood the attack of the fire spirit. Lin Feng dashed out of his seat and reached his sister in one fell swoop. When the fist that contained a lot of power was about to hit Lin Qian, she suddenly disappeared from her seat.

– Chu Zhang Peng, who gave you permission to enter the junior battle?" Nan Gong Ling's eyes glowed with a purple light. Standing on the ground, he was like a taut arrow and was ready to break at any moment and rush at the enemy.

"Hmph," one of the country's strongest disciples snorted as he descended from the air to the ground, holding the pale girl in his arms, " Even though Lin Qian lost this battle, she is a talent with two spirits! I just didn't want the future of my sect to be hurt.

– A cultivator with two strong spirits in Xue Yue is very rare, but a practitioner who can defeat such a person while being at a lower stage is even rarer, isn't it?" Head Yun Hai spoke with pride as he exalted his disciple.

The crowd, watching the feuds between the two important figures of the empire, broke into a discussion, fully agreeing with the words of the Patriarch. Chu Zhang Peng's face darkened, it was not profitable for him to conflict in someone else's territory. If a battle broke out, he would be overwhelmed by overwhelming numbers.

– My arrival here isn't just about gaining combat experience for a junior apprentice. From Lin Qian got a cousin by the name of Lin Feng, which cultivates in your territory. He is a real nut who humiliates the elders and attacks the members of his own family. I hope Yun Hai will deliver it to me. I wouldn't want such a loser to disgrace your sect! Chu Zhang Peng's eyes flashed insidiously.

Nan Gong Lin and Mo Kang Lan didn't even raise an eyebrow at this statement, for both of them, the guy's words were the ravings of a madman. Ling Feng has a calm and reasonable personality, and would never attack other people without a proper reason. Putting such an extraordinary talent in mortal danger would be the stupidest decision in the life of a Patriarch and a Grand Elder.

Finally, the scoundrel revealed the true purpose of his arrival. Everything that happened before is just a prologue to the most important thing. Ling Qian is determined to take revenge on me, but the main question is what to take revenge for?! My father, Lin Hai, defeated his brother fairly, no tricky manipulations and punches from the back, just pure superior strength! My cousin does not need the post of head, I have not seen in her personality any leaps to power. She just grabs the ephemeral "honor", because she has no more.

– Chu Zhang Peng, where does your courage come from for such an impudent request?" Nan Gong Ling said with cold fury. A murderous aura erupted from his body. All the students turned pale, and even I began to have difficulty breathing.

Feathery was well aware that if he asked me directly to give him me, he would receive an immediate refusal, which was why he chose his words cunningly so that the clan would not lose face. Maybe in some parallel universe, he could have taken my carcass, but in this universe, such a cunning plan would not work! The Patriarch and the Grand Elder will never give me up to his dirty and treacherous hands.

– I'm going out on a limb for a particular purpose. Maybe I should still share my experience with your students? It would certainly benefit all of us. Chu Zhang Peng suggested with palpable tension. After placing Ling Qian on the ground, the guy easily pushed off the ground, floating smoothly in the midst of a bright and sharp aura. He wanted to provoke the sect into battle and show his superiority.

Taking to the air, Nan Gong Ling also kept up with the instigator of the conflict. Purple radiation spread out in waves across the sky. The confrontation of spiritual halos heated up the situation, and many students, including me, were mesmerized by the confrontation between the two practitioners of the Xuan Qi stage.

– I think we're done for the day." The disciples of my sect should train more, so that they can finally give one of the strongest disciples of the empire a good fight. If we have a chance to fight later, I'll be happy to let you know. The Patriarch replied in a cold tone. It is clear that the Head of all forces did not want to cross the line, because the war with the best student Hao Yue does not bode well for Yun Hai.

Ling Qian's face twisted when she heard the rejection. After all, she flew here for a long time to get back at me for some ghostly humiliation, and in the end, she, along with her personal heel, is simply kicked out.

"Patriarch Nan Gong Ling ..." Chu Zhang Peng wanted to repeat his shameless request, but was immediately rudely interrupted.

– All the disciples of Hao Yue Sect don't value their lives?" Does Dear Chu want me to repeat myself? The man stopped hiding the threat in his voice, starting to let out even more fighting intent, so the guy quickly realized that it was time for them to leave.

Although the Hao Yue Sect is more powerful than the Yun Hai Sect, but in someone else's territory, Peng had no chance to win. He should be well aware that not only the Patriarch in this place had reached the Xuan Qi stage. I'm sure Protector Bey and Protector Kong are on the same level as Nan Gong Lin. There is not a single Yun Hai representative in the ranking of the best students, but the Head and Guardians can suppress half of the practitioners from this list with just a single amount.

"Well, in that case, we have to leave you," Chu Zhang Peng descended from heaven to earth with a tight smile. Picking up Ling Qian and releasing the spirit of the Roc bird, he flew high into the sky, creating a hurricane wind behind him. The wind was so strong that many people could not stand on their feet.

"In the future, I will repay you for today's humiliation, Patriarch Yun Hai –" the grim voice of the owner of the big chicken spirit resounded throughout the gorge like a bolt from the blue.

"Lin Feng, I hope you can hear me, because during the annual meeting of our clan, I will personally kill you. The sect won't be able to cover up your cowardly self forever. Ling Qian's voice was followed by an angry and threatening voice.

A cold smile crept over my face as I watched the two flying figures fly away. The meeting went as planned. The fight was quite intense. The qi of the earth, as expected, has wonderful protective properties. The full power of Ling Qi's Level 1 cultivator didn't leave any injuries on me. Although I am sure that my body would have withstood a very hot flame, but it would not have been without burnt flesh. Cousin-cousin, eh, you can't scare me with empty threats. There's about a month left until the annual meeting, which is enough time for me to break through to the Ling Qi stage. The Dark spirit can safely be called the most amazing spirit in the world, and upon awakening, it changes its shadow form to a heavenly book with unparalleled abilities. Each page is a separate amazing skill that is not available to ordinary practitioners. And Indra's eyes are a separate topic altogether. Sharingan circumvents the laws of this world. I wonder what talents do I get awakened mangekyo.

"Students, elders, you may leave now. Come back! The crowd hurried to disperse, so as not to fall under the Patriarch's hot hand – " Lin Feng, in 5 years, you should be as strong as Chu Zhang Peng!"

- 5 years is too long. I promise I'll surpass him in a year, Chief! I replied in a determined voice.

"Hmm," Nan Gong Ling mused, " that's right, I underestimate you too much. Your fight with that girl impressed me. Do you want to tell me the essence of your conflict with her?

– There's nothing overwhelming or secret about it. Ling Qian is just my cousin. Her father wants to oust my father as the Head of the Lin Clan – " While we were talking, I noticed that all the people had left the Gorge, leaving me alone with the Patriarch and the Grand Elder, so without too much worry, I finally took off my mask.

– I've seen a lot of similar confrontations between relatives in my time. That girl promised to kill you at the annual meeting, so I guess you're not going to miss it, are you?" The Grand Elder chimed in.

"What else?" I've never just run away from a battlefield. If I'm going to fight Ling Qian a hundred more times, then so be it.

"Ha ha ha," Nan Gong Lin laughed, and Mo Kang Lan also laughed – " Fighter, you should rest first.

Heh. The patriarch is right, after such events, I feel wildly tired. Physically, I am healthy as a bull, ready to run at least a dozen kilometers, but mentally... I want to lie down in a coffin to sleep it off. I don't know what Jing Yun is doing there right now, but I don't think she would mind my visiting her. After one night with her, I realized how bad it was to sit and cultivate alone. Yes, and to Han Manu, too, it is necessary to go, hunting animals in the company will be a good rest from practicing on the stone floor.