
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


The force was like a liquid spreading throughout the entire space, and through the sharingan, it was clearly visible! Practitioners of the Ki stage are not even able to feel such an amazing thing, let alone use it. If it wasn't for the power, I wouldn't have had a chance to make those drums sound. By combining Rankyaku with Sword Qi, you can achieve awesome damage. Honestly, I'm surprised the drums held up at all. The one who made them was a true master of his craft. Sitting down and turning off the sharingan, I decided to take a breath while I had time. His entire body ached and trembled from the exertion, and his mind was exhausted from the excessive use of doujutsu. Oh, I'd like to be in bed with Jing Yun right now... However, one big problem loomed ahead. I'm sure Lin Qian and her boyfriend are on their way.

I sat in meditation to calm my mind and clear it of unnecessary thoughts, and at the same time I waited for the old man to come. A loud rumbling sound rang out in the room. The stone doors behind me opened. A silhouette appeared inside the doorway. The Keeper came into the room, a happy smile on his wrinkled face. He looked incredibly excited, his eyes were shining, and his figure was trembling, it seemed that just a little more, and he would begin to dance. Seeing the old man in such a state, a small chuckle escaped me. Still sitting on the cold floor, I decided to start the conversation first.

– I hope your sect will protect me now?" I say in a slightly insolent tone. I can afford it after passing the most difficult exam in the Abyss.

"Ha-ha-ha –" my question made the Guardian laugh, "but of course, the sect is not 'yours', but 'ours'." Boy, you'll make the best Patriarch in the history of Yun Hai!

- Stop, stop, stop! I didn't agree to this! – followed in response to my sincere indignation. They want to make me the Head of a sect without asking my opinion. What's the point of becoming a Patriarch if Yun Hai is destroyed in the future anyway, and I don't even have the strength to save her?

Taking out a jar full of some pills and handing them to me, the old man did not dig in and continue the conversation on this topic, he only muttered something about my bright future.

– One pill is enough to heal deep wounds instantly. These pills are very valuable, and you may need them again.

As I popped the pill into my mouth, a pleasant and refreshing chill ran through my body. The wounds immediately began to heal. In less than five seconds, I was completely healthy.

"Thank you, Guardian," I said, bowing. I'm sure there are only a limited number of such pills in the sect, and the old man gave me a whole jar.

– You passed the exam, which means you deserve a little gift." However, don't tell everyone that you were able to pass the tests in the Abyss Cliff. Only the most important and trusted members of the sect should know about this.

"There has never been such a genius in Yun Hai. I hope that Lin Feng won't attract the attention of dangerous people before he fully blooms."

In the Xue Yue Kingdom, there were various sects as well as individuals that hunted down outstanding young practitioners in order to kill them before they could reach the peak of their strength.

It's not my style to brag about imaginary achievements. I always walk with my head held high, because I have the strength and potential! The status can save you from many problems, but not all of them.

Finally, we came out of the cave where the tests were conducted. There wasn't a soul around except for me and the Guardian, but the Latter raised his head and looked into the distance.

– Greetings, Patriarch, Protector Bey, and Grand Elder. Have you come to see the one who could make the drums sound?

I looked up and was shocked to see a huge white crane in the sky. It's one thing to know that such things happen, and another thing to see everything with your own eyes! Three silhouettes stood astride the bird. The flapping of the great wings sent up a gale-force wind. Finally, as the crane-like creature descended onto the rock, I was able to recognize one of the newcomers. It was the old man from the Singh Chen Pavilion! Right now, he was enveloped in a light aura of spirit.

Along with him on the bird, two important people of the sect also arrived. The middle-aged purple-haired man in the red robe was presumably the young Patriarch Yun Hai, and the gray-haired elder in the blue-colored clothes was probably the Grand Elder. At the moment, an overwhelming force was coming from them in waves.

"Let me introduce you all." My old friend who sits in the cave all the time is the protector of the sect. You, Lin Feng, can call him Protector Kong. I am also the protector of the sect, you can call me Protector Bey. The two who came with me are Grand Elder Mo Kang Lan, as well as Patriarch Nan Gong Lin! With amusement in his voice, Guardian Bey introduced each person here to me, and then turned to the last ones, " Patriarch, Elder, this young fellow who was able to pass the test has the honor of being called Lin Feng.

"Greetings to the Protector, the Patriarch, and the Grand Elder!" I made a slight bow to the three new arrivals.

Patriarch Nan Gong Ling stared intently at my figure. After a few seconds, a small smile appeared on his face.

– You have the purest energy and the strongest body of any Ki stage practitioner I've ever seen. I hope you don't disappoint all of us, " the Head nodded with satisfaction.

"I agree with you, Patriarch. It is felt that the boy has a great future. However, we need to hurry, Chu Zhang Peng has probably already arrived and is now terrorizing our students! Grand Elder Mo Kang Lan said tensely.

"Lin Feng, you're coming with us. It will be useful for you to watch the fights of our Elite disciples, as well as take a look at the strongest disciple of the Hao Yue sect. " the Patriarch said, looking me straight in the eye. The look in his eyes said he wouldn't take no for an answer.

I have no desire to be seen by Chu Zhang Peng. It's best when the enemy has no idea what you look like. Does not know your voice, your habits and habits. Ehh, I wish I could relax in the embrace of a soft girlish body, instead of watching one overly arrogant young master humiliate the sect you belong to! Shaking my head and pushing away the bad thoughts, I nodded to the Patriarch with a determined look.

"Can you help us get there quickly, Protector Bey?" Head Nan Gong Lin and I will be very grateful to you. The Grand Elder asked for help. Guardian Bey nodded, releasing his spirit.

We crept up on the bird, and prepared for flight. It was especially exciting for me. In my past world, all flights were exclusively on airplanes. There was not a single person who could soar into the heavens as a practitioner! Here, there are as many cultivators who can fly as there are ants on the ground. At the last moment before takeoff, I manage to nod to Protector Kong with a smile. The old man nodded back at me without saying a word and disappeared into the cave.

The spirit crane flapped its wings, creating a hurricane wave. The feeling that you are flying into the air, driven by an unknown force, is simply magnificent and unforgettable! Fresh air blows over your body, your eyes are turned to small dots on the ground, your emotions are bubbling with excitement! I closed my eyes and relaxed, enjoying the height and beauty of the blue sky. It feels like walking through the clouds! Flying on a technological transport could never give me such pleasure!

Several kilometers were covered in just a couple of tens of seconds. The spirit of the crane landed in the desert area of Yun Hai, where ordinary crooks usually did not look. After saying goodbye to Guardian Bey, we headed for the Gorge, where the unpleasant meeting would take place for me, but before the entrance itself, Nan Gong Ling took out a very ordinary-looking black mask written with various symbols from his bosom and handed it to me.

"This is for you, Lin Feng. With her, finding out your true identity will be much harder, so you will definitely not be disturbed in the future.

I bowed my thanks and put the mask on my face. It was not hot, it was well-ventilated, and it was quite comfortable.

A large number of onlookers gathered around the Arena of Life and Death. The students huddled close together, hoping to get a glimpse of the upcoming shows. The crowd was swaying like the waves of the ocean, and the noise that had been there since morning could be heard even far away from the arena. At first, everyone was alarmed by the shrill sound of the drums, but now the elders suddenly arranged an event in the depths of the Gorge.

– What's going on?" Why did the Elders suddenly gather? Someone in the crowd asked. Everyone present was slightly puzzled.

"Look over there!" One disciple pointed a finger at the tight-knit guy, " that's Senior Disciple Chen Xing!" Two months ago, he defeated an Elite Disciple and then took his place! What's he doing here?

– Who needs your Chen Xing?" Can't you see that the two strongest Elite disciples, Ling Hu and Tu Fu, have also arrived at the arena?

- What?! Are you saying that Ling Hu and Tu Fu are also here?! Some of the students exclaimed in shock.

The crowd was incredibly noisy, and many were happy to scratch their tongues and discuss all the possible reasons for the gathering of the sect's most famous personalities.

Tu Fu was known in Yun Hai as one of the strongest Elite disciples. As for Ling Hu, there wasn't a single disciple in the sect's territory who didn't know him as the strongest practitioner among the prestigious disciples. He surpassed everyone in cultivation, including a few elders. How could ordinary disciples remain calm, considering the fact that such people were standing in the Arena of Life and Death?! If they are gathered for a battle today, then this is a huge chance for people to take a look at the battles of high-level practitioners!

Suddenly, the elders parted, opening a passage for a group of three. The disciples were stunned and alarmed by the visit of the Grand Elder and Patriarch Yun Hai himself. If they have arrived at the meeting place, then today, perhaps, there will be events that will affect absolutely everyone in the sect. In addition, a mysterious masked young man had arrived with them. The people didn't know what stage the mysterious guy was at, but they assumed that since he came along with such important personalities, he had great power behind him, or was a relative of Patriarch Nan Gong Ling.

Elder Mo Qi, who is the son of Grand Elder Mo Kang Lang, came forward to greet the group as the most important among the ordinary elders. His age was approaching fifty, he was dressed in blue clothes, and his long chestnut-colored beard fluttered in the wind.

"Patriarch, Grand Elder," Mo Qi bowed, followed by the rest of the Yun Hai Sect, " Chu Zhang Peng will be arriving any minute. Can I ask you who this young man next to you is?

– This young man in front of you is my personal disciple! I'm going to raise him as the next Patriarch of Yun Hai! Nan Gong Ling loudly proclaimed.

Everyone present was shocked by the unexpected information. Many people began to speculate, was this why the elders and Elite Disciples had gathered? Could it be that the ringing of the drums is the work of the Patriarch's disciple?

It was a good thing that no one saw my eye twitch under the black mask. First, Protector Kong had announced what a great Patriarch I would make, and now Nan Gong Ling himself had announced to the entire sect that he was preparing me for the next leader. Eh. How many times have I already sighed so mentally? I'd like to get out of the sect and go to the annual clan meeting. Better the company of unloved relatives than the brainwashing about me becoming the head.

– But I didn't bring you all here to announce my new personal apprentice. Right now, the strongest disciple of the Hayu Yue sect, Chu Zhang Peng, will arrive in Yun Hai to test the strength of our sect! The Patriarch said to the crowd in a somber tone.

As the audience tried to move away from the spontaneous news, the wind began to beat harder. All the people were doused with an unrestrained air flow. A giant Roc bird with its wings spread wide appeared in the sky, flying towards this place.

"Oh, my God! How huge it is! people shouted, peering at the silhouette of the bird. The crowd stood in an incredible state of tension. The speed of the legendary bird was very high. In the blink of an eye, she was already in the gorge.

The same Chu Zhang Peng, who is definitely my enemy from today, has the spirit of the legendary Roc Bird. If you compare the speed of Protector Bey and the number one disciple of the Hayu Yue sect, then the second one will obviously lead. But to put these two birds in the same row is complete stupidity.

– There are people standing on the legendary bird! A guy and a girl! The disciple shouted, his eyes shining with excitement.

The crowd looked at the stage with growing excitement in their hearts. Well, I just wanted to laugh at this pathetic scene. Everyone here seriously thinks that the bird from the myths will carry some pathetic people on it? God, how naive!

"I apologize for the wait!" - the spirit of the elephant bird landed exactly on the arena. The speed at which it flew and dived down was unthinkable.

Finally, I was able to make out Chu Zhang Peng's appearance. With short dark blue hair and a nasty smile, he gave the impression of a handsome, but treacherous and mean person. Chu Zhangpeng was a key force of the Hao Yue Sect. He is the sixth most powerful disciple in the entire Xue Yue Empire, and there is not a single disciple with Yun Hai who can stand up to him.