
Chapter 2 One hell of a Start

*Somewhere out in the ocean*

I woke up feeling like I was free falling and that made me feel so free it was something so amazing it is hard to explain why though. I then open my eyes and see that I was actually falling from the sky I was scared at first then I calmed down so that I could think and look around. I look around and found out that I had some time before I hit the sea and then I see a ship not to far away I start thinking what to do and then I remember I have the power of wishes.

"I Wish that I would teleport to that ship with no fall damage*Just to be safe*"


When I reopen my eyes to see I realize i'm perfectly fine plus I landed on something soft that slowed down my landing. Then I feel the floor below me move so I look Below me and see i'm standing on a red haired man. Oh I think this is Shanks the go lucky pirate lucky me he is usually a pretty nice guy.

"Hurry up and get off me already." Red haired man

"Sorry about that man."

"It's ok so man where did you come from and what's your name." red hair

"My name is Victor Frankenstein and I came from the sky."

"Wait you mean like sky island." red hair

"No I mean like space i'm a ALIEN BOOOOOOOOO."

"......." everyone on the ship

"Tuff crowd today huh."

"Anyway my names Shanks what you doing out here." Shanks

"Looking for something fun to do plus trying to change some peoples fate for the better if at all possible."

"That's interesting you think you have the power to change the fate of people so easy what makes you think you have the power to do so." Shanks

"I just know I have the power to do so and I also just want to make this world a better place even if it's just a little bit."

"I like you want to join my crew Franks."*new nickname for friends*

"Very tempting but to be honest just got to much to do so see you around Shanks."

After saying that everyone was shocked because all they heard was a whisper and Franks was gone like the wind and all shanks had to say was cool with shining eyes. after a while everything returned to normal and they kept sailing and our MC appeared on a island with trees here and there and there were also orange trees you know where this is going.

"So this is Nami's home island looks so peaceful from the outside."

To take care of Arlong I need to wish for something to be able fight him.

"I wish to have mikoto misaka power aka railgun."

I've always wanted it plus who doesn't want to make a simple coin a deadly weapon plus it would probably come in handy with it you can make anything a deadly weapon.

"I wish for a bag of coins with my name on them also want Ichigo's mask when his hollow comes with red stripes that also changes my eyes yellow surrounded by black also with the same voice as Ichigo's when he has it on." *because it's so bad ass*

I wished to be teleported a few minutes before Bellemere is shot in the heart by Arlong I put on the mask then start walking to Bellemere house as I get there I see that Arlong was about to shoot Bellemere in the heart so I teleport there to stop the bullet before it even can near her. If you are wondering how I stopped the bullet with my bare hands all I did was reverse the power of railgun a little to stop it. Easy right if she can shoot coins with her powers then in theory she should be able to stop any object with the same force it moves with.* Info dump*

"Who are you and how dare you a lowly human stop me." Arlong

"I'm the lowly human that will smash you like a bug you rotten fish."