
Chapter 1 The start of it all

*In the void somewhere*

"where am I and why can't I feel anything I can't even move it's like I am only a shell." Said the MC

"It's no use getting all worked up my child you are just in the void." Said ???

"Who said that and why can't I move and see anything." MC

"I think people on earth us to call me god and like I said you are in the void so that's why you can't see or move anywhere." God

"ok so what am I doing here and why the void." MC

"Well you died trying to save someone and that person went on to stop world war 3 and that gave you a lot of karma points so much that the system I put in place to turn karma points into a new life didn't know what to do with you so that's what i'm here for." God

"Ok I think I understand a little of what happened so where do we go from here." MC

"You adapt pretty fast to everything which makes everything a lot easier for me." God

"Well I used to read a lot of novels that started like this so it all just feels fairy tail." MC

"Ok anyway This is how it works first you get to pick a place to be reborn into and one wish." God

"Can it be anyplace even a anime or novel!" MC

"Yes I can just create them if you want to go to one of them because I am all POWERFUL!!!!!" God

"...pfttt..." MC

"...BLUSH..." God

"Cough anyway just tell me what you want so I can do other things." God

"I want to go to One piece with the wish of infinite wishes." MC

I want to go to One piece world even though I didn't finish it because the world was so free and I thought it would be so fun. To change it even though that was dangerous because if I change the future to much I wont know the future but knowing everything isn't always the best.

"Smart lad you took advantage of me not giving you a limit with the wish and I can make and send you to One piece world of course with a few changes but nothing to big also your infinite wishes will be nerfed so they can't threaten me or hurt me." God

"That's ok I am not the kind of person that bite the hand that feeds them or anything." MC

"Ok here you go. *SNAP*" God

I was just floating and I felt something in me snap and I felt so free I felt as if I could do anything and be anyone it felt so good it felt like I was shaking not that I could move anyway but that doesn't matter to me.

"While i'm making the world real quick wish for a body for your soul to be in and the works." God

When he said that I started to think what would I look like in my new life I wanted to look good but not some one from those romantic novels it took.

After 12 hours I finally decided to look like Frankenstein from Noblesse because he looked good but also looks kind of badass. Then I remembered that I haven't picked a new name for my new life which is important so that let go of my old life. After thinking for a long time I just decided to go with the flow and named myself Victor D Frankenstein. Then I felt like there was a link to the new body and I was being pulled to it after the filling was gone I realized that I could see again But I still can't move my body. So I just look around and that's when I see the person I presume to be god he had no body what I saw was like a Huge white fire but there was no heat.

"That you god?" Fn

"I see that you made a body and now you can see me I finished the world 11 hours ago so make more wishes or I'll send you on your way." God

"I think i'm all done here i'll make more wishes in the new world thanks old man." Fr

"No problem NOW BE GONE THOT. *SNAP*" God

"Cough that was embarrassing I really need to stop looking at so many memes I hope he has a good life and does not abuse his wish to much and make himself like that hero for fun oh well time to watch more one punch man fun fun fun." God