
Reincarnating into a chinese novel.

There will be a few chinease novels but the main one will centre around Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School. So there will be similar dialog. But not everything will be just copy and paste. Disclaimer: My story will involve a few real world people like actors, singers and dancers extra.

Etiger789 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 94

He saw Mixi standing next to a middle-aged man, who was probably her father." Mixi, how are you, is your mum alright."

Mixi hearing Isaiah's voice looked up, in happiness, she imidetly went to hug Isaiah as a thank you for coming. She then told him all the details and introduced her father.

Thirty minutes later, Gu Ning met Chu Xuanfeng and the others by accident at the door of the hospital. They went to the operating room together.

Mixi" Ningning, you're finally here." Seeing that Gu Ning was here, Yu Mixi immediately ran to her arms crying.

Isaiah who saw her showing how she really felt couldn't help but feel hurt.' Am I not a good enough shoulder to cry on.'

" There, there, it'll be fine!" Gu Ning comforted, secretly giving Yu Mixi her power, in case she fainted too. Gu Ning also saw Isaiah and greeted him with a nod.

Yu Mixi's father didn't know what to do seeing Gu Ning and her friends, because he had no idea who the one that had helped his family was. Yu Mixi, meanwhile, was busy crying and forgot to introduce them to her father.

Yu Mixi's father understood that Yu Mixi was unhappy and needed to vent her depression, so he didn't stop her.

Luckily, Yu Mixi calmed down soon because of Gu Ning's power.

Gu Ning" Let's go pay the bill," Gu Ning said.

Chu xuanfeng and peihan offered to pay but Gu Ning rejected. After paying they decided to stay even when Mixi and her father told them it could take a while.

Chu Xuanfeng left early with Situ ye as it wouldn't be practical for him to stay while he still had work.

A while later, Hao Ran and the boys arrived in twos and threes with many bags of nourishing products, which shocked Yu Mixi and her father.

Yu Mixi was fine with it because she had witnessed it once when they had come to visit Gu Man, but her father had never seen so many gifts at a time.

Why were all of Mixi's friends are from good families? Yu Mixi's father was slightly worried. He was afraid that his daughter made those friends for advantages.

However, he didn't show his worry. He kept thanking them for their kindness.

Twenty minutes later, the light went off in the operating room, which meant that the surgery was over. A group of them ran ahead at once.

The door was opened, and the doctor stepped out.

Mixi's Father" Doctor, how's my wife"

Mixi's father" Doctor, how's my mother?"

Yu Mixi and her father asked with anxiety.

Doctor" There's good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

Mixi's father"  Tell me the good news first."

Doctor" The surgery is a great success. She'll wake up when the anaesthetic wears off," the doctor replied.

Everyone was relieved. But then they remembered there was still bad news.

Doctor" The bad news is there might be another tumour growing, it was so minuscule we didn't notice it in the scanners. We will need to do some more test's to get more concrete evidence that what we saw was a new tumour. But for now, she's safe."

Mixi's father" Thank you, doctor." He was just glad he still had his wife.

The nurses then pushed the patient back to the patient room.

After everything was in the clear every one decided to have their lunch there before heading home. Isaiah dropped Gu Ning home before heading to his own home.




The next day, Gu Ning saw Leng Shaoting in a black suit waiting for her not far away, just as she just left zone G.

Leng Shaoting's sudden presence surprised Gu Ning, but she was also slightly thrilled.

Why is he here? What is he doing here? Is he here for me? Why is he coming to me? A series of questions flashed by Gu Ning's mind. She suddenly realized that she was still mad at him.

Therefore, she ignored him walking straight by him.

Leng Shaoting was a little upset and nervous. He immediately stopped her. "Wait."

Gu Ning wanted to continue walking ahead, but in the end, she stopped. "What?"

"I believe that you're too young to fall in love now. You should focus more on your studies," Leng Shaoting said. He was anxious.

What? Gu Ning was annoyed. He comes here to remind me to stay away from romance just because I'm young? How can he do that?

Gu Ning turned around raising her voice and shouted at him, "It's none of your business if I'm in love! Who do you think you are? Mind yourself first, please! I heard that you have never even had a girlfriend. Are you a gay or something?"

After that, Gu Ning directly walked fast away.

Leng Shaoting was struck dumb. He didn't understand why Gu Ning was so irritated. He did this for her good! He indeed had never ever had a girlfriend, because there was no woman who could walk into his heart, but he wasn't a gay either.

In case Gu Ning misunderstood, Leng Shaoting caught her up at once. "I'm not a gay."

Gu Ning" I don't care," Gu Ning replied in anger.

" I'm really not a gay," Leng Shaoting continued to explain.

" I told you I don't care…" Gu Ning said. She stopped all of a sudden, but didn't expect that Leng Shaoting was right behind her. He hit Gu Ning's back unexpectedly.

"Ah!" Gu Ning lost her balance falling forward.

Leng Shaoting had a quick reaction time so he would have been able to catch her but unfortunately for him, someone was faster.

Isaiah" Are you okay Gu Ning, you need to watch your step."

Gu Ning was caught in Isaiah's arms, while her head rest on his muscular chest. She smelt his scent and noticed that he was holding her lower waist tightly, she couldn't help but blush.

Although Gu Ning had been with Qi Ziyue for four years in her previous incarnation, they had never slept together or had much physical contact, so Gu Ning was still a virgin. And wasn't used to being touched like so.

Leng Shaoting didn't know why but seeing Gu Ning in another man's arms angered him.

If he stayed he might really pull a gun on a civilian so he did the next best thing and ran away.

When Gu Ning realized what had happened she quickly got out of Isaiah's embrace and ran to school.

Isaiah Could only scratch his head in confusion and ran after Gu Ning.

Her heart was in her throat now. She felt embarrassed and excited and kept blaming Leng Shaoting in her heart. If he hadn't knocked into her, that wouldn't have happened, but it wasn't actually Leng Shaoting's fault. If she hadn't stopped all of a sudden, Leng Shaoting wouldn't have knocked into her and Isaiah wouldn't have held her like that.

After an hour she finally calmed herself and was able to talk normally again. The rest of the day went as normal. And after afternoon classes were over everyone went there separate ways.

Isaiah didn't go straight home but to the mall parking lot as Xueyun forgot she came by car and got a taxi with Gu ma and Gu Qin.

When he got to the mall he saw his car parked on the second floor near the corner.

But Just when he was about to get in he sensed movement and killing intent. Then a gun was pointed at his head.

???" Don't scream or shout, get in the car slowly and drive me somewhere. After that, I'll let you go, if not then I'll just shoot you and take your car."

Isaiah' Am-Am I getting threatened.' Isaiah didn't know what to say. By the sound of the person's voice, they were obviously female, but their accent came off a little strong when speaking Chinese. It almost sounded Russian.

Isaiah wasn't afraid or worried but rather curious, so he decided to comply and see where this little side adventure takes him.

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

Please give me opinions on which novels or charachters I should include.

Again let me remind those reading there will be a lot of similar dialog at the beginning chapters

who is this new mysterious girl. Have Isaiah and her perhaps met before.

Etiger789creators' thoughts