
Reincarnating into a chinese novel.

There will be a few chinease novels but the main one will centre around Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School. So there will be similar dialog. But not everything will be just copy and paste. Disclaimer: My story will involve a few real world people like actors, singers and dancers extra.

Etiger789 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 93

After finding the licence, she gave Isaiah a kiss goodbye before leaving. Ghislaine also followed Xueyun doing the job she was getting paid to do.

As she was a cultivator she had ways of hiding her ears and tail, so Isaiah wasent worried about that.

After they left Isaiah got a call from his Mum which was surprising. They talked for a bit and Isaiah told her about all the things about what he's done. That included all of the girls he met and Ghislaine.

Mum/???[ Hehe, I wonder how the girls will react when they find out there going out with a king.]

Isaiah didn't know how to respond to that, so he completely ignored what she had just said and quickly said goodbye before hanging up.

As he didn't have much to do he decided to just stay home and relax.

It was around the afternoon when Isaiah got a phone call from Gu Ning to get to the hospital quickly.

Gu Ning[ Mixi's mother fainted, tumour brain. The No. 3 Hospital. We're in patient room No. 510 in the Inpatient Department.]

Isaiah got the gist of things and quickly got on his bike, speeding down the forest and roads. This would normally get someone arrested but Isaiah hid himself so no one noticed the 250 km per hour bike rushing to the hospital.

After calling Isaiah, Gu Ning called Chu Peihan.

Chu Xuanfeng" Hi, Gu Ning," The person who answered the call wasn't Chu Peihan, but Chu Xuanfeng. "Peihan isn't…"

Before Chu Xuanfeng could finish, he was interrupted by Gu Ning. "I'm calling for you."

" What?" Chu Xuanfeng was surprised.

Gu Ning added, "Do you know anyone who works in the No. 3 Hospital? Yu Mixi's mother passed out. There is a tumour in her brain, and she needs surgical removal right now. Yu Mixi's family doesn't have much money, so they aren't able to pay for the surgery. I'm on the way to the hospital now, but I can't get there until at least 30 minutes later. I don't want Yu Mixi's mother to wait for the surgery. Could you please help me let Yu Mixi's mother do the surgery first? I'll pay for it the minute I arrive."

Chu Xuanfeng" Where is she now."

Gu Ning" 510 in the Inpatient Department. Yu Mixi is there too," Gu Ning replied.

" Great, let me handle it," Chu Xuanfeng said before he hung up, then he used his phone to call the director of the No. 3 Hospital.

Although Chu Xuanfeng served in a gang, he knew almost everyone with a tide. There were also people who served in the Qing Gang that worked for the government, but they wouldn't commit any crimes.

At that time, the director of the No. 3 Hospital was just about to get off work. Before he walked out of the hospital, he received Chu Xuanfeng's call.

The director respected Chu Xuanfeng a lot. Once he heard his request, the director immediately went to arrange it.

The second Chu Xuanfeng finished the call, Chu Peihan got home. Chu Xuanfeng then told her what had happened to Yu Mixi. Chu Peihan was so concerned that she went straight to the hospital without eating.

Chu Xuanfeng wanted to go with her, but it wouldn't be appropriate if he left Situ Ye alone. Unexpectedly, Situ Ye asked to go with them.

Both Chu Xuanfeng and Chu Peihan were astonished. Why would Situ Ye, who was the boss of the Qing Gang, go to the hospital with them? However, they didn't have much time to think about that. The three of them drove to the hospital in a hurry.

Situ Ye went to the hospital for Gu Ning without a doubt. It was a great chance.

On the way, Chu Xuanfeng told Chu Peihan to call Gu Ning and tell her that he had arranged everything.

Peihan" I think we better call Mixi first. She must be super worried," Chu Peihan said. She then called Yu Mixi without delay. Knowing that her mother could get the surgery done soon, Yu Mixi thanked Chu Peihan with great excitement. Yu Mixi told her father the good news afterwards.

Yu Mixi's father then found out that his daughter had turned to her friends for help. He was very grateful that Yu Mixi had many rich and kind friends who were willing to help his family.

Although he didn't want Yu Mixi to borrow money from her friends, he didn't have another choice. His family was too poor to afford the administration fee. And none of his relatives were willing to lend them money.

He didn't want to lose his wife, nor for his daughter to lose her mother. He felt very ashamed that Yu Mixi had to borrow money from her friends, but he was happier that his wife was saved.

Once Yu Mixi's mother recovered, he would work harder to pay back Yu Mixi's friend.

Chu Peihan called Gu Ning later telling her that the surgery was settled and that Yu Mixi was already aware of it.

Within several minutes, a few doctors appeared in patient room NO. 510. The director of this hospital was the leader.

Doctor" Who is Yu Mixi?" the director asked.

Mixi" It's me." Yu Mixi immediately stood up. Her father was thrilled to see the doctors.

Doctor" Nice to meet you. I'm the director of the No. 3 Hospital. I just received a call from Mr. Chu. We need to administer the surgery to your mother right away."

Both Yu Mixi and her father were surprised that the director would come in person, especially Yu Mixi's father. He didn't expect that his daughter's friend could be so influential.

" Thank you so much!" Yu Mixi immediately bowed to the director. Then, Yu Mixi's mother was pushed into the operating room.

Yu Mixi and her father were waiting outside, but they weren't fully relieved yet, because the result was unknown.

Isaiah was the first to arrive as he rushed to the hospital. When he got to the entrance he drifted to a stop, and ran inside and to where Mixi was.

He saw mixi standing next to a middle-aged man, who was probably her father." Mixi, how are you, is your mum alright."

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

Please give me opinions on which novels or charachters I should include.

Again let me remind those reading there will be a lot of similar dialog at the beginning chapters.

Etiger789creators' thoughts