
Reincarnated With A Slime

Ace the MC of this novel gets Reincarnated with the MC of That time I got reincarnated as a slime, See the adventures with Rimuru and Ace as they fight there way to power And Ace takes ALL of Rimuru's Spotlight! (Don't judge the book by its cover, like litteraly because it doesn't have one, I'll add it later so please wait) I added it, does it look good, if the owner of cover wants me to take it off I will just message me at {REDACTED} Sike! I think Im gonna keep this on because I highly doubt the owner of this cover will personally tell me to take it off And if your the supposed author then show me PAPER

Razoryr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The pink haired girl, The orcs ARE SO OVERPOWERED

"Hah hah" I finally finished building a house and I was exhausted.

{Skil *Construction* Has been added}

'What does it do? '


{Gives the user a 100 percent boost in activities involving building}

'Thats cool'

The village had expanded into a huge city, with the help of me it quadrupled from the size of the anime.

"Hah hah, system activate Skill ' Rejuvenate ' "

{Skill activated, you will be rejuvenated in

0 Hours 1 Minute 59 seconds}

I sensed a huge aura flying above us, I immediately knew who it was and started flying at light speed to the landing. I barely made it as a huge crater was made at the spot beside me.

"Are you the supposed leader of the Tempest village- I mean city" Millim said as she saw the size of Tempest.

"Sub leader more like it, but strong enough to protect it"

{You are not strong enough, you would need to activate Skill overload to beat her}

' Thanks for the compliment '

I got distracted by the system as she appeared in front of me and punched me into a tree.

I appeared behind her and kicked her into the ground, front acid breath on her.

She ignored or and jumped up, firing a explosion at me,z I barely dodged it and blasted forward z headbutting her chest and sending her flying.

"Nice try" I heard a voice behind me and tried to block but was sent flying through tempest.

"OW" I yelled as I landed in a fountain.

She appeared behind me, trying to kick me but I blocked and we started punching and blocking faster than light.

Everyone in the city heard noise and investigated, seeing I was fighting a demon lord they started to cheer me on.

"Come on ace!"

"She's nothing to you, you can do it!"

We continued attacking and blocking until Millim fired a huge red blast into me, I was sent flying a couple miles away, landing in a tree.

{Skill ' Rejuvenate ' Is complete}

I laughed as I heard that. Millim started to think I was insane but I appeared behind her and went into a combo, already firing a hundred thousand punches of my max strength. I managed to cause a huge flesh wound on her back and punched her into the city. I appeared in the city and put my foot on her, signyfiing my victory.

"I want a retry! You cheated!" She made up a excuse and tried to push my foot off her. It wouldn't budge and I continued to keep her there until Rimuru finally arrived.

"I heard the news, you've been holding Millim, A demon lord For over 10 hours now?" I realized that it was already dawn and said. "Yeah, we gotta make like a statue for this or something, I defeated a demon lord!" I imagined a huge statue of me with Millim on the ground.

"Get out of your dreams loser!" Millim said but instantly regretted it as I punched her gut causing her to cough blood.

"We have much more important matters on our hands, Like building that statue, I'll go get a builder!" Rimuru said.

" I'll build it" I said and finally let Millim get up, I started building it while Millim tried to discourage me by saying. "That's it!?" "It sucks" " So cool yeah so cool"

I immediately Grabbed Millim and started to choke her. I was about to kill her when Rimuru stepped in and stopped me.

"Ok I'm done, let's defeat that orc army.... That someone told me about, yeah" I almost spilled the beans on me knowing what's gonna happen but fixed it.

It seemed that Rimuru had made a pact with the lizards Which I didn't expect. We were walking to the site where the battles happens when suddenly a huge explosion appeared in the distance, me and Rimuru flew there to investigate and found that the entire orc army had become lords.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PLOT!" I screamed in my mind.

I ran back and formed a shield around our army using « Ultimate Barrier »

I decided to use overload and my other skill, Fire head.


{ Overload activated, drawbacks will possibly be death}

The orcs started running at me.

I took a deep breath and calmly said.

"System call, Generate fire element, Dragon head shape"

Fire began to cover my scales and appeared in a dragon head in my hands.

I held my hands up and said.

"EXPLODE!" Immediately the fire exploded, covering thousands of miles.

"Kirito, grant me your power just this once, SO I CAN GO OUT IN STYLE!"

Instantly I turned into kirito, I rushed into the fire as the remaining orc lords ran at me.

I slashed one, kicking there head off and using my other sword to stab a orc lords heart, I ripped it out and continued to slash as my vision got blurry.

"I can't die... NOT NOW ATLEAST!"

I turned into ghost kirito and my slashing accelerated until I reached the orc disaster.

"You dare to kill my brethren, I SHALL KILL YOU"

"NOT BEFORE I KILL YOU FIRST!" We both charged at each other and we both stabbed the enemy's hearts.

"RIMURU, USE PREDATOR!" I yelled to Rimuru who was above me.

" But I'll eat you!" Rimuru said.

" JUST DO IT!" I screamed as I grabbed the orc disasters other hand.

" But-"


Rimuru asked his system to use predator as he had tears in his eyes.

He turned into a slime and expanded until it covered us.

"Goodbye Rimuru"

"Good...Goodbye ace"

We got eaten.

In rimuru's belly

We both appeared in a dark void, I immediately ripped the sword out and patched up my wound.

The orc disaster was about to attack me when.

"I'll be your opponent"

A dark voice said. The orc disaster looked behind him and saw a huge dragon.

"Th-this is where you've been!" The orc disaster shouted and backed up.

" Hahahaha" Veldora exclaimed and fired a huge blast at the orc disaster, it instantly turned into dust.

"Now for you" Veldora said as he looked at me.

"Wait its me!" I said as I became my dragon form, but this time I was a black and white dragon AT the same height as Veldora.

"You've grown aLot" Veldora said, intimated.

"Actually I didn't look like this before. Maybe because Rimuru has so much magicules that I instantly grew to adulthood? " I said as I felt the magicules.

" Most likely, well I guess we're gonna be here for ever" Veldora said and sighed.

" Actually I made a teleportation device in case Rimuru ever ate me, we can teleport when he's in danger, sound like a plan? " I said and Veldora nodded.

" Wanna play a game? " Veldora said and we both turned into a human and started playing Shogi, I talked about how I acted like I was about to die but I wasn't and Veldora chuckled.



Jacksepticeye outro plays

Oh yeah and they were moving at light speed for the battle between ace and Millim, Just slowed it down for you)