
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 19 Breakthrough.

In a reflective state, Elysia immersed herself in the wealth of techniques left behind by the Serenity Peak Sect's Master. After careful consideration, she chose a selection of Black and Earth Grade Techniques, a purposeful decision aimed at expanding her skill set.

With determination guiding her, Elysia withdrew into seclusion, dedicating herself to the profound teachings of the selected techniques. Her days transformed into a rhythmic dance, balancing cultivation with brief respites for essential needs.

As half a century unfolded, Elysia emerged from her cocoon of contemplation at the age of a century. Her commitment bore fruit in the form of the Perfection Mastery of the 7th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra, a celestial scripture etched into the very fabric of her being. Accompanying this achievement, a collection of acquired techniques adorned her repertoire.

Time, mirroring Elysia's ascension, revealed her spiritual mastery through the 9th Stage Soul Formation Realm. Yet, a strategically concealed facade of a 9th Stage Nascent Soul Realm veiled her true prowess, a secret known only to her.

In the silent theater of her seclusion, Elysia's journey unfolded like a symphony composed of wisdom, resilience, and the harmonious cadence of her evolving soul. The once-enigmatic 7th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra lay unveiled in the canvas of her comprehension.

The chosen techniques, meticulously embraced, bestowed upon her a versatile array of skills. Each maneuver, a manifestation of her dedication, became an integral facet of her martial tapestry. As a centenarian, Elysia stood at the precipice of transcendence, a testament to the enduring pursuit of enlightenment.

Her emergence marked not just the passage of years but the metamorphosis of a cultivator—an alchemical transformation where the raw potential had been refined into the gleaming gold of mastery.

Within the sacred confines of her seclusion, the whispers of ancient techniques intermingled with the silent vows of the Immortal Heart Sutra.

During her secluded exploration, Elysia delved into the arcane treasury of techniques left by the Serenity Peak Sect's Master. Emerging from this profound journey, she mastered nine distinctive techniques, a testament to her unwavering dedication.

Among these techniques, four belonged to the esteemed echelons of Black Grade, while the remaining five claimed the realm of Earth Grade. Despite their incomplete nature, the synergy between Elysia's discernment and the intervention of her ever-attentive system transformed them into harmonious symphonies of martial prowess.

One such technique was the Black Torrent Fist, a formidable Black Grade technique that harnessed the relentless force of a surging torrent. Each strike emulated the unbridled power of a cascading waterfall, delivering both precision and overwhelming might. The incomplete fragments Elysia acquired were seamlessly woven together by her system, crafting a technique that merged fluidity with unyielding force.

In the dance of combat, the Black Torrent Fist became an extension of Elysia's will, a testament to her mastery over its potent yet incomplete form. With each strike, she echoed the power of the surging torrent, a force to be reckoned with on her journey toward martial excellence.

Elysia, within the sanctum of her training grounds, embraced the unique facets of her acquired techniques. Each one, carefully chosen from the repository left by the Serenity Peak Sect's Master, carried its distinctive allure.

The Shadow Mirage Steps, a Black Grade technique, embodied the very essence of shadows. With swift, ephemeral steps, Elysia navigated the battlefield like a phantom, leaving adversaries in a state of bewildered confusion. The incomplete footwork she possessed transformed into a dance of illusory grace under the meticulous guidance of her system.

Next in her eclectic arsenal was the Thunderstrike Palm, another Black Grade marvel. Thunder incarnate manifested in the palm of the practitioner, unleashing shockwaves of concussive force.

The incomplete fragments of the Thunderstrike Palm were sculpted into a cohesive form, resonating with the formidable power of a celestial storm. Each palm strike became a symphony of thunderous echoes, showcasing Elysia's newfound mastery.

The Crimson Serpent Stance, yet another Black Grade technique, assumed a poised and predatory stance, mirroring the serpentine grace of a crimson viper.

This technique granted heightened agility and venomous strikes. The incomplete sequences were artfully strung together by the system, transforming the Crimson Serpent Stance into a dance of lethal elegance.

Moving into the realm of Earth Grade techniques, the Earthshaker Palm manifested seismic force within the practitioner's palm, embodying the raw power of the earth's tremors.

Incomplete earth-shattering gestures were meticulously completed by the system, forging a technique that could fracture the very foundations of the battlefield.

The ethereal Blossom Dance Blade, another Earth Grade marvel, evoked the grace of blooming flowers. The incomplete dance of the blade was refined into a seamless choreography by the system, where each stroke mirrored the fleeting beauty of blossoms in the wind.

The Galeforce Kick, also an Earth Grade technique, harnessed the unbridled force of a gale, launching the practitioner with cyclonic speed.

The fragmented kicks were woven into a whirlwind of motion by the system, creating a technique that could cleave through opposition with the force of a tempest.

The Stoneheart Palm, embodying the Earth Grade proficiency, turned the practitioner's palm into unyielding stone, capable of withstanding and repelling attacks. The incomplete sequences were seamlessly fortified by the system, transforming the Stoneheart Palm into an impervious defense against adversaries.

Finally, the chilling Frostbite Claw, another Earth Grade technique, featured a claw imbued with the freezing touch of frost, capable of immobilizing adversaries. The incomplete frosty maneuvers were refined into a technique that left a frigid imprint on the battlefield, sculpted by the careful touch of the system.

In Elysia's hands, each of these techniques, though once incomplete, found a harmonious completion under the guidance of her discernment and the transformative touch of her system. In her martial arsenal, they stood as testament to her eclectic mastery, each technique a brushstroke on the canvas of her martial journey.

As Elysia activated her Perfection Mastery over the 7th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra, the entire Tranquility Sect responded with vibrant energy. Qi surged from every nook and cranny of the sect, converging towards her like a tidal wave.

The mesmerizing display of ethereal energy currents painted the sky with vibrant hues, a reflection of the profound connection between Elysia and the tranquil sanctum of her cultivation.

Within the Inner Area, where disciples carried out their daily routines, a sudden spectacle unfolded, capturing the attention of everyone present. Murmurs echoed through the air as cultivators paused in their activities, drawn to the unprecedented gathering of Qi.

Elder Han, a venerable figure within the sect, furrowed his brows as he gazed toward the source of the phenomenon. Speaking to himself, he mumbled, "Such an intense gathering of Qi... is someone attempting a breakthrough to the Soul Transformation Realm?"

Whispers among the disciples turned into puzzled glances. The phenomenon seemed beyond the scope of a routine cultivation breakthrough. Elysia's name, previously a quiet presence, now danced in the currents of their discussions.

In a corner of the Inner Area, a group of disciples engaged in conversation about the unexpected events.

Alex, a curious disciple, remarked, "Have you ever seen anything like this? It's like the heavens are converging towards a single point."

Sophia, another disciple, responded, "I heard Elder Han talking about a breakthrough, but this... this feels different, don't you think?"

Daniel, the third in the group, added, "Could it be a sect-wide cultivation technique? I mean, why would it be centered on one person?"

As speculations circulated, the commotion reached Elysia's ears. She continued to absorb the influx of Qi, maintaining a serene expression. However, her senses extended beyond her immediate surroundings, and she spoke to herself, "I never expected the activation of the 7th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra to draw so much attention."

Unknown to her, Elder Han, the figurehead of the sect, took note of the exceptional event. He communicated with other elders through a form of telepathy unique to their cultivation level.

Elder Han: "Gather at the center of the Inner Area. There's an unusual phenomenon, and we need to investigate."

The elders, wearing expressions of curiosity mixed with solemnity, convened at the epicenter of the mysterious occurrence. Each elder brought with them a wealth of experience, approaching the situation with a blend of caution and anticipation.

As the congregation of elders took place, the buzz among the disciples reached a crescendo. Elysia remained the focal point of the swirling Qi, an enigmatic figure in the midst of the spectacle.

Elder Han, flanked by his peers, surveyed the scene.

Elder Han: "This is unprecedented. The Qi converging on Elysia is too intense for a mere breakthrough. We need to discern the cause."

Elder Laura, another elder, chimed in, "Could it be a forbidden technique or a hidden treasure activating?"

Elder Han: "We can't rule out anything. Let's observe first and proceed with caution."

The gathered disciples, now forming a curious audience, waited with bated breath as the elders commenced their investigation.

As dark clouds coalesced above Elysia, signaling the imminent arrival of another Tribulation Lightning Trial, a hushed anticipation settled over the disciples and onlookers surrounding her abode.

The atmosphere was charged with a mix of awe and trepidation, as many had rarely witnessed such phenomena.

Elysia, aware of the eyes fixed on her, took preemptive measures to conceal the true depth of her cultivation. With a command to her system, her aura began to fluctuate, displaying the characteristic signs of advancement from the 9th Stage Nascent Soul to the 1st Stage Soul Formation Realm.

It was a clever ruse to mislead those observing, preventing them from realizing the significant breakthrough she had actually achieved—entering the 1st Stage Soul Transformation Realm.

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