
Reincarnated through Reincarnation Channel (Naruto Fic)

First Series of Reincarnation Through Reincarnation Channel. A Soul found himself in a Dark space and then he was a Screen appearing in front of him. "Welcome to Reincarnation Channel! Spin the Wheel and know your destiny." After spinning the wheel, he started his journey to another world with the powers he got from his luck. . . . . . . . . . . You can read extra chapters at P@treon. https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Why am I even trying?

"Tsunade, you should leave. I need to do something." Mito said to Tsunade, who looked up and asked, "Hmm? What do you want to do, Grandma?"

"I will tell you in the future. For now, go and check the records and details of all the Senjus that have been sent to Missions outside. I am sure you will find a relation among them, and then you will understand what I was saying."

"Hmph! Sure! Sure! Just why can't anyone let me be a normal Matriarch? Now I won't have time to drink and gamble."

"Hmm? What did you say?" Mito asked with a smile on her face and seeing this, Tsunade ran away.

"Woman! What are you planning to do? Where did you get the vigor to live?" Kurama asked Mito as he felt she is planning something bad.

"Vigor to live? Haha! Kyuubi, you are right! Maybe I did get the vigor to live. Still, don't you think life got more interesting now?"

"Interesting? It seems you are back to your crazy form. Did the boy impress you so much that you now have a desire to live again?"

"Ku-ra-ma! What are you trying to say?" Mito said and Kurama snorted at her.

"It's not just about Akira. There is a guy who knows everything about us, can see anything, hear anything, and say anything, but no one would know about him. Don't you want to know about him too?"

"Heh! I already have some information about him. Just don't play with fire, or you will get burned."

"And you won't tell me the information, will you?"

"Of course not! And woman! I am warning you, don't call me by my name, You aren't worthy."

"Hehe! Worthy? Did you forget how I sealed you inside me? I am sure you didn't forget how you were treated like a Pet by Hashi and Madara." Mito said with a mocking smile and hearing him, Kurama growled and released his killing intent.

Seeing this, Mito cut off the connection with Kurama and then sat down.

'Hah! Why am I even trying? That voice, Hah! It changed everything, all of my plans. I am sure that if I won't take part in the village politics, Senju and Uzumaki Clan will die. Living among traitors, Sigh!'

She put her hand on the Yin Seal on her forehead and then a smile appeared on her face.

'I guess I will just start anew as I said before.'


Akira read the books given by Mito. He was so engrossed in them, that he didn't even sense that Mito had arrived at the side. She looked at the book in his, on the left side, and the right side.

'His reading speed is quite good, I wonder how many books he has read before. I don't think he would do this, just to show off or anything. It has already been a few hours and he is still reading them. I will wait for him to finish this book and then start teaching him.'

While Akira kept on reading the book, Mito went to her Mindscape and saw the Fox sleeping. Seeing this, she said, "Wake up!"

But Kurama didn't listen to her and then the chains around him started to tighten.

"What is it, Woman?" Kurama said without opening his eyes.

"I want to know what you know."

"You shouldn't know about this."

Hearing this, Mito snorted and said, "A few days later, you will regret this."

Saying this, Mito left the Mindscape and Kurama wondered what crazy thing she is going to do again.

'I guess I will just have to ask him in the future. At least, I want to know what Kurama knows.'

Thirty minutes later, Akira was done reading the book. He was about to pick another book, but then he heard a voice, "Stop! You have read enough. Now come with me."

He looked at the side and saw Mito standing with her hands folded. Hearing this, he nodded while inwardly wondering just how long she had been standing like this. He picked up the books and went into the room.

"You have already read those books, right?"

"Yes, I have."

"Any questions regarding them?"

"Hmm! In Volume 1, Part 3, it is said the seals are based on our intention an...Blah Blah Blah!"

Hearing this, Mito nodded and answered his questions, and when Akira had no questions, she started to teach him more about the seals, the quality of seals, chakra usage, and how a seal could change by just using different materials for it.

For the next four hours, Mito taught Akira about the seals while he absorbed all the knowledge like a sponge.

In the end, Akira had a single thought regarding the seals.

'They are like C++, Java, and other languages my friend learned in the past. Each has a set of commands that follow certain rules and when used together, they would create new commands. But the main difference between the two is that seals also have intentions, while programming languages don't. As for chakra, well it is chakra.'

"That's it for today, tomorrow, you will revise it and the next day, we will again have a class. When you mastered the first volume, I will give you the second one."

Akira nodded and he was about to leave but Mito stopped him and said, "Where are you going?"

"Huh? In the room."

"And what will you do there?"

"Chakra Training and Shape Manipulation."

"No! You have already practiced enough for today. I know that before coming, you were practicing too. You have to take a break. Sit here and we will talk." Mito said and hearing this, Akira gave her a weird look, but still, he sat down while looking at her.

"Old Woman! What are trying to do?" Kurama said.

"Don't tell me, you plan to...." Before he could complete his words, Mito again cut off the connection between them.

"I will ask you some things if you can't answer, then you don't have to."

Akira nodded at her and he heard, "So, Tell me about yourself."

Looking at her for a second, Akira remembered her negative emotion-sensing ability and he sighed.

"As you know, my name is Akira Kurama. I like to read and write. I dislike practicing, and training but I do because I know it is important. I love to try new things and hate to waste time. My favorite activity is sleeping."

Akira said and Mito found no lies in his words. Seeing this, a smile appeared on her face but before she could say it, Akira asked, "Now why don't you tell me about yourself?"


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