
Reincarnated through Reincarnation Channel (Naruto Fic)

First Series of Reincarnation Through Reincarnation Channel. A Soul found himself in a Dark space and then he was a Screen appearing in front of him. "Welcome to Reincarnation Channel! Spin the Wheel and know your destiny." After spinning the wheel, he started his journey to another world with the powers he got from his luck. . . . . . . . . . . You can read extra chapters at P@treon. https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Mito is lonely! Kaguya Joked?

Mito looked at Akira and sensing his curiosity, she smiled and said, "Me? I am Mito Uzumaki, now a widow of First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. As for things I like and dislike, I don't know."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Akira asked as he heard this. Hearing him, Mito ruffled his hair and said, "When you live enough, everything becomes a bother."

"Eh? Is it? I don't think so." Akira said with a smile and hearing him, Mito had an amused expression and she asked, "Then what do you think?"

"Living long enough can be considered a privilege as there are many people who die young. Besides, let's not talk about other things, don't you have a family to take care of."

Mito became silent as she heard his words. She didn't expect to hear this from a six-year-old boy. Even though she knew that he is mature beyond his age, but this level of intelligence?

'Sigh! This boy! He is getting more and more interesting. Living long enough can be considered a privilege, I know this but talking about my family, what else does he know?'

"They have already grown up and now they don't want me to interfere in their life," Mito said and then wondered why she is talking about these things to this boy, whom she had just met a few hours ago.

'Was I this much lonely before, that I am now talking all these things to a boy I met a few hours ago?'

"Then is it bad? If they don't want you to interfere, then all you have to do is not interfere openly. Or you could just stop interfering and do something for yourself."

"Like what?" Mito asked with a calm expression while thinking of things she could do and the plans she made before.

"I won't answer this. You have to think of this on your own. Take a break and remember your life, I am sure there are many things you had wanted to do in the past, that you couldn't do because of your identity and your duties. But now that you have time, you could do them, or just try doing them."

"I will take my leave as I am feeling hungry now. Where should I go?"

"You can just go in the room and order the servants. Or if you want to eat outside, you can go but take Tsunade with you."

"I will just order someone."

"Hmm! Tell them to give you the same food they give me every day."

Akira nodded and left the room. As for Mito, she closed the door and started to laugh.

"hahaha hahaha! I never expected I would be lectured by a child about life. Just how low I have fallen." Mito said and she kept on laughing, while Kurama, who is inside her started to have a bad feeling about something.


At night, Akira lay on his bed and looked at the ceiling. He opened his Senrigan and his consciousness arrived in the Moon.

"Yo! I am here." Akira said and then he heard a hum from Kaguya.

"Before I will tell you how my day was, I want to ask you something."

"Hm! What is it?" Kaguya asked and hearing this, Akira thought of something and asked, "Can you gather Chakra here, even a little bit of it?"

Kaguya closed her eyes and then she opened her Rinne-Sharingan. Seeing this, Akira became shocked but just as she opened it, the Rinne-Sharingan closed and he heard a sigh.

"Yeah! I can gather Chakra but only a little bit of it. The seal disperses all the chakra I try to gather."

"So how will you break the seal? I mean I know that Gedo Maze Statue needs all the tailed beasts and then someone would become the Jinchuuriki of Ten Tails, and when he starts Infinite Tsukuyomi, You will be reborn in the body. But how does this happen?"

"As long Gedo Maze Statue gathers enough chakra, my connection to it will be restored, and using the connection, I can break the seal. As for being Jinchuurki of Ten tails, it isn't necessary. The White Zetsu are more than enough for this."

"Eh? Really? So all you need is a large amount of chakra, not the Tailed Beasts themselves?"

"Chakra is enough, tailed Beasts are just bonuses. But why are you asking this, do you have any plan regarding this?"

"Currently? I don't. But I plan on communicating with Madara and Zetsu later. Anyway, I could convince Zetsu that I know you?"

"Just tell him to be a good boy or Mama will spank him and he will listen to you." Kaguya said and hearing this, Akira became stunned and said, "You serious?"

"No, I was joking. Tell him about me being sealed and Isshiki. I am sure he will understand that you know him. After all, not even Hagoromo and Hamura know about this."

Akira nodded but he is still shocked at the fact that Kaguya joked. He could speak for a moment and only when he heard his voice, he came back to his senses."

"Did you leave?"

"No! I am here."

"Then why weren't you talking?"

"I was shocked that you joked."


The place became silent and the with a cough, Akira changed the topic.

"Anyways! I will now tell you what happened today and from tomorrow, I will start teaching you about Chakra."

"Huh? Why?"

"Cause, why not? I know that you are powerful but you still were sealed by the two, who heard a Toad's prophecy. Besides, you don't have anything to do here so why not do what I will tell you? If I knew that you could gather some chakra in the seal, then I would have started teaching you a year ago."


"Today, I acted as him and now I am at the Senju Clan, with Mito and Tsunade becoming my teacher. Mito is... Blah! Blah! Blah!"

Akira told Kaguya about what happened every day and Kaguya listened silently. She also said a few words in between and when Akira was done, he left after saying goodbye.


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