

Chapter 13 | Unforgiving |


"What the-!?"

The man that had initially charged in, was blasted backwards by the force of my scream. He got knocked into the doorway and was left slouched against the wall.


I picked up the mans dropped sword, it's much lighter than I expected to be honest, if I were to compare it to anything it would probably be as light as a Shinai. This time, our roles had reversed.

"Heh, Ironic isn't it?"

I looked down on the man, his armour had caved in just from me screaming and he was struggling to breathe. He looked up at me, who was now pointing his sword at him as he propped himself up against the door frame.

"It's amazing how peoples roles can flip around so quickly isn't it, so maybe I should bust into your house, take your kids hostage and aim a sword at their throats while yelling 'You're under arrest!' That'd be a good idea now, wouldn't it?"

The man, that is an 'Adventurer', which is probably another word for cop in this world, couldn't speak so he shook his head slowly, struggling to breathe with every inch he moved.

"Hmm, are you sure? I think it'd be fun if I did."

I could feel a wide grin spreading across my face, it's probably not a cheeky kind of grin either.

Carls POV:

Shit, what is this girl?! She's way to powerful to be just a kid, she must be a demon or something?! The way she's looking at me is akin to that of a demon's grin as well! Hiiii, we shouldn't have come here!!

"Haaa... Haaaa. H-Youuu... H-Youuu will be.... S-Subjugated..."

Is what I said, but it's probably impossible. If this girl is able to take me down, an A ranked adventurer, the second strongest rank in the entire adventurers guild under that of the S rank, just by screaming. Then it's safe to say even the top S ranked adventurer would struggle to kill her.

"He, Subjugate? What do you even mean, you think that I'm going to let you touch me or my family? Boy, oh boy were you wrong."

My sword inched closer and closer to my throat, beads of sweat were dripping off of my chin as I pushed myself as close to the wall as I could to avoid being jabbed by the sharp tip of the blade.

"Now, there are one of two options I'm willing to give you."

She said, and the moment she said that I thought I was spared, but man was I wrong.

"One, I kill you here and now and then proceed to massacre all of your buddies outside. Or two, I let you live but you promise that you, and anyone in your village, city, country, whatever, do not set foot in this area ever again. You are also never to speak of what you saw or heard here to anyone else, if I find out that you have even so much as hinted at this place in a conversation then I will come after you and kill you."

H-Huh? She's going to let me live? If there's even the slightest chance to live then I will gladly take it.

"Haaa... Whooo..."


Damnit, me being winded isn't really helping me in this negotiation! C'mon get it out! And you looking down on me isn't helping little girl!

"Twhooo... Twoooo..."

"Ohh, two. Okay, I see how it is then. Fine, I'll let you live under those conditions, also tell your buddies that they are to leave your most delicious meal of every week at the foot of the forest once a week. And if you leave the same meal for wo weeks in a row then I will do something about tit personally, now you wouldn't want that would you?"

I couldn't do anything except shake my head in agreement, but even such a simple movement cause pain to rupture throughout my body.

"Good, now scram before I change my mind."

What the girl did next blew my mind.

Tomoes POV:

The pitiful 'Adventurer' was cowering in the corner of the doorway as I took a step closer to him to kick him out of the house. Now, since he was wearing a full set of shiny armour I thought he would be really heavy, so I overcompensated and lifted him up with a bit more force than I usually would, but this of course was a huge mistake.

"Whaaattt are youuu doing?"

The man huffed.

"Picking you... up!"

I grabbed him by his collar and instead of lifting him, I practically tore his armour off of him, almost like how you would quickly rip a bandaid off so that it wouldn't hurt as much.


Two halves of this mans chest plate were now in my hands, both halves had massive dents in them on the front and back sides.

The man looked astonished, I had just torn his armour of almost like I was ripping apart butter.

"Whaaat aaare youuu!?"

"That doesn't matter right now, all that does matter is that you leave and never set foot here again, now go and never return!"

I said as I pointed out of the door dramatically, like an angry wife telling her husband to get lost.

"Uhh... hello?"

Said a familiar voice, I don't know where I ad heard this voice before but just hearing it have me a really bad sense of Déjà vu. Since it was so familiar I couldn't hold in my curiosity and looked around for the source of the voice, as I looked down the barrel of my arm, I found it.

"You... I'LL KILL YOU!!"

I jumped out of the door with full power, slamming into the little boy who was standing there meekly.


"I-I'm sorry!! It's not my fault!"


I was yelling in his face as I tackled him to the ground and mounted him, ready to drill his face in with punches even Muhammad Ali couldn't dodge.

"Y-Yes I did! But I thought they could help you and I completely forgot about what you said before making me leave!"



The boy stayed silent, and his silence was pissing me off. If he hadn't came back here with all of these people then I would still be living peacefully here without any disturbances.

"Tomoe? What's going on?"

"Are you okay, Tomoe dear? There's a lot of yelling going on..."

Papa and Mama showed up at the door, they looked worried for me.

This kid is so lucky he just got saved by the bell, I have to look good in front of my parents so that they don't suspect me of anything.

"I-I'm Fine Mama and Papa, I was just telling these kind people here to move along."

But of course, when Mama and Papa saw them, they were instantly put on edge.

"T-Tomoe, come over here and let them be. If you've told them to move along then they should be just fine, now comeback inside~."

Damnit Mama, you could've at least let me beat this kids face to a pulp.

I dismounted the boy and spat on the floor next to him, leaving a small crater were the spitball landed.

"Next Time you come back, you'll definitely be dead, you have my word."

I sent him one last deathly cold glance and walked back to Mama and Papa, resuming my innocent persona. Frankly I think this personality has grown on my, I should let it show more, maybe I should start wearing more dresses as well?

"That's good Tomoe."

Mama said as she hurried me through the door.

"Now there better not be a word of this spread otherwise and you better scram, otherwise something unfortunate might happen to you and your families tonight."

Mama's friendly blackmail and killing intent sent the two humans back on their way to the village and out of this forest. Hopefully they uphold their end of the deal and save me food every week, I wanna try some cuisine commoner cuisine~.