
The Hunt Begins

Chapter 11 | The Hunt Begins |


Papa took a step back, attempting to shield his face from the boy who now stood in the doorway, Mama took a fighting stance and slowly backed towards the stair case.

"T-Tomoe, get upstairs, w-we'll deal with this creature."

Papa said, struggling to keep his composure, the shock must've been getting to him.

No, no, no, no... NO! This can't be happening, I thought I lost him in the forest before getting here! He was so far behind me... So how did he manage to follow me this far?! I don't know Tomoe so stop asking me! (Tomoe suffering from internal Strife)

"H-Hey... why're you guys living here? It's dangerous to be here, isn't it? That's why it's supposed to be forbidden anyways..."

Mama and Papa now both stood at the base of the stairs, both hands raised and ready for a fight.

"S-Stay back, w-we're not afraid to hurt you."

"Huh? What do you mean, why would you hurt me? I'm just a kid..."

The kid hasn't seemed to notice that Mama and Papa aren't actually the same race as he is, and that's the way it's gotta be kept.

"Mama, Papa, Outta the way!"


I jumped from the top of the stairs and used wind magic to slow my decent, I landed in front of the boy, tossed him over my shoulder and flew back up the stairs and back into my room, slamming the door behind me.

"W-Who are you?" The boy was staring intently as I was panicking, locking the door behind me and frantically trying to close the window.

"Gah! This wasn't supposed to happen, I was supposed to just go out and follow the maids to see what they were doing!" I paced back and forth from my door to the window while the boy sat on my bed and studied my room.

"And you!" I snapped my head back towards the boy.

"Why did you have to follow me?! You could've just stayed where ever you were and not followed me! We wouldn't have had this problem if you didn't follow me you know?"

The boy was taken aback by my sudden aggressiveness towards him.

"I-I didn't know... I just wanted to see a magical beast, and since you have that pretty, blue hair, I thought you were one and got excited..."

"Hahh?! I do not look like a magical beast thank you very much!"

"B-But you do, when you stuck your head out of the dense forest you looked so much like one! That's why I followed you here! Plus you ran insanely fast and could jump really high..."

So me just being able to run fast and jump high being paired with my bluish hair, makes me a magical beast. This kid's gonna get it.

I walked right up to the bed, jumped on top of it and held the boy in the air by his collar, he wasn't much taller than me and weighed little to nothing, making picking him up so much more easy.

"You will leave and never speak of this place to anyone else, if you come back I will kill you."

I dropped the boy off the side of bed and hopped off as well, I made my way to the window and stood on the chair to open it once more.

"W-What're you doing? L-Let go of me!!"

I picked him up again and held him out of the window.

"If you don't listen to what I just said then I will literally kill you the next time you show your face, you got that?"

The boy gulped and nodded his head.

"Good, now get lost!"

I let go of him and he fell down onto the lower roof, tumbling as he fell, he even went as far as falling off of the roof and hitting the floor. I watched as he rubbed his behind as he limped off back the way he probably came from.


If that kid was here for any longer then I would've died from the pressure! I can literally feel Mama and Papa's intent from the other side of the wall, they probably would've busted in here and kill him them self!

"Baby are you okay?!"

"Has that human done anything to you?! If he even so much as breathes the same air as you I'll kill him!!"

Mama and Papa were knocking on the door frantically, they are really overprotective... but I guess that's a good thing in some way.

"Wait, Mama, Papa, I'm fine!"

Adam's POV:

"Ouch, Ouch, ouch! I can't believe she just picked me up and threw me like I was a sack of potatoes! I'm a human being as well you know!"

My butt hurts so much! If she was more nice about it then we could've been friends... I have to let Mama and Papa know so that I can come over and play again tomorrow, if I tell them that I met someone out here then they might let me come play and then I can convince her to become my friend!  Yes! I am a genius!

And with that, I ran back down the path that I came from while rubbing my behind. It was a long trip back, it took maybe an hour but that was only because I got lost once or twice... but after getting lost for the umpteenth time I could finally see light through the trees.




The cries of people I knew where echoing throughout the forest, one of them is Mama's voice, Another is Papa's, and the other is the nice lady who works at the guild. I don't know any of the others though, they must be worried since I ran off without telling them anything, I'll have to apologise a lot before I can ask Mama and Papa if I can come back in here.

"Mama, Papa! It's okay, I'm here!"

I could see the figures of many people through the trees, they were holding torches and were scouring every inch of forest they walked across. When I called out to them they all started looking around even more frantically, until they saw me running and waving with a big smile on my face.

"Oh my- Baby!"

Mama ran as fast as she could to get to me, she took me in her arms and hugged me to her chest. Tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed and dropped to the ground, still holding me in her arms. She cried and whispered silent prayers to the Gods while rocking me back and forth.


Papa came next, wielding a large war axe that is twice the size of me and wet tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He had the most complex expression I have ever seen, a mix between despair and happiness, sadness and joy. It's an expression which I have never seen Papa make, it's the sort of face I hope to never have to see again.


Papa dropped to his knees and began hugging me and Mama at the same time, caressing my head as he did so, slowly rocking us.

"Listen Mama, Papa. There's a girl in the forest and she is really quite nice. I wanna go and play with her again tomorrow, so can I please Papa?"

Mama and Papa stopped their sobbing ad looked at me, a sense of seriousness washed over me.

"A-A Girl?" Asked Mama.

"Mhm, she has pretty blue hair, like ones that the foxes Papa catches have."

"W-Where does she live?" Papa asked me.

"She lives further into the forest, but I know, so I can show you where she lives if you want."

Mama turned to Papa and Papa nodded, he got up off of his knees and let go of me. He confronted a man wearing a full set of armour but had his helmet off. There were a couple nods and arm folds before the conversation was over and the two came towards where Mama and I were.

"Adam." The Man with armour said. "Do you mind showing us where your friend lives?"

I felt the sides of my mouth crease up, I can show everyone where my friend, that just so happens to be a girl, lives!

"Sure!" I said, mouth beaming with joy and happiness practically radiating from me.