
Fenrir Mastery

Chapter 8 | Fenrir Mastery |

Two days ago, I got Papa to remove the ban he had placed on me for fighting, it was a massive win for me because this meant that I could now learn a bunch of new fighting styles from Papa. He even told me about the three most popular styles, and of course he boasted about having mastered them all.


"Now Tomoe, starting tomorrow I'll be teaching you a numerous amount of fighting styles."

"How many exactly Papa?"

Papa put his hand to his chin and took a 'thinking man' pose, but eventually when he did answer, naturally it shocked me.

"If I do so remember... Somewhere around 45?"

"H-Huh? 45, isn't that a really big number?"

Learning 45 style of fighting in your lifetime is a ridiculous feat, well I can't say it's not surprising considering that its Papa.

"It is, although I have mastered all of them, the only thing is I don't quite remember the names of all of them, eh he. But either way, I'll start off with teaching you the main 3 that most people of this world use, although they are not the most powerful, they are the most popular because of their effectiveness in combat and the time taken to learn them."

"So they are all easy to learn?"

"Not exactly, the easiest one to master quickly, and the most popular, is the Fenrir style, it consists of very aggressive, fast movements and focuses more on offense rather than defense."

"Is that right? Then what about the other two Papa?"

"The second most popular style that takes a moderate amount of time to master is the Orthros style, it has a mixed variety of offensive and defensive moves and is used to balance out a battle. And the last one..."

"The last one?"

"Well, the time it takes to master it ultimately depends on the person, if they have a good quick thinking brain and are an overall mischievous person, then mastering the style should only take 10-12 months. This style is called the Charybdis style and is often referred to as the Tricksters Form because fighting against a progenitor of this style is such a pain in the ass..."

Back to Present day:

Enough about that! Today Papa will be beginning to teach me the first style of fighting! Hopefully it's the Charybdis style first, that sounds like a way of fighting that I'd want to learn, I've never been too fond of tricking people and have always preferred fighting someone face to face. Wait... No way, the way that those guys would always find a way to ambush Akira and I... Don't tell me that the Charybdis style existed back on Earth and I never knew about it!!

"Tomoe, it's time for training!"

Papa was calling to me from the entrance and I came bolting down the stairs, what can I say? I'm so excited that I get to learn a new style of fighting! I've already mastered Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing and Kick boxing so this is really hyping me up!


I landed at the base of the stairs and stood to attention in front of father.

"Sen-Say? What's that?"

Ah crap, I totally forgot that they might not have the same formalities when it comes to training here.

"Ah, n-nothing. I read it in a book somewhere..."

"Hmm... Okay, let's get started shall we?"

Father had a wooden pole held out in front of him, he looked something similar to a drill sergeant if a drill sergeant wore expensive clothing.

"Umm... Before we start Papa, what should I call you?"

"Huh, what do you mean? Call me Papa like always."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why would you call me anything else?"

Shouldn't they have something they call there master here? Even if they just address them as 'Master' it should be fine right?

"Would it be alright if I just called you master while we do this?"

Papa's face flushed red and he lost his composure and became really flustered.

"M-Master?! N-No, y-you can't call me that! Only servants and slave call other people master!"

(In his mind he couldn't stop envisioning Tomoe in a cute maid uniform and calling him master)

"Okay, calm down Papa... Can we get started?"


Papa regained his composure, stood back up straight and held the pole firmly out in front of him.

"Tomoe, starting from today onward, I will teach you the Fenrir style until the day you have completely mastered it!"

"Wahh!? The Fenrir style?! Do I have to?"

"What's the problem darling? You don't like the Fenrir style?"

I don't to have to learn something that I already know how to do... well, if I just show him that I've already mastered it then maybe we can just move onto the next style.

"No Papa."

"Then let's get started! First come at me with everything you have, we won't stop until you manage to touch me so go all out!"

Father readied himself and wielded the pole, pointing to wards me with his hands gripped towards the bottom.

"You sure you want me to do that Papa?"

"Give me everything you've got darling."

He gestured for me to come at him, so I complied happily.

"Don't blame me if you get hurt!"

I ran at him as fast as my little 3 year old body would allow me to, it was at best able to catch him by surprise, but it surprised me more because I shouldn't be able to run this fast. It took about 2 second for me to close the gap between us and take offensive action, I tried throwing a jab at his stomach but he just blocked it with the pole.

"Tut, tut. That won't do Tomoe, more power into your hips!"

Tch, I wasn't going for power, for now I'm just seeing how fast you can react and what you can react to. I jumped back, putting some more distance between us and looking for openings in his stance. He held the pole out again once more, opening up his sides, but if I went for them he could easily block me by swinging the pole to either side. If I try to fake going one way and go the other then it probably wouldn't work either since he can just spin the pole around and block me. Ah, I've got it.

I was taking a chance doing this, but I decided to do it anyway. I charged at Papa once again and was aiming for his left side, I swung my left fist out while eyeing the pole in papa's hands. The moment I saw him move it I twisted my body and planted my hand that was supposed to be punching on the ground and did a one handed cartwheel, completely clearing myself from the poles attack range.

I sprang back to my feet and moved forward in an attempted to kick the back of Papa's knees to bring him down.


The pole that I thought I was clear of, was thrust backwards and into my chest. The amount of power behind the thrust kicked me onto the floor, I was finding it hard to breathe and was gasping for air desperately.

"Pahh... Pahh... H-Help..."

I reached out my hand towards Papa. Damn, why does my body have to be this weak?! It couldn't take one hit from Papa so how am I expected to stand my ground in any other fights? Don't tell me I was reborn as the type of girl that is fragile and needs to be cooped up in a room for her whole life.

"Tomoe!! I'm so sorry! I-I'm s-sorry!"

I could feel papa tearing up as he used some kind of magic on me that made all of the pain go away, I gasped for air the moment the pain subsided and could feel my lungs inflating.

"I-It's okay Papa, it was an accident... wasn't it?"

Papa hesitated, but through his sniffles and tears he spoke.

"N-No it wasn't, that thrust was s-supposed to kill.."


"It's okay Papa, it wasn't your faul-"

"B-But it was my fault, I told you to come at me with everything you've got even k-knowing that you are a n-natural fighter. And I-I underestimated you, even after you showed me your skills b-before. T-This only happened because I felt threatened, n-not many people can break through my defence you know? A-And yet you managed to and I-I hurt you because of it..."

He seems to be calming down, I think we should end our training here for today and have lunch. But damn, this body wasn't able to react to that thrust, if I had my old body back I would be able to completely destroy Papa.

I walked up to papa and hugged his head, he cried a bit but eventually stopped. I asked if we should call it a day and he agreed and said we'd continue on tomorrow. He's such a cry baby, I wonder what he will do when I leave home...