
A Fatal Mistake

Chapter 9 | A Fatal Mistake |

It's been a year and a half since I've mastered the Fenrir style and have since moved on to the Orthros style, I was a little bit disappointed when I heard that I was going to be learning Orthros instead of Charybdis but I guess it is a good warm up before exploring a completely uncharted territory, when it comes to fighting that is.

I'm now 4 years old and am about to turn 5 in a couple of months, Mama and Papa have been sneaking around the house for the past month, their whispers have extended to the maids and it is really suspicious. Sometimes when I walk past the maids in the halls they'll stop their talking and whisper to each other, it kinda makes me feel lonely and excluded. I wanna know what they're talking about as well! So I'll follow the maids today!

Today was the day that the maids go shopping, apparently this only happens every decade according to Sylvia. She told me that two trusted maids get selected to go out of the house and tour around for the period of 24 hours, buying exotic foods for us to eat here. But I don't believe that, I think it's all just a cover up for something bigger, but if it is just food then I'm not complaining, I just really want to find out!

"We will meet you here at this time tomorrow, Master, Milday."

"Yes, take care you two."

I peeked from behind the rails that led down the staircase and watched as Jessica and another maid, Carol, bowed to Mama and Papa, but before they left Mama whispered something into Jessica's ear and she nodded as a reply and both of the maids headed out of through the door. Their behavior is quite suspicious, but seeing as this is the first time I've ever witnessed that door open, the first time in my close to 5 years of  living here, so they must have just been words of caution.

I may seem like I don't know what I'm doing, but trust me, I do. I just snuck out of my room to watch the maids leave and time my own departure to match theirs. I've already told Mama and Papa to leave me alone in my room for a couple of hours to 'Study' so hopefully they keep out of my room while I'm gone.

As soon as Mama and Papa turned around to walk back into the living room I bolted back to my room and closed the door behind me, locking it. My plan was flawless, I would go out through the window and tail Jessica and Carol and see where they go. The only thing is... I'm not tall enough to reach the latch on the window, let alone climb through it.

"Ahh crap! I totally forgot about my height being an issue! Argh... Wait, don't I have a toy box that I never use?"

I looked around the room, searching for this toy box that I distinctly remember receiving from Papa after I turned 1.

"Ah, there it is."

I walked over to my bed and got on my hands and knees, reaching under the bed and pulling out a large wooden box. It was about the size of a milk crate, which is probably just the right size for me to be able to climb out of the window.

I dragged the box over to the window and propped it up against the wall, I took my first step onto the box and almost lost my balance. H-Hey, this box won't collapse if I stand on it, right? I planted both feet firmly onto the box and made sure that I could balance properly. After making sure that I wouldn't fall, I lifted the latch on my window with ease.

"Success! Whaa- Ahh!'

T-That was close... I almost fell backwards because of my stupid celebration. Now, this is may be a struggle... I've never used my arms that much in this life besides when I'm exercising and training them to build them up. So I don't know if my arms will be able to lift my entire body up and over the window sill...

My first attempt at climbing out of the window... was a success! I managed to pull myself up with general ease, and easily climbed out. Now I stood on the roof of the first floor, I tiptoed my way in the direction of the entrance to the house and could just catch a glimpse of the Maids walking through the... woods...

What's this?! The woods?! So you mean that for the past 4 and a bit years I've never noticed that we've lived in the middle of the woods even though the window in my room is clearly transparent?! Have I just been that unobservant that I didn't even bother to look out of my window?! W-Well, I guess this is an advantage for me since they won't be able to spot me as easily as I thought.

I made my way to the edge of the roof and peered over the edge. Oh go figure, I didn't think about how I'm going to get down, am I really that unorganized when it comes to planning things? I continued to observe my surroundings, looking for a safe place to jump down, but unfortunately, there were none.

"I'm so done, at this rate I'm not even going to be able to tail them and will probably get lost in the forest if I go by myself."

Oh, but I do have a way of getting down! Mama taught me how to use wind magic, maybe I can use it to soften my landing and get down safely... but I've never used it like that before, the most I've conjured up is a slight breeze.

"Ahh... it's all or nothing, if I want to do this I'm going to have to do it now Tomoe!"

I leapt off of the roof and began plummeting to the ground really quickly, I clamped my eyes shut, bracing myself before hitting the floor. But the floor never came.


I slowly opened my eyes and could see that I was blatantly flying, well not exactly flying, just hovering above the ground.

"Y-Yes! I did it!"

I quietly celebrated with myself before 'lowering' myself to the ground, in reality I just cancelled the magic accidentally and fell.

"Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!"

I said as I rubbed my sore behind.

"No time to procrastinate! I've gotta get moving otherwise I'm going to lose those two!"

I scrambled back onto my feet and ran off in the direction that Jessica and Carol had been heading in. There was a dirt path that cut through the trees and lead them through the forest, I didn't stick to this path and hid in the tree line so that they couldn't spot me. While they were walking it was as if nothing was up, they were having a friendly talk and would occasionally laugh every now and then.

"We're almost there..."

Huh, almost where? Are we almost at the exit of this forest? After five minutes of me following them from a distance passed, I felt a weird sensation in my chest, it was like my emotions were confused and felt as if all of them were nabbing at my heart.

"What's going on? Am I having a stroke?!"

I took my eyes off of the maids for a second to check myself, I looked at my chest and gripped it with my hand, the feeling went away the second I removed it from my grip.

"What was that about?"

I said as I looked back up, ready to continue tailing the maids, but instead of being met with the sight of two petite maids, I saw two young country girls dressed in colourful spring dresses.

"W-Who're they? They couldn't be Jessica and Carol... no, it's impossible. No one can get changed that quickly... maybe if they used magic they could... Agh, it doesn't matter, I'll tail them to the edge of the forest and check it out."

I managed to make up my mind and begin following these new girls, they are following the same path as Jessica and Carol so it should be fine.

After tailing them for another 10 minutes or so I noticed that the forest began thinning out and it was becoming a lot brighter, from here I can clearly see the end of the forest since it basically looks like a wall of light. The two girls seem to be walking straight out into the light (A/N: {Insert Moth Memes Here <—-} ), I don't know if I should follow them or not, Mama and Papa have probably kept me cooped up for a reason and that reason is probably a good one. Considering that Papa used to be something called a 'Maou' and Mama is a 'Nine Tailed Fox' or something like that.

I stayed a fair distance away from the girls, still hiding in the tree's, as they walked into the wall of light laughing. I waited for a couple of seconds and began walking towards it, following the path.

"Wahh... it's so bright! I can't see!"

I yelled as I ducked back into the forest, sheltering my eyes, protecting them from the light.

"Now I know why Mama and Papa didn't want me out here, the light is really dangerous in this world!"

I didn't even give it a second thought and ran straight back down the path, bumping into trees and stumbling over roots as I ran, only just managing to follow the path.


Unknown Boy's POV:

"Hey, Hey, Pass is the ball Adam!"

"Yeah, I'll get it for you Jeremiah!"

My friend Jeremiah hass just kicked the ball towards the entrance of the Justre Forest, kids are forbidden from entering and only when they turned 15 are they allowed to.

"Quickly Adam!"

"Yeah, Yeah, One second!"

I ran over towards the leather ball that was rolling towards the forest, two girls were coming out of the forest, both had swords attached to their hips. I looked through the tree line, I've always wanted to see a magic beast or monster before, either one of the two will do, if only I could... see... one...

I never expected to actually be able to see one! A furry haired animal of sorts poked it head out through the trees behind the two girls, it was only out for a split second before it retreated back into the forest again.

"A-A Magic Beast?! I've gotta see it!"

I left the ball where it was and began running towards the forest, completely disregarding the rules about no kids being allowed t enter it, all I know is that I have to follow that blue haired magical beast!