
First mission

"young master yen, your friend cao ming is waiting for you to go to the academy if you don't go soon you will be late master" yen shi, listening to what one of his many servants said through the door, remembers the fact that today is the day he must return to the academy and quickly prepares himself with the clothes provided and upon leaving the front door he comes across a woman of white hair, round face, sharp eyes, succulent mouth wearing tight clothes that hug her body exposing her protruding figure in the chest and ass area, after wasting time in view yen checks her status *cao ming* 21 years virgin physique: primordial of the 8 elements (legendary grade), dual cultivation physique*makes corruption and loss of rationality and getting pregnant easier (mythical grade) erotic status/erotic statistics masochism (80/100) half-awake slave (100/100) I don't wake up pure love(50/100) half awake exhibitionism (100/100) not aroused betrayal (100/100) I don't wake up sex-starved (???/???) half-awake (can be aroused at the command of the host or when she is in the hands of other men) purity (80/100) shame (79/100) Looking at the information, the young Yen cannot help but ask the system what these statuses are and the system after a few moments responds that they are simply kinks, the first part being how much of that sexual kinks will affect her, as in this case masochism which is (80) of (100) will be much easier to influence than pure love Understanding the explanation, the young man soon removes his gaze from Cao Ming's body and tells them to go "Since when do you, Mr. truant, care about arriving on time?" knowing that his past self is to blame, yen decided to keep quiet and continue on his way, but when they entered the room, the room monitor said that he would report to the person responsible for the class that they were late, yen knew that if he was reported for missing a class again he would be expelled after all his old self angered many and one of those is the director of the academy who wants yen from a false step to expel him knowing that his back is against the wall in this matter, yen starts to negotiate with ying, his old friend who has now become the monitor, ying, not being interested in anything that yen offered, walks towards the door and then leaves towards the director's office, yen was planning to go ago to convince him but cao says you can solve the problem... "ying, stop there" Hearing a female voice Ying turns and sees Cao and smiles "well, well who do we have here, are you going to help him again?, you know I'm already tired of playing with you, I'll only accept hiding this matter if we take the next step" ming with a displeased face soon responds back "I know but.... I don't want my only friend to be expelled so just this once hide it I'll let you touch me however you want"... a silence hangs in the hallway for a few minutes before ying finally decides to say "I've touched your body a few times that's not enough anymore... I want to have sex with you as payment" ......