
Reincarnated starting from MHA as Rimuru Tempest

A guy dies and gets reincarnated in MHA as Rimuru Tempest. _____ warning I'm bad at this type of thing just made this to relive some of my bordam.

T3chromanc3r · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Getting started Ch 1

MC: Anything I write like this means talking.

[ability names when used]


After waking up I found myself in a alley way looking around I found a broken piece of glass and used it to see my appearance only to get more excited i look exactly like Rimuru from season 2 with long hair right now I was wearing a black t-shirt and brown pants.

looking around I found that a little further down the alley way was a homeless looking guy seeing him I had an idea taking light steps I walk down to him seeing him sleeping I decided to try my ability.

MC: ok let's try this.

saying this I reach out my hand towards him slightly seeing he didn't move I quickly thought.


upon so my hand turned blue and stretched out and started engulfing the man upon which he woke up and started freaking out but nomatter how much he tried it didn't stop soon it was done my hand started returning back to normal.

I couldn't help but smile I could feel it subconsciously I just gained the quirk double jump I felt a slight tingle in my legs decideding to try it.

[Double Jump]

I found my self above the 1 story house before falling back down mumbling to myself.

MC: so it's not quit double jump it just doubles how high I can jump but that felling of gaining power is kind of addictive.

after dusting myself of I walked toward the exit of the alley way it was far brighter out on this open streat looking around I found cars going past along side pedestrians among which their were people wearing weird costumes and those few with animal features like a guy with horns a kid with a tail and more.

Random Hero: Hay kid you okay?

from the side I heard a voice looking to my side I got a little confused until I remembered my appearance is Rimuru and he looks like a kid thinking I replied.

MC: Yes thank you Sir Hero.

I said trying to look innocent before giving the excuse of going home to run away.


it's been 2 hours now all I've done is explore I've came across a apartment block after some phone calls With a stolen phone and paying a couple thousand I managed to rent a apartment after doing all that it was starting to get dark so I decided to just sleep for now with the blankets I have here and buy furniture tomorrow morning thinking so I slowly drifted of to sleep.