
Reincarnated, reincarnated, and reincarnated again for revenge [BL, H]

The moment XX-kun life ended on earth, he was reincarnated as a non-human in a fantasy setting world. Still in this world, human and non-human lived together in harmony. This harmony was shattered by an existence of a "demon emperor." Like any fantasy game goes, the demon emperor was finally defeated by XX-kun and his party... yet, afterward, he was killed... His second reincarnation was into the same world but way into the future.... but, he was reincarnated as a monster being experimented on in a laboratory. One of the experiment went wrong, thus his life ended. The third reincarnation, he again was born as a hybrid monster, half incubus, half ogre in a monster village. Everything seemed to go well until the village was attacked... WARNING: EXPLICIT YAOI, HENTAI, HAREM.

Babo12345 · LGBT+
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157 Chs

Chapter 66: The long night

WARNING: sex scenes involve shota... legal shota? idk.

「Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!」An injured man hurriedly escaped the scene of carnage. 「That dagger must have been crafted by some special runesmith. All of the potions I consumed still could not heal up the wound.」Desmond cursed his luck for getting involved with the hybrid in the first place. That fateful meeting at the outskirts of the small village had somehow led to a series of events that ruined his life. The one thing he focused on right now was to flee the forest since Kibadios might very well be chasing after him right at this moment. The chance of the hybrid surviving after a fight against an Astral was indeed slim, but as he was crawling away from the scene, he could tell the Astral was tricked by Ryan and walked right into their traps. At this point, Desmond could not rule out the chance of the hybrid emerging triumphant. Just who in the world was that hybrid? Desmond thought to himself as he dragged his feet through the thick wood. He could only hope to get away alive, never to see the hybrid, his group, or the Astral ever again.




「...」Ryan looked down at his feet, trying to avert the alchemist's horrified gaze after he had reported everything that happened the moment he got back to the camp. 「... I… I...am sorry… Maia chan… Because of me...」The guilt was eating him up inside, his cold sweat broke out as he anticipated the girl to scream at him for what he did to her childhood friend, and he knew he deserved it. Yet, he found himself at the receiving end of a warm embrace as the girl wrapped her still shaking arms around his trembling body.

「No, you have nothing to apologize for, Ryan chan. I'm the one who should be saying sorry to you.」The girl was holding back her tears since she knew had she been crying, the hero would feel even worse. 「We lived in our blissful ignorance while you carried such burdening tasks. You were not at fault here, Ryan chan. Thanks to you, Master was safe. I'm sure even Rowan would be glad to know how much you have done to protect our master.」Maia put her hands onto the hero's face, pulling it closer to her own.「 Don't worry, I'm sure Master will find Rowan chan and bring him back to us. The six of us, and Nu chan, will all be together again.」

「Maia…」Ryan, who was still much of a cry baby, simply hugged the girl tightly before her reciprocal hug finally caused his tears to burst out. It did not take long for Maia tears to stream down her face. Master will bring Rowan chan back to us… The girl tried to convince herself. Ryuu, who was consciously laying on the small bed at a corner of the tent, simply gritted his teeth in frustration. He had promised to be his master's sword, yet, he was not able to help him even once during this crisis. And now, he was reduced to a bedridden status after facing off against Aspen, forcing the hero to leave their master behind and go back to protect Yllaner. Just how useless am I!




「...Nothing!」The mutant hybrid shouted loudly to his master, who was searching for Rowan's traces on the other bank of the river. The last sun ray of the day dimly faded away as the cold blanket of forest mist started to roll over the area.

「We should rest, Yuusei.」Kibadios spread his wings, flying over the river and approached the mutant.「It's getting cold...」The hybrid looked at the dripping wet teenager, his borrowed black shirt was now hugging tightly onto his slave's slender yet well toned body. The mutant had been tirelessly swimming back and forth across various locations along the raging river to look for his senior. Any normal human would have collapsed from exhaustion hours ago, but since he was part ogre and part beastman, both races that possessed incredible amounts of stamina, Yuusei was able to endure such strenuous activities. Still, Kibadios could see that his slave was now clearly completely drained of energy. He knew the search for Rowan had to be postponed until the next day. Besides, within his own body, the poison resulting from one of the Doll's attacks was still circulating within him despite his best effort in suppressing using his Nen. Constantly consuming his Nen to mitigate the effect of the poison has also exhausted the hybrid.

「But Rowan nii...」Yuusei was also concerned for the healer, though he stopped short the moment he noticed his master was breathing hard, his body seemed to be turning bright red. 「Master okay?」

「Yeah, don't worry about me.」Kibadios grinned wearily, cold sweat ran down his forehead. 「I'll gather some wood and start a fire. Can I ask you to hunt for our dinner?」

Yuusei nodded. Yet, the boy, or rather, the teenager, was reluctant to leave his master's side. He recognized the symptom his master was exhibiting: face turning red, body burning up. He had experienced such a cold when he was young that left him bedridden for days, requiring his own mother to stay close by and take care of him. 「What are you looking at, Yuusei? I told you I'm fine.」Kibadios reassured the mutant.

Knowing his master did not want him to worry, Yuusei leapt forward and disappeared into the thick wood. Though unlike previous occasions, when he took his time looking for prey, the young mutant was now frantically searching for his dinner instead. He wanted to return to his Master as soon as possible. By the time he returned with a small wild boar struggling to escape his tight grip, he found his master sitting under a large tree, staring at a small crackling fire he must have just started. Though, his demeanor seemed different. The moment he noticed his slave coming back to him, his eyes seemed to glow under the fire like a hungry wolf who just found its prey.

「Master?」Yuusei called out.

「...」Kibadios remained silence for a moment before ordering his slave in broken speech. 「Get… away… from me… Yuusei… I… can't… suppress...my heat...」The hybrid had been struggling to keep the poison within him in check, yet, as time passed, the combination of the poison and constantly consuming his Nen reserve had caused his metabolism to go berserk. His body temperature heated up, his mouth started to salivate as his sense of smell became sensitive to any extrastimuli. His cock, which should have remained tamed after taking the heat suppressant, started to stand erected with precum leaking out. This period of heat was worse than even the night when he raped both Maia and Rowan into submission. The moment the hybrid picked up the mutant's scent, he just wanted to jump at the oblivious teenager, pin him down and ravage his body. The hybrid bit his teeth into his own flesh, mustered all his self control to restrain himself while warning his slave to stay away from him, knowing that had the mutant take one more step toward him, he would lose all of his inhibition.

「...」Yuusei slowly released the wild boar he caught, for he knew neither him nor his master would be eating anything tonight. 「Master… Let Yuusei help...」He slowly walked toward his master, knowing full well what it was that his master sought, for he had been staying close by to the hybrid everynight when he fucked Maia, Rowan, Ryan, and Ryuu into oblivion. Since his master did not allow him to join, the mutant simply laid there, under his blanket, listening to the sensual sounds the others made.

「I SAID YOU SHOULD RUN AWAY, YOU IDIOTIC SLAVE!!!」Kibadios suddenly jumped toward Yuusei, savagely pushed him down onto the forest ground. The mutant laid there, beneath his master, looking perfectly calm while Kibadios' hands gripped the mutant's wrists, his saliva and sweat dripping down onto the gray-skin mutant's indifferent face. Even when his mind was clear, the hybrid had always wanted to fuck his cute mutant. Now, with his mind clouded by the intense sexual urge, he just wanted to rip his clothes off and thrust his dripping wet cock inside the teenager's warm, tight hole. 「WITH THIS STUPID POISON IN ME, I DONT THINK I CAN CONTAIN MY HEAT ANYMORE! YOU SHOULD HAVE RUN AWAY WHEN I TOLD YOU TO!」

" No matter how you struggle… the end result will be the same… everyone who is close to you… will perish… First was that healer… then the dragon... You… should…just... stay… dead…." Adela's prophetic threat now echoed deep inside the hybrid's mind. When he first reincarnated again into this world as a hybrid monster, he thought he had abandoned his emotions. He thought he had rid himself from worldly attachments, only devoted himself to carry out his vengeance against those who wronged him. On that fateful night, he selfishly obtained Rowan and Maia and forced them to walk the same ruinous path as him. Then it was Ryan, then Ryuu… Yet, now, when facing the pain of having to lose those he loved and those who loved him, Kibadios realized he was wrong. He should not have brought them into his life and that meant, no matter how much he wanted to fuck and turn Yuusei into his possession, the hybrid still desperately tried to fight against such urge. For a few seconds, his rationale came back, allowing him to loosen his grip on the mutant. 「... leave...」was the only word he could utter before he bit down onto his arm, trying to fight against his primal needs.

「Yuusei stay with Master.」The mutant declared. Not only had his master saved him twice, he had also given the mutant a new life. Ever since that night when he decided to pledge his allegiance to the hybrid, the mutant had decided to offer his master everything he possessed: his fighting talents, his devotions, his mind and body, his flesh, and his eternal love. For the mutant, just being next to his master, feeling his warmth, was already a blessing. Even if it would cost him his life, he would be gladly trading it to be with his master. 「Yuusei belong to Master.」The teenager raised his arms up and crossed them around the hybrid's neck, tenderly pulling him downward onto his warm embrace.

「... What an idiot slave I have acquired...」Kibadios realized he could no longer convince the mutant anything otherwise. His mind started to give in to the waves of lust and arousal he was experiencing. The hybrid tongue slowly licked up from the mutant's collar bones toward his nape, before sucking and biting down just strong enough to leave a mark behind, causing Yuusei to moan out loud from a pleasure that he had never experienced before. The mutant had repressed his own growth, repressed his own biological needs for years until now, the combination of his sudden growth spurt, which on its own had unleashed an indescribable tingling sensation around his crotch since the morning, and the incubus hybrid's overwhelming sexual pheromone, caused the young mutant to instantly lose his once clear mind to the unfamiliar euphoria. As for the hybrid, he had completely absorbed with lust that even if his slave was to kick him away and try to run away, he would undoubtedly be chasing after the teenager and mercilessly raping him. Nothing could have stopped what was to happen. His hands slowly caressed the mutant's firm hips before sliding down along his waist, underneath his dark trouser, before finding them resting comfortably on his slave's two soft mounds. His fingers and nail quickly found themselves sunk deeply into the mutant's flesh as he tried to squeeze and play with the inexperienced teenager's asses. His tongue, once finished playing with one of the slave's bright red ears, was now assaulting his mouth. The mutant would try his best to open up his mouth, allowing his master's tongue to dominate his own. He tried to hold his breath at first, yet he soon found himself out of air as his master's tongue tirelessly swirled around his saliva filled mouth, playing with his tongue and teeth.

「Haa… Too much… Haaa… Not there… Master!!!」The moon was now hanging high over the starry sky, for it had been a few hours past midnight. Yet, the moaning and begging sounds sounds, mixed with slurping noises, continued to reverberate throughout the dark wood. Under the dimming flickers of nearly extinguished embers, the hybrid still fucked his half conscious slave's asshole. At first, Kibadios would hurriedly thrust his raging cock deep inside the blushing slave, even though his slave was yet fully undressed. His mouth sucked on the slave's nape, one of his hands played with the slave's well endowed, rock hard cock while the other pinched and twisted his oversensitive nipples, causing the mutant to continuously shoot his cum all over ground, in what seemed to be his 100th climax. Although the hybrid quickly released his load, his cock still remained rigid as it remained inside Yuusei's tightening hole, rhythmically pistoned in and out, grinding against the poor mutant's prostate. By the start of the third hour, both the mutant and the hybrid were naked, their own bodies were slowly coated with a mixture of the cum and sweat. At some point, being unable to maintain his mature ogre form, the exhausted mutant unexpectedly reverted back into his furry shota form. The sudden transformation resulted in his asshole's inner walls to tighten around his master's monstrous cock. Needless to say, Kibadios quickly shot another load of his thick cum deep inside the shota. Had the hybrid been his normal self, he would have some reservation when fucking Yuusei in his rabbit beastman form. But his lust induced mind knew no such hesitation as he proceeded to plow his cock deep inside the boy. By now, due to his petite size, his stomach would get deformed everytime his master's cock rammed inside his asshole, much like the girls from Asanagi's hentai. As the first light of the new day began to shine through the wood, Kibadios' heat finally subsided as he collapsed after shooting his last drops of cum inside the shota, whose stomach seemed to have bulged up. Unlike his Rowan nii chan, Ryan nii chan, or Maia nee chan, the mutant, despite being exhausted, was still conscious as he felt his master's cock popped out from his asshole, allowing his cum to gush out of his hole.

「Mas...ter...」Yuusei muttered while laying on top of his master's chest. The boy tried to take a glimpse at his master's face, hoping for the usual satisfied expression that he would have after fucking the others. Yet, the only expression that he could find was that of anguish and pain. 「Master?」Yuusei was now panicking. He was completely aroused by his master's pheromone the entire night, with his mind drugged up that he could not realize that his master's body was actually burning up, and that was certainly not merely from the "heat" he was experiencing. 「Master okay??」Yuusei sat up next to the naked hybrid, who appeared delirious. His usual piercing purple eyes were now turning somewhat opaque. 「Poison worse than Master thought?」The mutant deduced. Thousands of scenarios raced inside of Yuusei's head, with some images of his master dying causing the mutant to tremble in fear. After a few seconds of hesitation, the mutant shook to clear his head before deciding to carry his master and race back to the campsite, where the alchemist girl would know best how to treat the hybrid, although knowing full well that would meant leaving the wounded healer behind.「Rowan nii chan… Yuusei sorry...」

So this was one of the very first R18 request/commission that got delivered. Funny how I thought I'd use it soon but it took like 2-2.5 months for me to actually reach the point in the story where I can unveil it. >.>

Hopefully you did not check the artist's skeb page and spoiled yourself lol But if you did, it was actually my bad >.>

Artist: Ashwing


Image link: https://imgur.com/a/Qc2HVDD

^click on comment to see picture.

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