
Reincarnated, reincarnated, and reincarnated again for revenge [BL, H]

The moment XX-kun life ended on earth, he was reincarnated as a non-human in a fantasy setting world. Still in this world, human and non-human lived together in harmony. This harmony was shattered by an existence of a "demon emperor." Like any fantasy game goes, the demon emperor was finally defeated by XX-kun and his party... yet, afterward, he was killed... His second reincarnation was into the same world but way into the future.... but, he was reincarnated as a monster being experimented on in a laboratory. One of the experiment went wrong, thus his life ended. The third reincarnation, he again was born as a hybrid monster, half incubus, half ogre in a monster village. Everything seemed to go well until the village was attacked... WARNING: EXPLICIT YAOI, HENTAI, HAREM.

Babo12345 · LGBT+
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157 Chs

Chapter 67: The 14th day (1)

「Matelus showed up?」Adeus was surprised at his son-in-law's report.

「Yes.」Aspen nodded. 「It seems like he had gotten stronger than the last time we faced off against him too. At this point, he will carry out his plan sooner or later. If he rescued Zaeryn's followers, it's not too farfetch to think he is trying to recruit his old teacher to participate in his scheme.」

「Why worry about Zaeryn? Adela is taking care of him as we speak.」

「You have put a lot of trust in her. But remember who she is facing. Zaeryn is not someone to be trifled with. I'm not surprised if we find her retreating back to this realm with her tail between her legs.」

「Seigeran!」Adeus intimidatingly released his extraordinary Nen. 「Watch your mouth. She is still your wife. Shouldn't you be showing more concerns for her?」

「I couldn't care less.」Aspen fired back. His calm, considerate demeanor quickly vanished from the ancient hero's face . 「My only concern is to preserve the balance and the very existence of this world. Don't you forget, I have never pledged my allegiance to either you, Adela, or even the Ennead. My goal and purpose simply aligned with you Astrals.」Aspen glared at the man standing towering before him as their Nen battled one another for dominance. Had any other individual stepped inside the room, they would be instantly knocked out as if being hit with Conqueror Haki.

「... Forget it.」Adeus finally backed down. 「Even if you don't have any faith in Adela, I still do. Without a doubt, she will end Zaeryn's reincarnation.」declared the Astral, despite the easy feeling that kept lurking deep within his mind.

「... Let's hope so.」Aspen frowned at the idea that Zaeryn would once again suffer and perish in the vile woman's hand. Why would you return, Zaeryn? The hero thought to himself.




「I know I can find you here.」A figure spoke as he slowly walked toward the high cliff, where a withered tree stood. 「Are you thinking about the upcoming conflict?」

「...」Another figure, who laid comfortably on top of one of the tree branches that reached out to the deep that ravine underneath , turned around but yet remained silent.

Where am I? Whose memory is this? Wait… Why did I know this scene in front of me is just a memory?

「You know what I'm going to miss?」The figure stretched his arm and his body. 「I'm going to miss tranquil nights such as the one we have now.」


「What do you mean why? The cold breeze, the low humming sounds of the insects, the gentle moonlight, and the serenity. Aren't you also trying to appreciate all of these right now? Isn't that why you're here being lazy instead of your headquarter?」

「... You know what i meant!!」The figure on the tree finally jumped down, standing right in front of the other one, his calm Nen aura quickly transformed into that of a raging beast. 「Why would you just willingly accept our fates?」

「What do you expect me to do?」The figure gave his friend a gentle smile. 「Much like you, despite how powerful I think I am, even I cannot go against the will of the Gods. We are merely their playthings and soon enough, our sufferings will be the source of their entertainment. It is a fate that we cannot hide from since we were created by them for this very purpose.」The figure swirled his hand at his irritated friend. Strangely enough, the friend suddenly disappeared into a layer of smoke as if he was merely a mirage. 「Though, let's pause our conversation right now because there's someone peeking.」

Wait? He knew I'm watching this? Just like Matelus… But, this time, I was not actively trying to peek into anyone's mind… Why am I seeing this?

「Young man, it seems like you're lost.」The figure clapped his hands together, causing the surrounding space to crack and shatter into pieces, revealing to Kibadios his true location, which was a dimension of pure whiteness.

「This space.」The hybrid quickly recalled the familiar location.「This looks just like the place where I met with the Ennead when I was first reincarnated.」Kibadios turned to the gentle figure. 「Who are you?」

「What's the point asking for my name?」He smiled. 「Even if I say "I'm Bob...unaga" or something, it would mean nothing to you, right? After all, my existence would have been erased from the history of this world, so telling you who am I is meaningless.」

「Erased from history?」Kibadios was surprised.「... You were talking about the Gods and being their playthings… So you're also a victim of the Ennead?」 But to my knowledge, there has not been a Harvest Festival ever since the demise of my first reincarnation, does it mean he's someone who lived way in the distant past, during the period of previous Harvest Festivals? Kibadios thought to himself.

「The Ennead? Who are they? A group of 9, huh? What an interesting name!」

「…You don't know about the Ennead? But you were clearly saying something about the Gods.」Kibadios suddenly realized the tiny detail in the conversation he just eavesdropped. 「...Wait a minute, did you say you were created by the Gods?」

「?」The man simply gave Kibadios a confused smile.

「But you are not a Doll...」Kibadios could tell with his gut feeling. 「What's going on here?」

「Well, I don't know what is happening in the distant future… but I know one thing...」


「That you're not supposed to be here, reading my memory.」The man again clapped his hand. This time, Kibadios could clearly sense the incredible amount of Chaos Miasma imbued in his simple movement, enough to be able to dwarf that of Ryuu's and the Prime Minister's when they were infected with the seed. 「I'll send you back where you belong. Bye bye, young man. Though, I don't know why, but I feel like we will be able to see each other again.」

「Wait a minute.」Kibadios called out to the man, yet, the tsunami of Chaos Miasma quickly drowned him, causing his consciousness to fade away.

「Who are you?? Who did you mean when you said "The gods"???」Kibadios screamed out as he found himself suddenly sitting up from his familiar bed at the campside, sweats streamed down from his forehead to his neck, soaking a loose white shirt he was wearing. 「Where am I? 」As the hybrid tried to focus his mind and recall any recollection from the past few days, he suddenly felt a warm hug wrapped tightly around his neck.

「Kibadios sama!!!」The silver haired alchemist called out. Her eyes were slightly swollen from crying ever since the mutant brought the hybrid back, with the poison thoroughly circulated around his body. 「You're finally awake! How are you feeling? Damn it, I should not have hugged you like that! What was I thinking! Are you hurt anywhere? You should lay down and rest for now since I have yet extracted all the poison in you. No, actually, I should get you some water, your lips are all dried up… I… I...」

「Maia?」Kibadios pulled the trembling girl into his arms and calmed her down. Wait? I'm back to the camp? Why am I here? The poison must have knocked me out. 「I'm fine. I'm okay. Sorry for making you worry.」

「Master... I'm so … sorry... I was not... of any use to you.」The girl struggled to form a coherent sentence since she could not stop her tears from streaming down her cheek.

「What are you talking about? It's my own decision to not let you know what was going on. If you want to blame anyone, that'd be me.」The hybrid patted her head, trying to console her. Though, as his memories regarding the days before slowly started to come back to him, the hybrid twitched once he remembered his most important task before succumbing to the poison. 「Wait a minute, where's Rowan? Were we able to find him?」

「... No. Yuusei chan hurriedly brought you back to us before you two could locate Rowan.」answered Maia.

「...But I can still feel his connection to me.」Despite the bad news, Kibadios was sighing in relief. 「That means he's still alive…」

「Really?」Maia's face quickly brightened up.

「How long have I been unconscious? I should go back and look for him.」

「No!」Maia pouted disapprovingly. 「You have just woken up from a three days coma. You're still weak, there's no way I'd let you go anywhere! If you can sense Rowan chan's presence out there after this long, that must have meant he has at least recovered from the fatal injury Ryan chan told me about.」Maia explained. 「Besides… our utmost priority is your safety, Master. I'm sure Rowan would not want you to go look for him after just recovered somewhat.」

「Three days?」Surprised Kibadios. 「Wait, so what's the status of the conflict? Where is the Princess now?」

「She has left the encampment, taking a few of her entourage as bodyguards.」answered Maia. 「Ryuu, Ryan, and even Yuusei have all reluctantly come with her, along with Amber, Floria, and Thomas dono. At first, they did not want to leave your side, but I convinced them that I should be able to take care of you and that had you been conscious, you would like them protecting Yllaner sama in your stead… Am I wrong?」Maia shyly looked at her master, afraid that she might have stepped out of bound in trying to speak for the hybrid.

「No, no… that's good that they're with her.」Kibadios nodded before turning silent while thinking. 「... If Yllaner has left the encampment, then that must have meant her spies have successfully completed their tasks and the other three clans have again flipped to her side. Now, it's just a race between her and her brother: whether Yllaes would be able to kill her and take over the Confederation or whether the three clans would come to her aid after taking over the control of the Orcan mine, effectively ended the contract between the Hyakki Yagyo and her brother.」

「... Yes… that's exactly what she told me.」Maia was amazed at her master's deduction.「She did not want the two forces to clash heads on, which might result in thousands of casualties. That's why she decided to leave her soldiers behind, betting that her brother would also elect to ignore the army and aim straight for her. She purposely left her trace behind so that her brother would take the bait… Wait, what are you doing, Master?」Maia quickly turned around as she noticed her master had stepped off his bed and put his usual clothes back on. 「You should be resting right now.」

「I'm fine.」answered Kibadios. 「You have removed most of the poison inside me. I only detected some trace amounts of it left and I'm more than capable of handling them on my own. Right now, I need to come to Yllaner's aid. I have a feeling that the decisive battle between the pair of siblings will be decided today. After I helped her, I will come back and look for Rowan… We will look for Rowan together.」

「But you're still weak, Kibadios sama! You should not exert yourself too much.」Maia pleaded.

「I'm a hybrid of two races that are renowned for their vigor, Maia.」Smiled the hybrid. 「Besides, after single handedly defeating Adela, I've leveled up a bit. I'm much stronger than this slender half incubus body looks. Should I prove it by fucking you until you've fallen unconscious?」The hybrid pulled his property closer to him for a deep, wet kiss.

「Oh my.」A husky voiced figure entered the tent, disrupting the pair's passionate kiss. 「I was just coming to check on Kibadios dono here, but it seemed like everything turned out okay.」

「Oh, I'm so sorry!」Maia quickly broke off the kiss then walked to the hybrid beastman, much to the hybrid's annoyance. 「Yes, Kibadios had just woken up a few minutes ago. It's all thanks to your help.」

「No no no, I did not do anything important. It's all because of you taking care of him.」

「Maia… Who is this?」Kibadios carefully studied the beastman from head to toe. The short wavy hair wolf-like beastman was an obvious hybrid, for he possessed two extra arms on top of his normal arms, a distinctive trait of the Four-arms race. His two deep scars running down his left eyes were clearly his most distinct trait. Despite his low quality of detected Nen, there was something about the man that caused Kibadios to suddenly feel a chill running down his spine, the same feeling when he first faced Gilga, one of the Yonko.

「Oh, This is Kipposhi san.」Maia introduced the man to her master, oblivious of the implication of the name. 「He found Yuusei exhausted about fifty miles from the camp, trying to carry you back here so he decided to help him out. Without him, it'd take another day for Yuusei to bring you back to us.」

「... Maia… come back to me.」Kibadios grimly commanded.

「Huh? Is there something wrong, Master?」The girl reluctantly obeyed, before rushing to him once she realized her master might not be feeling well. 「Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?」

「No, that's not it.」Kibadios quickly stepped in front of the girl, shielding her from the beastman hybrid.「 "Kipposhi san" huh? Isn't it unusual to have your childhood name as your alias? Why are you here, Oda Nobunaga… or rather, Ashura of the Hyakki Yagyo, one of the Yonko? Are you aiming for the Princess' life?」Kibadios shouted before projecting himself toward the unsuspecting hybrid with his readily conjured large scythe, trying to land the first strike.

"Kipposhi san" simply grinned, his disguised bloodlust was now at full display, causing the alchemist girl to freeze in place. 「I certainly did not expect you to uncover my identity this quick, fellow World Travellers!」

Picture of Ashura:

Artist: Urusai_nu? Idk


I commissioned this ages ago haha.

Really talented artist with a really cheap rate. :3

Fun fact: I gave them the complete artistic freedom to design "Ashura" since I really like their style, but I totally forgot to specify I like Ashura to be a "Humanoid" character instead of animal-like lol Hence, this is the result. Not complaining though cuz it's totally my fault haha. The details and the style is actually really nice. And again, with really cheap rate! :D

Link to picture (Click on comment to see picture here):


Pls rate and review (o´ω`o)ノ

Also, thanks to all the Stones (especially person named Khang who has been giving me tons these past few days)! Idk what they're for and why (or how) I have given myself 10 already (lol) but yeah, thanks to all who have given me stones!

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