
Reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko

This is the story of a man named Jiro who died and now is reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko how will he shake things up in this world and will he be the one to save Ai Hoshino’s smile.

Tjsmith1202 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Life With a Famous Family & Reincarnated Babies

[1 year later Jiro's countryside villa]

(Jiro's POV)

It has been a year now since me and Ai had the twins and so much has happened in that timeframe first off after the birth of our children doctor Gorou Amemiya was mysteriously vanished out of thin air I wanted to have an investigation done to find him but the hospital facility chalked it up to him just taking time off which at that moment I agreed but I felt weird that his disappearance wasn't just him taking time off more of he was either kidnapped of even killed.

But aside the doc being gone Ai and I were now newly parents to two beautiful children at first glance you would think that these two children were just that children but I had a rude awaking one night when I found out what my kids were truly.



Me and I were sleeping when I heard noise and immediately thought that someone had broke into the house as I got up and walked quietly in the halls I heard voices and shadowy figures when I got closer and peak out of the little cravats of the door I was stunned when I saw both of my children walking and talking perfectly with Aqua speaking up saying to Ruby.

Aqua:"Are you the same as me."

Ruby:"Huh what do you mean."

Aqua:"I mean are you someone that died and got reincarnated into a baby like me."

Ruby:"What? So you died and now a baby huh."

Aqua:"Yeah duh that's what I said."

Ruby:"Well sorry but yeah I am so what."

Aqua:"Well what are you doing."

Ruby:"Looking on social media at Ai and Jiro's status can you believe that they are our parents."

Aqua:"Nope can't say I expected that but look you need to be quiet okay we can't wake up Ai or Jiro."

Ruby:"Oh don't worry so much Aquamarine they are fast asleep no way they will wake up."

At that moment I made my presence known to the two children and said.

Jiro:"Oh really and what makes you so sure Aqua and Ruby."

Once I said that both Aqua and Ruby froze in place as the slowly turned in my direction as they did they tried to play off what I heard when I said to them.

Jiro:"I heard everything you said so don't play dumb with me."

Aqua:"Ah well umm hi Jiro how are you."

Jiro:"Don't know son just found out that my children are not actually children and is more like a reincarnations of someone else that's how well I'm doing!"

Ruby:"I see uh hey papa are you mad at us for lying."

Once Ruby said that I just looked at them and thought even if they are reincarnated people they are still children in this life and me and Ai are there parents so I just tell both of them with a sigh.

Jiro:"No I am not mad just surprised and to be honest I can't really be mad because a man I knew told me that I wouldn't be a perfect father or man I just need to be better for them which is all I can do so even if you two are reincarnated people I still see you as my children and will continue to do so I just ask you both to be patient with me and Ai as your parents."

Once I said that both Aqua and Ruby didn't say a word I only heard footsteps coming towards me as I bowed my head and closed my eyes when I could feel little arms wrap around me with Aqua and Ruby speaking saying to me.

Aqua:"Okay we will Jiro."

Ruby:"We will do our best for you and mama."

Jiro:"Thank you *retuned the hug* and also Aqua can you just call me dad not Jiro please."

Aqua:"I'll try."

Jiro:"Ha that all I ask."

Once that conversation was done all three of us hid the truth from Ai not wanting to worry her over something wasn't important in the long run so after that day we just did as normal after that and then on.


[Flashback end]

When I was thinking of that Ai brought me out of my thoughts saying to me.

Ai:"Hey what's wrong you were daydreaming again is it about your comeback to acting again."

Jiro:"Huh what well yes and no I'm not really too worried about it and also I know that you are going back to Strawberry production and the B-Komachi idol group and while we are doing that *Looks at Aqua and Ruby* I know that will have to leave them at home."

Ai:"Yeah to be honest it's been nice to have them with us I really have enjoyed and love being a mother."

Jiro:"And what you didn't enjoy being a wife I'm hurt Ai."

Ai:Hahaha yeah whatever you know being with you has been the best thing that has ever happen to me and me being your wife as well that has only make me love you even more."

Once she said that she came in for a kiss and when we were about to kiss both our managers barge in ruining the moment between me and Ai and out of the corner of my eye I could see both Aqua and Ruby faces thanking the two ruining me and Ai's intimate moment with Ichigo and Hina pulling a chalkboard out of nowhere and said to me and Ai.

Ichigo:"So now that you have recovered enough we need to get you back on the idol train and back on tour to make your long awaited comeback."

Hina:"And you Jiro I got in contact with some directors that want you to be the lead actor in some high profile movies to either reprise your role or getting a new role your gonna be real busy."

Jiro:"Yeah I know but my only concern is who will watch the kids I don't want a babysitter that's too risky."

Ai:"Yeah I have to agree with Jiro on that."

Ichigo:"Well my wife Miyako can watch them problem solved."

As he said that Miyako was very irritated about watching after the kids but when I looked over at Aqua and Ruby with them nodding I sighed and agreed for her to watch the kids so after that we started planning mine and Ai's return to the entertainment industry.


[Few months later Tokyo Japan]

(Jiro's POV)

4 months pass and so much had happened in that amount of time first once me and Ai went back to our respective production studios I had risen up in the acting industry getting new role after new role which was a little overwhelming for me but all around good because of the money and fame I was getting with also my acting improving and even being the best to all the actors and actresses.

But while I was succeeding Ai was having a rough time with her idol group mainly people on social media bringing her down saying things like Ai smile is not what it used to be and that Ai doesn't truly love us she is fake even though I was always there to comfort her it wasn't enough and I had to make a decision to help her out so I told my manager and with the help from Miyako my crazy plan to get Ai that smile and brightness back in her life.

Hina & Miyako:"YOU WHAT!!!!???"

Jiro:"Yeah that's the plan."

Hina:"No way in hell we can do that do you know what would happen you dumb ass."

Miyako:"Yes I mean you know if you show up with the kids to Ai's show the people will start putting two and two together you do realize that don't you."

Jiro:"Yes I do I'm not a complete idiot I know that if I show up as myself people will talk but if I disguise myself with a fake wig and different color eyes I could fool them all and be fine you two both know that Ai needs this she needs to see her kids watching their mother on stage please I beg of you do this for me do this for Aqua and Ruby."

As I pleaded with the two the thought about a little more and agreed with Hina buying a shoulder length black wig with blue contacts while Miyako got Ai's schedule and knew she had a performance at Strawberry production's today so we left private mansion house that I had bought for me Ai and the kids to live in.

Once we got to Strawberry production and headed inside no one was the wiser of who we were and just thought we were regular fans which I tell the two once we were inside.

Jiro:"Told you it would work."

Hina:"Just the hell up I hate it when you are right and I have to say your acting is scary good."

Miyako:"Yeah I mean how does Ai know the fake you from the real you."

Jiro:"Ha same way I know the fake Ai that everyone sees to the real one that me and the kids see at home even though she hasn't said I love you to Aqua or Ruby."

Once I said that Aqua and Ruby looked a little said from what I said but I instantly stopped that with my next words.

Jiro:"But even though she hasn't said it she will just have to be patient hehe."

After what I said the lights turned off and that's when I knew the Ai's performance was about to start once the music started Ai and the B-Komachi group came out singing their popular song that got everyone hyped up but as Ai was singing he eyes looked so lost no emotion in them at all I had to find a way to get her attention but all of that went out the window when I heard and saw Aqua and Ruby both swinging glow sticks so well to the flow of the song which I stood their frozen same as Ai.

But I think that was the thing Ai needed because as she was looking at where we were I could see her eyes and face shine as bright as ever from seeing our kids move to the music of her song which I was so happy about knowing that our kids helped Ai out of her stump.

Although as we got home Ichigo wasn't as happy about what transpired and went to talk to Miyako about this while me, Ai, and the kids were on the couch looking at the video and picture of Ai and looking at the comments showing so much support of Ai showing her true smile instead of the fake with her turning towards me and saying.

Ai:"So you did this didn't you."

Jiro:"W-what are you talking about that was the kids idea they wanted to see you hell Ai I wasn't even there."

Ai:"Oh you sure because this guy with black hair and blue eyes seems real familiar sweetie."

Jiro:"Well I ah huh how did you know."

Ai:"Call it wife's intuition and also you are the only person I know that makes this smile when our kids do something cute."

Jiro:"Ah well I try to simmer it down but I couldn't help myself they were too cute."

Ai:"Hahahaha your father is so cute when he gets like this isn't he."

Jiro:"I told you I'm not cute damnit."

Ai:"Language Jiro."


Ai:"Your forgiven *Kisses me on the cheek*."

As we sat on the couch enjoying each other embrace we eventually put the twins to sleep and before leaving and when the twins were fast asleep Ai said to them before leaving.

Ai:"*Whisper* I love you Aqua and Ruby."