
Reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko

This is the story of a man named Jiro who died and now is reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko how will he shake things up in this world and will he be the one to save Ai Hoshino’s smile.

Tjsmith1202 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Birth of the twins

[Countryside hospital in Japan]

(Gorou Amemiya POV)

It was your typical day at a hospital the usual check ups and diagnosis as I was doing my usual rounds when all of a sudden a nurse comes by and tells me to go and check up on a pregnant woman so thinking it was just a usual thing I went off to check on the patient as I went in I was a little stunned to see a woman with two guys one with a suit with sunglasses that look old like in his mid to late 30's and another man who covered his face with sunglasses and a face mask.

After thinking all of this I speak up to the occupant's in the room saying to them.

Gorou Amemiya:"Well hello there to all of you I am doctor Gorou Amemiya and I will be your obstetrician (OB) for the foreseeable future now if I may ask the young lady can I see your face.

As I said that the two men looked at each other and the young man to her left spoke to the woman quietly and then once they were done with their talk they both took off their glasses and face mask which at that moment I was immediately stunned with the sight I was presented with the two that I saw were the young movie superstar Jiro Tanaka and the heartthrob idol Ai Hoshiro I was so stunned that the older man had to bring me back to reality saying.

Ichigo:"Hey um doc are you there.

Gorou Amemiya:"Huh oh yeah I um just curious are you the movie star and idol Jiro Tanaka and Ai Hoshiro by any chance."

Jiro:"Yes we are but we would like to keep it just between us in this room please if people knew about us being here then we would have people coming after us and we don't want that."

Gorou Amemiya:"Uh yeah sure but wait one more thing if I may ask is that baby inside of Ai both-."

Ai:"Yep it's mine and Jiro's child."

Gorou Amemiya:"Ah I see."

Jiro:"Is that a problem doc" *Looking at Gorou Amemiya menacingly*.

Gorou Amemiya:"Uh w-w-what no not at all to be honest I always thought that you two would be a good couple together really."

Jiro:"Really how so."

Gorou Amemiya:"Well I think it was at one of Ai's concert's that you were there Mr.Jiro and the camera had cut to you looking at Ai to the normal eye it's just a famous person looking at another famous person but what I saw it was something more and even people on social media said that Ai was more cheerful and alive in her performance then usual."

Jiro:"Oh I see."

After our talk I got started on her check up and told her what she needs to do to make sure that she is healthy and make sure that the birth goes off without a hitch after our check up they put back on their disguises and headed out after that I swore to myself that I will make sure that Ai and Jiro's birth goes as smoothly as possible.

[Jiros's villa near the hospital]

(Jiro's POV)

As we all got to the villa that we were going to stay at for some time I went to help Ai out of the car when she spoke saying.

Ai:"Jiro I am not going to suddenly break you can relax."

Jiro:"Sorry I just worry alright you know that."

Ai:"Yes I know your very cute."

Jiro:"Oh shut it I'm not cute come on let's get you inside."

As we got inside we did mundane things around the house until night time where we had dinner together with me cooking since Ai unfortunately couldn't cook to save her life so I did most of the cooking which I didn't mind that much when she shouted at me when she was sitting waiting for the food.

Ai:"So what are you cooking today."

Jiro:"Some sushi with miso soup and udon noodles."

Ai:"Ohhhh my favorite."

Jiro:"Yeah I hope you have a big appetite I made a lot."

Ai:"Well I am feeding for two so I will eat it all."

Jiro:"Okay you better."

Once the food was done we dug in with Ai not lying saying she would eat it all she had a lot of servings that day which left her sleepy so I went and picked her up bridal style to the bed and tucked her in but before leaving I went down to her ear and said to her.

Jiro:"*Whisper* I love you Ai Hoshiro."

Once I said that I went and washed the dishes and then headed to bed with Ai.


{9 months later}


(Jiro's POV)

This is the day the day that Ai is giving birth to our children yeah plural we found out that we are not having one but two kids one boy the other girl we were both stunned at the revelation but adapted with it me and Ai were in the hospital room with Gorou Amemiya who was a big help during this time which we were both very grateful for.

Gorou Amemiya:"Just let me know if you need anything okay you two."

Ai:"Okay I'll be counting on you to help deliver my children."

Gorou Amemiya:"Well I do have to leave."

Ai:"No I want you to deliver them."

Jiro:"Ai stop it you know that he isn't here to deliver the kids then his trusted nurse will don't you like her as well."

Ai:"Yeah I guess your right."

Gorou Amemiya:"Okay see you two later."

Jiro:"Hey umm Gorou Amemiya can we talk alone please."

Gorou Amemiya:"Sure."

Once we got outside the room I told Gorou Amemiya my fears of not being a good father to my children or being a good man to Ai I told him all of this because I trusted and felt that he would give me good advice and the advice I needed after I Tod him that he says to me.

Gorou Amemiya:"Look I'm not gonna tell you that your not gonna screw up in being a father and a lover to Ai and the kids because your not perfect hell no one in the entire world is perfect we all have flaws but you want to know how to get rid of those flaws of ours.


Gorou Amemiya:"Well we learn from them and we be better then them that's all we can do in life and I know that you and Ai will have you good and bad times but as long as you two get through it together you'll be fine."

After hearing that I thank him and he headed off home once I came back into the room Ai ask me.

Ai:"So what did you and the good doctor talk about."

Jiro:"Well we talked about how I need to be better for the kids and you."

Ai:"Huh well you already are Jiro?"

Jiro:"No I'm not Ai I have my fears about you about the kids about everything I worry that I won't be a good father or a good man for you Ai I just feel powerless sometimes I just--."

I was cut off when I pulled me over and kissed me straight on the lips I was taken off guard and shocked for a moment until I reciprocated the kiss after a while we broke apart with her saying to me that I never thought I would hear from her.

Ai:"I love you too Jiro."

As she said that her eyes became the brightest I have ever seen once she said that which I figured that she truly meant what she said that she truly loves me but our moment was cut short when Ai was groaning in pain knowing what was about to happen I called the nurse in knowing that it was time to give birth to our children

After some hours and a damn near squeezed out hand Ai gave birth to two beautiful and healthy children which she had already had names for them that she wanted to give them Aquamarine and Ruby.