
Twilight & Shock

AI doesn't waste time and teleported us immediately. We landed on the side of a road, near a sign. Looking closer at the sign, I read what it said "OH FUCK!"


In a house in the woods, a youthful girl comes out of her trance as her face breaks into a smile "I've found my mates!" she screamed as 7 other people come running to her room.


"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this world?" Kara asked, concerned.

"Not particularly. But the link we felt is something unique to this world. It's called a mating bond. And, apparently, we now have the ability to form them." I said

"Okay. What's so wrong with that?" Kara asked

"Normally, humans can only form one in their lifetime. But we aren't human so we don't seem to have a limit. Any world we go to could form a bond." I said

"So, I'm now bonded to you and someone else? Better not be another guy!" Kara said angrily

"To form a bond with someone, your compatibility has to be off the charts...wait, you aren't mad that a bond was formed, with BOTH of us, just if it's a guy??" I ask

"Of course. No other dick but yours. That's my motto." Kara said as if it's the most common thing

"Okay. So what do you want to do first? Buy a house in the woods? Find this person we're bonded to? Personally, I think we should go back to the ship to figure out the current date and get our citizenship set up." I told her

"That sounds good. But let's buy some land and build our own place on it using our crystal tech. It's cheap and fast. On the plus side, we can also cloak it." Kara said with a finger on her chin

"Works for me, let's go." I said before we flew back to the ship


[Alice POV]

"I'm sorry Alice, I thought I heard you say 'mates'." Rosalie said after everyone entered the room

"I did. I have two mates. I've only ever seen black when I tried to find anything about him...them." Alice corrected herself. "But just now I felt the bonds being formed and looked again. I can clearly see two."

After seeing what Alice was thinking, Edward's brow furrowed "What are they?!"

Looking at Edward with anger "They're my mates, thats what! Just because you can read my mind doesn't mean you should stick your nose in whenever you feel like it, Edward!"

"What do you mean by 'what' Edward?" Carlisle asked

"They..." Edward tried to say before Alice interrupted him

"They can fly, have skin so hard we can't hurt them and have a ship orbiting Earth" Alice said triumphantly

"Are they aliens? Cool!" Emmitt said

"Shut up!" Rosalie said as she slapped the back of Emmitt's head. "What else can you tell us about them?"

"The guys name is Se-An, and he's 18. The girls name is Kara Zor-El, and she's 17." Alice said while looking into space. "And if I'm right...they'll be here to meet me tomorrow!"

"Kara Zor-El you say? Isn't that the name od Supermans cousin in the comics you like to read Emmit?" Jasper asked

"Yeah. Weird coincidence, huh?" Emmitt asked

"I'm not to sure....." Jasper responded "I mean they fly and are from space and are harder than steel, according to Alice's visions...."

"Carlisle, I don't think this is safe." Edward said

"SHUT UP EDWARD! Just because YOU want to spend the rest of your life alone, doesn't mean I want too!!" Alice lost her cool

"Calm down, Alice. I'm sure that's not what he meant." Esme said while putting a hand on Alice's shoulder. But everyone noticed the pointed look in Edward's direction.

Noticing everyone looking at him Edward finally said "No, of course not. I only meant they could be dangerous to us." he finished, realizing his mistake before he could stop himself.

"One more word out of your mouth, and Emmitt and I are taking you out for some intense combat training Edward." Jasper said, way to calmly.

Edward shut his mouth, getting the point.

"They are not here to hurt us. They wouldn't have been coming here at all if not for the bonds forming." Alice said

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see. No point in worrying about something we can't do anything about." Carlisle stated as everyone but the girls cleared the room.

"So, what else cam you tell us about them?" Rhonda, Jasper mate, asked.

"Well, Se-An is a king....." The talks went on for a few hours.


The next morning

[Kara's POV]

"So, our papers are all set up and we already bought the thousand acres near her. When do we go meet her?" Kara was much happier after AI did some digging and told her everything about Alice and the supernatural of this world.

"Let's go set up the crystal fortress first, then we can go meet her" I said

"Yay! Let's go!" she said as she grabbed the crystal and took off out the air lock.

I couldn't help but smile at her happiness, as I grabbed the cloaking device and followed after her.

We reached the ground in the middle if our new land, and started making a clearing. It didn't take long before Kara set the crystal into the ground and we stepped back to let it grow.

10 minutes later

"Alright. Home is made. Cloak is set up. We can go meet her now." I give her the green light. She was gone before I could finish speaking. All I could do was catch up and follow the bond.


[Alice POV]

'We took today off school so everyone could be here to meet them. I hope the like me.' Alice began to panic.

"Calm down, Alice. They're your mate. They're going to love you." Esme said reassuringly

"Yes, please calm down. Your thoughts are screaming in my head." Edward said, receiving multiple hits to the back of his head, even from Emmitt. "Alright, I got it, I got it."

"Okay Alice, what are they doing now?" Rosalie asked, trying to distract me.

Using my ability to see them now I said "They're flying." I looked closer to see if I could tell where to. My face showed panic as I said "Here. They're almost here." I stood up and ran out the door. As soon as I reached the driveway I looked up and saw two specs in the sky.


[Se-An's POV]

"Alright, we're almost there. Are you ready?" I asked Kara, who was clearly as nervous as I was.

"Yes. I can't wait to meet her." Kara said

"Alright. I'll stay back and watch. I don't want her to be overwhelmed by the both of us." I made my excuse, but it was a valid one.

"Good idea. I'll break the ice and warm her up for meeting both of us." Kara said

Coming over a mountain I saw the house and someone with short dark hair come barreling out of the door to wait for us, I presume. "There she is." We stopped about a thousand feet in the air before Kara dropped.


[Kara's POV]

'Oh my God, I'm so nervous!' Kara was panicing inside as she fell to about a foot off the ground in front of her new mate.

'She's beautiful! She'll fit right in.' Kara thought with a smile growing on her face

Noticing nothing was happening, Se-An said "Introduce yourself honey." He tried to say it where only I could hear it, but I saw her look up at him as he was talking.

"Hello" getting her attention back to me "my name is Kara Zor-El. And that hunk of man up there is my fiancee, Se-An, Last king of Krypton!"

With a smile on her face, Alice responded "Hi, I'm Alice Cullen, a vampire." several gasps could be heard from behind Alice after she said this.

"ALICE. You just told them our secret." Rosalie said vehemently

"But they already knew." Alice said while looking back in confusion.

""Oh"" was the mass response.

"Would you like to get out of here and get to know each other better? Without the peanut gallery I mean." Kara asked

Before Alice could respond, Edward just had to open his mouth "She's not going anywhere with you!" he started to rush Kara. I'm sure somewhere in this child's mind he was doing the right thing.


[Se-An's POV]

Hearing Kara ask Alice if she would like to get to know each other in a more private setting, I noticed the man-child of the group running his mouth and trying to attack Kara. 'That's not happening' I thought to myself.

I flew down in front of him as he was about to grab Kara's shoulder, and simply kicked him through the trees behind Kara before returning to my position, a thousand feet up.

"Gasp. Edward!" Carlisle and Esme took off after him.

"You spoil that boy to much" I stated before they froze and looked up at me.

"So what if I do? What business is it of yours?" Carlisle yelled, probably hoping to shock me with his hearing ability.

"You can just speak normally. My hearing is far superior to your own. He may look 17, but I'm 100% certain he isn't. He's older than I am, yet acts like a spoiled child. Is he the leader of this coven? Or are you," I ask, trying to educate Carlisle

"I am." he said

"Then why does it seem like he calls the shots? I didn't see you try to stop him from attacking my fiancee. The next time he tries, I'll remove an arm...permanently!" I state before my eyes gold blue and I light the ground around Edward in a circle. Looking back I see all but Alice and Kara frozen.

"Are you a Kryptonian?" Emmitt asked, getting an elbow to the ribs.

"Shut up. Your comic books aren't real." Rosalie stated

"Yes I am! It would seem your world has literature on the DC universes." I state

"Are you saying...?" Carlisle started to ask

"Let me stop you right there. Multiverse is real. Every book, movie, game and comic are glimpses into other universes. And some are alternate universes or timelines." I gave them a big shock. "Girls, I'm going to finish setting up the house. You can take her to the ship if you would like, and introduce her to the learning chamber. As a vampire of this world, her mind can handle the stress. If any of you try to attack her again...I'll destroy this planet!" I state before turning and leaving.


[Alice POV]

"Can he do that?" I ask Kara

"Oh yeah. He even made a new planet for our people. How easily do you think he could destroy one after doing that?" Kara asked me

"I don't even want to think about it" I stated blankly

"Alright, let's go. I'll introduce you to the ship and then take you to my new house" Kara said with a smile on her face as she picked me up and we left Earth behind.