
Alice & New Life

[Se-An POV]

I returned to the fortress and started to synthesize the materials for the beds, couches, chairs, and kitchenware. After they were completed and in place, it was down to waiting for them to return. I decided to use a wish to be able to alter reality on a minor scale. But it was evolvable, so that's good.

After everything was done, I decided to go food shopping and stock the house. I could synthesize food stuffs, but I needed to waste some time.


[Alice POV]

On the ship

"So you guys are from a different universe?" I asked the big question.

"Yes. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but Se-An has the ability to travel the multiverse. Live will never be boring with him around." Kara said with a smile on her face that left me breathless, however that works.

"So why did you come to this universe?" I asked

"Se-An chose a random universe for our first jump. It was here. No reason in particular." Kara answered honestly.

"I'm glad you came. I've been alone for almost a century." I said

"Damn. So you've been waiting for a hundred years for us to show up?" Kara asked in shock

"Yes. We vampires will generally wait for our mates unless we die. Although some vampires will sleep around, killing the humans during the act." I said

"Oh? How many have you killed?" Kara asked

"None...I haven't slept with anyone." I answered with a tinge of pink showing up on my cheeks

"Well, that puts all three of us in the same boat. Se-An and I haven't sealed the deal yet, either." Kara said

"What can you tell me about him?" I asked, leaning forward

"I won't tell you much. That's for you two to get to know each other. What I will tell you is that he will kill to protect his own. He built a new planet for our kind so they can live in peace if they so choose. But he also won't let them kill anyone they want. He's a good king." Kara answered with a distant look. "There was a guy, Darkseid, that was about to kill my cousin Kal-El, who you call Superman. Se-An showed up and tore his head off. Here, the ship has the footage."

After watching the footage, I asked "And you guys were okay with him killing this Darkseid?"

"He not only was about to kill my cousin, he was responsible for destroying our home planet and everyone that lived there. His death was already a necessity to the universe." Kara said adamantly. "If you want the rest of that story, ask Se-An. It's his story to tell."

"OK, what's this learning chamber do?" I asked

"Well it..."


[Se-An POV]

Kitchens stocked. House is furnished. TV room is set up with twelve TVs in a four wide by three high rectangular setting with all news channels playing at the same time. Ass installed onto couch....."UGH, IM SO BORED!"

There is absolutely nothing going on in this world. No wonder this is the world of twilight. Nothing else interesting happens. This four year period is probably more action packed than a century anywhere else.

"Barriers up in the living room. SRBs on. I'll just rest til they get back." I decided. Besides, maybe something will come across the news and I can go have some fun.

Three hours later

Nothing. Nothing is happening. Stocks. Celebrities. Politics. "This world sucks!" I say out loud

"It's not that bad. Is it?" Kara asked, coming into the living room, enjoying the extra solar radiation

"This world is to peaceful. It gives me bad vibes. I'm so used to world ending threats that when nothing happens, it makes me think something is brewing." I tell her honestly

The room grows brighter as Alice steps into the room and starts to sparkle. Kara notices and stares as Alice in wonder "Beautiful."

"Yes. Hello little pixie." I say to her. I never cared for the sparkling vampire bit, but under the SRBs was a whole new deal. She didn't sparkle, she glowed.

Alice was staring at her arms and hands, in a daze "What's going on?"

"You vampires sparkle in the sunlight. Under the Solar Radiation Boosters, you glow. It actually makes sense." I say in a daze as well. "How do you feel? I know your type of vampire doesn't burn under the sunlight, but this? Do you feel hot, or does anything feel uncomfortable?"

"No. Nothing feels different." Alice answered honestly.

"AI, turn on the artificial sunlight. I want to see if she still sparkles as well, since this is just the radiation" I said.

As the room brightened, there was no difference in radiation, but the effects were jaw dropping. Alice looked like she was a star. Instead of sparkles, she looked like mini solar flares were coming off her. It was truly mesmerizing.

""Wow."" was all Kara and I could say.

After five minutes, I finally came out of my daze "AI, turn off sunlight and SRBs." After Alice returned to normal I walked up to her "Hello, my name is Se-An. And if you would accept, I'd like to make you dinner so we can sit down and get to know each other. All three of us of course" I said as I looked at Kara.

"I can't eat food" Alice informed me.

"I have the ability to alter reality. I can return your body to full human or a hybrid so you can eat. But I've already but a barrier around your mind, so you brother can not read it" I told her.

"That's good. I'll take the hybrid option if you would" Alice said.

"Of course" I answered and complied. "Now, I'll go prepare the meal. You two can sit down and enjoy yourselves."


After a good meal and long talks, we decided to escort Alice home for the night.

"Goodnight Alice" Kara said

"Goodnight" Alice responded, running up to her and giving her a hug

After she stepped away I said "Goodnight Alice, I hope you enjoyed yourself today."

"I did, and thank you" Alice said before she jumped on me like a Koala. All I could do was hug her back as Kara was giggling beside us.

After getting down, Alice ran inside and Kara and I flew back to the house.


[Alice POV]

I ran into the house with a blush on my face. Trying to calm down I walked up the stairs to the living room, where I found my whole family waiting. Some with worry, others with smiles.

"So, how was your date? Get lucky?" Emmitt asked with his goofy grin before Rosalie could hit the back of his head

"It was great. I got to know alot about them" I answered, waiting for more questions

"Alice? Why can I read your mind?" Edward asked

"Because Se-An put a barrier around my mind to protect me from mind readers like you" I said blankly

"He put a barrier around you mind? Is that safe?" Carlisle asked

"I'm fine, Carlisle. He even made me a hybrid so I can eat and don't need blood to survive. I have all my strength and abilities still though" I responded

"A hybrid?" Carlisle asked in confusion

"If you want more answers, you'll have to ask Se-An. And just because you are three hundred years older than him, don't treat him like a child Carlisle. He's smarter than you" I gave him a helpful piece of advice. He had a bad habit of treating everyone around him like they were idiots at times.

"You can't know that" Esme came to Carlisles defense

"He's a literal multiverse traveler. What are we by comparison?" this question shut them all up

"He's altered Alice twice now. How do we know he hasn't harmed her?" Edward opened his mouth

"Shut up, Edward. I'm tired of you trying to give me advice when you can't even talk to your own mate just because you don't want to, and I quote 'damn her soul'." I said

"Now Alice, he has some good points..." Carlisle tried to defend Edward

"No! Like my mate said, are you the leader of this coven? Or is he? You move us around at his whim. If he doesn't like something, we all have to listen, but if it's all of us vs. him, both you and Esme take his side. I've had enough. After we leave Forks, I'm out" I tell them my honest feelings

"Alice, don't get ahead of yourself now..." Esme started

"No, she's right. I've had enough of this bullshit too." Emmitt said

"Same" Jasper said

Their mates didn't answer but nodded their heads.

"We can talk about this later, for now, I need more information on your mates, Alice." Carlisle said

"No. The discussion is over. If you can not understand what we all just said to you NOW, then you're just trying to put it off until we don't bring it up again. And as for my mates, ask them yourself. If you want to know something, stop going behind peoples backs or through their minds," I glanced at Edward "while still expecting to keep your own secrets!"

"We have to remain hidden from the..." Carlisle started

"HUMANS Carlisle, from the humans. I'm done for tonight, goodnight everyone." I say before heading to my room


[Se-An POV]

After listening in on the conversation from their house

"Well, it looks like some interesting times are ahead. I'll have to put the fear of God into that boy. Looks like my warning didn't take hold." I said nonchalantly

"Yes. I may have to have some girl talk with the leaders wife as well. He's over a hundred years old but still acts like a spoiled child. She's a horrible mother figure." Kara said with a frown

"Issues for tomorrow. There's a hurricane hitting Florida right now. Wanna go rescue some people with me?" I asked

"Hell yes, let's go" Kara said as she flew off, leaving me behind

With a laugh, I followed after her