

"Alright. Random or do you have a universe in mind?"

""Let's go to Supernatural!"" they both said at the same time.

"It still surprises me that my world has the show and yours doesn't." Alice said.

"It is to be expected. Every universe is different. Even their forms of entertainment. Before we go, I'm going to make two knives for them though. They won't be as versatile at the first blade, but they should match the demon-killing knife." I said.

"Making some gifts for them already?" Kara asked with a smile.

"Yes. I'll be magicing them to be recallable to the bros after they apply a drop of blood to the hilts. This way nobody can take them away from them. They'll also be unbreakable since the blades will be made of Kryptonian steel." I said after some thought.

"Nice! What about the handles?" Alice asked.

"You pick. Go to your family's dumping ground and grab a couple of antlers from the animals there. Be it deer, moose or elk. And maybe some bear or wolf teeth!" I shouted as Alice took off out the airlock.

"She's much happier after turning into a Kryptonian." Kara said with a smile.

"Yes. Especially now that we don't have to carry her around everywhere. Now we just have to decide if we want to add demon or angel to our bloodlines. There are to many weaknesses to angels if there's no worship power. Demons become stronger with age to the point they become comparable to angels in power and strength." I said aloud.

"If we become demons, wouldn't we have to kill people to survive?" Kara asked with concern in her voice.

"No. We're Kryptonian. We can use sunlight instead of soul power. Plus we already have our own bodies, we're exceptions to the rule. Perks of being Travelers." I said with a smirk.

"I still don't know if I'm comfortable being a demon." Kara said with concern.

"Demons gain power themselves. Angels gain power from God and it never increases. It's a set limit at their 'birth'. Our Kryptonian heritage would do nothing but gain from becoming demons. If we become angels we would gain nothing outside of the Supernatural universe. If you still are uncertain, just become a human. You won't actually become a human, it just means nothing will change for you." I clarified.

"You sound so certain." Kara said with a smirk.

"Perks of having the ability to travel the multiverse, darlin'. Go brush up on your Latin with Alice, after she gets back while I make the blades. Then go hang out with the Cullens. Ill call you when were ready to leave." I told her with a warm smile.

"Okay!" Kara said before kissing me and, not so subtlety, grabbing my ass before she skipped out of the room.

"Okay. Nice Bowie blades, with teeth as the guards, and antler handles. Should fit their M O nicely." I said to myself as I got to work.

Two days later, we entered the Supernatural universe.

'Thank C, no mate here!' was my first thought.

"Okay. Alice, let's see how well you have gotten your hearing under control. Listen around the Earth and find the brothers." I said as I sat down to wait.

"Okay." was the only response I received before Alice started focusing on her hearing.

Two minutes later she opened her eyes.

"I have them. Sam just got shot. By the conversation, I think this is the time of the rabbits foot incident." Alice said while in thought.

"Alright, let's go." Kara said as we all flew out of the shop and followed Alice towards the brothers.

Coming to a stop one hundred feet in the air, I noticed the brothers standing next to a small fire with a young lady across from them.

After the girl took off Dean started screaming. Apparently the girl had stolen thousands of dollars worth of winning scratch off tickets from him. We couldn't hold in our laughter at this point.

"Who's there?!" Dean shouted while staring at the sky.

"We mean you no harm, Dean Winchester." I said as I slowly landed in front of them.

"...who are you?" Sam asked in shock.

"Your suit...it's like Supermans just a different color and symbol. Are you Superman?!" Dean asked, clearly excited.

"No, but he is my cousin. And his cousin Kara is my wife...well, one of them." I said as Kara and Alice landed next to me.

Dean said nothing, but you could see the twinkle in his eyes growing by the second.

"That girl stole these from you, I thought you might want them back." Alice said as she handed Dean the scratch offs.

"Thank you. And who are you?" Dean asked curiously.

"Do you have Twilight in this universe?" Alice asked.

"Yes we do. What's tha..." Dean stopped talking before he actually looked at Alice. "You're Alice Cullen." he finally whispered.

"Now Alice-An. And this is Se-An's other wife, Kara-An (I'm actually surprised these work out so well via audio)." Alice introduced Kara and myself.

"I have SO many questions!" Dean said with a smile almost breaking his face.

"You're taking this so well. I'm surprised you just accepted everything we said and didn't pull out guns and knives before asking us to prove it." I said honestly.

"The flying convinced me before anything else. Now, my questions?" Dean asked hopefully.

"Ask away." I said with a smile.