
A Little Trip

"By the way, Bellas birthday is next week so we're throwing a party for her. Bring her a present if you want." Carlisle said.

"Hmm. I think I know the perfect thing to give her." I said after some thought.

"What is it?" Emmitt asked excitedly.

"Bio Nanos that will strengthen her bones, skin and muscles. She won't be a vampire, but she'll be tougher than any kid her age. She'll also be less likely to bleed from the tiniest amount of damage." I answered.

"Thank you. That will make my stress levels go down. I know you aren't doing it for me but thank you anyway." Edward said.

"You're welcome. I'll have to go make it so I'll see you all there." I said before I walked to the door.


Unlike cannon, the party went off without a hitch since Bella used the Bio Nanos before opening her presents. This gave me close to a year when nothing would happen in this world.

"Kara, do you want to go back and visit everyone for a while? I'd also like to introduce Alice to Kal-El." I said.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why not a new universe?" Kara asked me.

"I'm not looking forward to another potential mate." I stated blankly.

"As long as Alice agrees to go, I'm fine with it." Kara said.

"Sure. I'd love to meet Superman." Alice said enthusiastically.

"Okay. Time in this universe will freeze so no one will know we were gone, Alice." I said.

After a few minutes, we were back in the DC universe.

"Home sweet home." I said after the color returned to the universe

"So what are we going to do first?" Alice asked.

"I could take you to visit Superman first, then tour Atlantis." I gave an idea.

"Oohhh! Yes please." Alice said, bouncing around.

"But first, would you like to become a Kryptonian? Or something else?" I asked her. Since this is her first time traveling with us she still doesn't know she can change races.

"I can be like you? Like flying and punching walls?" Alice asked as she threw a couple of punches.

"If you wish it." I answered.

"Yes please!" Alice answered just before her body went through the changes.


Two months later

"I'm bored. No bad guys are trying to destroy Earth...let's go to a new universe!" Kara said enthusiastically.

"I agree with Kara." Alice said.

'And so the times of my opinions mattering is over.' I thought dejectedly. "Alright. Random or do you have a universe in mind?"

""Let's go to...!"" they both started to say.


Cast your votes below. If I know nothing or next to nothing about the options given I won't consider it just because I can not do it justice.

Short chapter I know, but I was growing tired of the Twilight universe after so many chapters. We will come back to it to complete the saga.
