
Realization & A Decision To Make

I took a dazed step forward as Superman, Batman and Flash all stopped me while I had a goofy smile on my face

Shortly after she left I realized this was going to be difficult. I remembered I had many secrets I could only share with a few.

"I guess I'll just go and patrol" Flash said depressed

"Don't worry Flash. You'll find that special someone eventually" Superman said, trying to cheer him up

"Yeah..." Flash said

"I may be able to cheer you up" I told him as I went to grab the communication devices I had made for the League while I was training my technonesis. After I grabbed the 3 I needed for everyone present, I walked back to the group "I made these in my free time. I have put Satalites around the planet so they have no black zones. The ship will redirect everyone's communications between each other or even to everyone. Just put them on your wrist and you can use it to communicate verbally, visually or even connect to your Earth internet and watch some videos when you're bored" I said as I handed the first one to Flash

Grabbing it quickly, he put it on and started playing with it. After Batman stared at it for a few seconds he asked "Is it tracked?"

"Yes, but only because if you need help or get captured and need rescued we can find your exact location and get there asap. If you don't like this function, I can disable it but you can't get mad if something happens to you and we can't find you to help" I stated bluntly

".....can you turn it onto a toggle. One where I can turn it on and off but if you try to activate it and I don't deny it within a certain amount of time, my location is revealed anyway? Maybe with a station I can put it on when I'm not working so I don't have people trying to break into my hideout when I'm living my regular life?" Batman asked

"I can do that" I said as I used my powers to take the watch from his hands back to the table where I started altering the code in it to add a toggle on the location sharing. Next to it was a stand for the watch being assembled. After 30 seconds I levitate both items back to Batmans hands "The instructions are already pulled up on the terminal I let you use yesterday."

"Could you do the same for us? No offense but I'm sure we all have a civilian life that we want to keep separated from our hero work" Superman asked

"Of course" I said as I took the both of their watches, much to Flashs dismay, over to the work bench to start the changes along with the stands for each. 30 seconds later, they had their watches back and Flash was happy again "If you'll follow Batman to the conference room, the terminals you used yesterday have the packets you need to read to understand your new devices" I said like a salesperson that just made a sale

"Thanks. These will come in handy. And now I won't be so bored on patrol when nothing is going on" Flash said enthusiastically

"Don't forget, don't let it distract you from your hero work. If you do I'll remove its internet capabilities" I told him seriously

Flash took 2 quick steps back as he brought his hands up in surrender "OK, I got it, I got it"

"Good. Now, these will allow everyone to stay in contact with each other without having to come up here. Not that I mind it, but I'm sure nobody want to come up here to hang out just to find out they're all alone" I said

"Yeah, no. That would be disappointing" Flash said

"How many satellites are up?" Batman asked

"8. Unlike human tech, my signal can go through bedrock for a distance. So I set them up in 2 sets of 3 triangle patterns that cover the entire planet. The other 4 are for the black spots I told you about and as backups" I informed him

"If what you say is true, then we can communicate literally anywhere on and pretty far in the planet" Batman mused

"By the way Batman, I thought you would have taken a ship for yourself since your Batwing can't stand staying in space for extended periods" I said

"I would have, but I don't want to leave my Batwing here" Batman said defensively

"You shouldn't have to. You should be able to fit your Batwing inside the scout ship. It'll be a little snug though" I informed him

"Is there tracking on the ship?" Batman asked

"Yes, but I can do the same thing as before. I'll just set it to where only you can turn on the tracking remotely. I don't want someone to manage to steal it and start reverse engineering Kryptonian tech. If you want to know how its made, ask your watch, its connected to my ship here anyway and can transfer the blueprints for some of its more basic functions" I said

"I understand, and please do" Batman said and we headed to the scout ship I had designated for him. After 5 minutes, he was set to head back to earth. He only came today to find out how the drama played out last night.....and because he needed to confirm that the new Kryptonian was going with Diana

After everyone left with their new toys, I sat down and started thinking 'What do I do when the Kryptonians show up? Should I try to convince them not to kill all the humans. Or just take them all out during the fight?' On the 1 hand, they were still my people that I was supposed to protect and lead. On the other hand, I didn't know if they were part of the faction for or against the return of the king.

Maybe I should move another planet to mirror Earth, on the opposite side of the Sun, now there's an idea. But which planet should I use? Maybe one of Jupiter's moons would work best....'I've decided.'