
New Krypton & Terraforming

Ganymede was the largest moon in the solar system and it had an existing magnetic field, this made it perfect for a new planet for my race. The only problem was the size. For now it was big enough, but eventually when our population started growing it wouldn't be enough 'hmmm.....maybe if we use the cities already made as underground cities, and vover them up with the space debris from the asteroid belt.....yes, that sounds feasible!'

I had all my ships head to Ganymede, soon to be New Krypton, in preparation to move it to the mirror side of Earth. This was a long and boring procedure that I pretty much blanked out on but still completed in 7 hours. After thar was finished I had half my remaining ships and robots I had created, begin to move the largest pieces of the asteroid belt to New Krypton to build, first a moon, then to break it apart to aid in increasing the size of the NK. This would take years but was a worthwhile investment in my opinion.

Returning to my position in Orbit around Earth I finally managed to lay down to get some rest.

2 hours later

"SE-AN? ARE YOU HERE?" Batman yelled out

Groaning tiredly "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

After washing my face and having a drink of water I managed to stumble my tired ass down the hallway. We may not need sleep after reaching a certain level of power, but there's a certain appeal to the act itself. I can only rest under the effects of the SRBs. "What's up Bats?" I asked

"A moon went missing from Jupiter. Do you know anything about this?" Batman asked, trying not to sound like he was interrogating me

"Ya. I moved it" I said like it was a common thing to do

"...you...moved it? I'm going to need you to elaborate that one for me" Batman said

"Have you forgotten? Use your terminal! I'm tired from all my work, I'm going back to rest" I started walking back to my room and still, hopefully, warm bed "everything I did and have planned for that planet you Earthlings have no rights to or say over, are in there"

Batman just watchmen go down the hall until my door closed before he headed to his terminal and started going over everything that had to do with New Krypton. He had to admit, this was a good plan and he had nothing bad to say about it.

7 hours later

I finally finished my rest. Walking out of the room I noticed Batman was still at his terminal reading everything he could get his hands on. Walking up to him I handed him a jump drive that was a bluetooth connector that was compatible with his watch "Plug that into your computer and hook your watch up to it and your computer will display all the information on your bigger screens" I gave him a peace offering

"Any tracking in this?" he didn't actually sound like he was to suspicious anymore

"No. It's just a short distance connector for any watch in range" I told him honestly

"How short?" Batman asked curiously

"In Line of Sight, roughly 35 feet before the connection starts to become unstable. After 50 feet, you wouldn't even be able to register anything is there to connect to" I answered him again

"Thanks. I have some questions about what you did with the moon" Batman said "I'm not upset about it, just curious. And my questions weren't answered by the terminal."

"Ask away" I said as I sat down in my chair, stretching out the last of my muscle aches from resting for so long

"Why would you need a planet? I mean, there's a perfectly good one right here, and I thought everyone was pretty welcoming...maybe not G Ls first impression, but still" Batman asked

".....I guess I didn't grant you access to this information. AI, grant Batman access to information about the Phantom Zone" I said after realizing my mistake "I'll let you read that for awhile. I'm preparing for the best. Earth is no place for what you are about to read about."

I got up and walked to the bridge, it was time to check the news around the world and see if my help was needed anywhere.....it wasn't, 2 hours of news about weather that wasn't bad and stock prices and what the presidents daughter did this week "UGH, IM SO BORED..."

After chuckling for a moment "Yeah, that happens. I can understand now why you would take an entire planet. I'll keep everyone else off your back about this. Are they coming to Earth?" Batman asked seriously

"I don't know. I could send out a ping and find them instantly, but I don't know if they are for or against me. If they're for me, they would probably integrate into your kind peacefully. But if they're against me.....they would probably want to wipe humanity out just to have a wasteland to start Krypton anew" I said. I truly didn't know Zods stance on having a king. He never made it public. But knowing how he was, he would either be for it or want to be king himself. It all depends on which kind of Zod he is. "I figured if I could give them an already empty planet here, they may leave humanity alone."

"I hope you're right. Worst case scenario, we have a war with a bunch of God like beings. Best case, peace and fellow protectors close by" Batman realized

"I'm giving humanity an out if I can convince them to leave Earth alone" I reminded him

"Yes. You really don't look down on humans, do you?" Batman asked

"Do you look down on ants just because they can't move as fast or lift as much as you?" I asked bluntly

"No...I guess I'm more indifferent to situations like that" Batman realized where I was going with thus "You don't put us in your eyes at all, do you?" Batman felt like he was seeing me in a new light

"I do, if only because Kal-El has chosen to protect you. Think of it like this, you see a stray dog in the street what do you do? Nothing. Later that same day, your child brings home the same dog, asking if he could keep it, what do you do? You let him keep it because you want him to be happy. What happens when the dogs get worms, do you put the dog down? No, you give the dog medication to get rid of said worms." I explained to him

"...so we're your pets??" Batman was getting mad

"No, you're Kal-Els pets. I'm the parent, he's the child, and you're his pet that I have to take care of so my child stays happy" I stated bluntly

"Now hold on..." Batman tried to argue with this line of reasoning

"If Kal-El, the child, hadn't come to Earth, neither would I, the parent. Then what would have happened to you, the pet, when Darkseid, the worms, started to invade Earth? Just like the dog that wasn't adopted by said child, you would have died from worms.....do you still need me to explain? I'm not saying the parents don't eventually grow to love the dog too, but at first, it's just a dog for the child" I finalized

Sighing "I understand, you're protecting us from your own people, just to keep Superman happy. He's been the only 1 of his kind all his life and he was given some privileges" Batman finally started to understand what I was saying, he still wasn't happy about it

"Yes, and to protect you, I must finish this planet. First, I'll have to start terraforming the planet, adding water and dirt, and finally, plant life" I said

"And where are you going to get all that?" Batman asked

"Technology is for more than just lights, switches and screens for data Batman" I said as I walked to the terminal to beging inputting my orders