
Chapter 3

The next day,

I have a grim face as I walk into class because I see Carol surrounded by boys, and the moment I walked in I cracked my knuckles and Carol saw me and froze, she mouthed "Send help" I walk over to the boys and say "Can I help you gentlemen?" Boy that thinks he is hot stuff number says "None of your bus-" Carol cuts him off, "I just owe them money, and they are here to collect the debt" She says as she hands the boy a 10$ Bill, I sighed if that's it "Then get lost also Carol we're gonna have a talk at lunch" I say that and Carol gulps as Maria walks in and waves at us, "Hey Guys! Bet you miss me." Carol runs and hides behind Maria "Help me I don't wanna die 😭" Maria looks confused "What?" Carol clears her confusion by saying "He said we're gonna have a long talk I'm to young to lose my ears" I just sighed at their banter "You know I can get a PhD in Psychology any anytime I want, and you don't even think that I know that you lying about that, also we are going to the store tomorrow and I'm getting new clothes due to my barely fitting me anymore." Carol looks me up and down, as my shorts are up to my thighs and I have a shirt that I turned into a tank top on, she grinned "I think you look great! I wish I had as much muscles as you!" I lazily laughed at this, and said in a lazy voice

"I have intelligence and I have muscles aren't I amazing." Maria replied this time, "Yea.. Amazingly Narcissistic, don't go admiring yourself also only we are allowed to admire you, put on some clothes look at all the girls drooling." I look around the room to see many of the girls drooling, I just give them a blank stare._. "What are you looking at?" I said in a lazy voice that carried an edge of threats they all look away instantly Carol says in a teasing voice "Awww that's no fun how are you gonna get a girlfriend if you always do this." To which I reply I don't need a girlfriend right now and you do not need a boyfriend either,

I just listen to class and answer all the questions asked to me, by the end of the we nowadays just chill out and exercise, after school

3 Years later

In this time I have managed to get my physical resistance up to 800 mostly due to me sitting in front of a black hole at the center of the Milky Way, I also went to the bottom of the and absorbed the energy coming off of Chernobyl I managed to get Energy Absorption and Resistance up to 250, my Heat and Cold resistances are now up to 1000, I managed to recreate this thing we call the Large Hadron Collider, and I am pretty sure that if it could Heat Resistance would be higher but, I can still take Heat up to 7.2 Trillion Degree's Fahrenheit, so I believe a I am good, and that's it for the update,

Today is the last day of middle school hurray, I got 1st in the school Carol got 65th and Maria got 62nd, I may not look like it but I still pack a higher IQ then anyone on earth, for me comparing me to these middle schoolers is like a Super Highly advanced Civilizations smartest person, and then they are like Baby Primates with not fully developed brains, the distance is way to much, even if you were to compare me to Tony Stark I would still beat him in anything that has to do with intelligence, now back to the topic, I got 1st I am moving up with Carol and Maria, they actually made friends unlike me which I just follow Carol around, but I did make 1 friend, it was a person who was a psychic just like, me so we talked about our powers and how to use them, stuff like that we became frien-

"Are you even listening to me?!?!" said Carol with an angry face "Of Course I am." "Then what am I talking about" I scan her brain for what she was talking about it seems to be going to a party "You are talking to me about going to a party that your friends are having, no?" Carol just sighed, "Yes that is exactly what I am talking about, and I want you to come." I sighed lazily "If I have toooooo...." she replied seemingly annoyed by my attitude "Yes of course you have to come why do you think I invited you" she said that in a serious voice but I see that she can't hold that face for long, as soon as I thought that, she Burst out laughing "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha..." she laughed until she couldn't breath, "*Huff* I can't be mad at *huff* you haaaaaa. Ok so I am going to bring you along with me and you will try to make some friends." I let out an exaggerated sigh "Fine I will talk to your friends if I don't like them I won't be their friends." Carol was about to laugh her ass off, and I must say that she has fin- (A/N: No sexual Jokes here please)

After she finished laughing she said "I can't believe that you are 14 and one with a super high IQ at that you are so childish but not as childish as me" she sticks her tongue out at me, I just lazily roll my eyes, so after school I see that a arcade has opened up, so I dragged Maria and Carol over to play with me, and If I do say so my self and I did pretty well, I kinda broke the game due to my high score being 999,999 and yes it was a pin ball machine don't judge me, I apparently won an Atari which I decided to take apart and rebuild better things, so I buy parts from stark technology and build a better TV that can project 720p and I made and programmed a gaming system and games for it, which I invited Carol and Maria to come over surprisingly Maria was really good, at video games the games I made were COD4 and MW2, we did multiplayer and spec ops missions I had to show them how to use the controller but they learned quickly, after that we had to go to the party it was just a short walk away, we walked toward the house and

I said "This is gonna be boring also I can smell drugs why the fuck do I smell drugs and why the hell would middle schoolers be doing drugs, Carol. Maria. If I find out both of you have either drank alcohol or do drugs at this party I am going to fucking blow up the house. Do you understand me." They did a mock salute and said ""Aye, Sir!"" I nodded happily as we walked into the house I feel like I stepped into a Shit house, my sense of smell is 10 times higher then a normal humans so I can tell you, it smells like shit, there are half naked women which I just look at with disdain, I see sex, what the hell have I walked into, my cold and relaxed aura changed from relaxed to below zero, people around me stepped away, I went to go find The girls then leave, as I saw Carol someone was trying to force himself on her which made the temperature drop even more, but Carol took care of him and Round housed him to the face, good job I approve, I then walk over grab the man, and Judo threw him out the window god knows how far he went probably 20 feet, I didn't want to kill him so I just used 1/1000th of my total power but that might have been to much as I scanned for him and found all his bones either fractured broken or turned to dust, I shrugged grabbed Carol went to search for Maria grabbed her and got out, I then turn to Carol "I approve of your round house kick but, *cough cough* WHAT KIND OF FUCKING FRIENDS HAVE YOU BEEN MAKING THESE KIND OF FRIENDS ARE NOT THE KIND YOU NEED!" as I say that I turn to Maria and say "Do you know which friend this is?"

"Nope, she just told me to come to the party," so we went home after that shit show we have now started high school and hopefully it's gonna be fun,

I know it’s wall of texty but I’m to lazy to go through and fix it??

DumplingJrcreators' thoughts