
Reincarnated Into MHA With Two Quirks

[Author Note: Rewrite of REINCARNATED INTO MHA WITH A MIMIC QUIRK] Amber Faye dies in a car crash. Upon her death she is give a second chance at life in My Hero Academia. She is given 5 wishes along with her quirk 'Quirk Collection'. Amber was already a fan of MHA before she had died and she had a huge crush on the MC Izuku Midoriya. Amber wishes to be the younger twin sister of Momo Yaoyorozu. Amber first meets Izuku at the entrance of the UA Entrance exam, and after Deku hurts himself by using One For All carelessly she saves him, then she uses her second quirk Full Healing to heal him and falls unconscious. When she woke up to find All Might, Deku, Recovery girl talking about her and when they noticed she was awake she told them her past after that she told AM that AFO wasn't gone. Knowing that the exam had two different point counts she gets a higher score then Katsuki Bakugo, and she gets into class 1-A and she became UA's first years representative. She replaces the purple pervert who made the mistake of touching Amber she made a complaint after the exam telling Principal Nezu that he had touched her and other girls saying that if UA accepts him that they better start getting ready for lawsuits on him for sexual harassment, this is how she gets him taken out. Follow Amber in her adventures to change the story of MHA with Deku, her twin sister Momo and the rest of class 1-A. [Author Note II: I don't own My Hero Academia or the original characters. I only own the female character and this story.] [Author Note III: My original work of 'Reincarnated Into MHA With Two Quirks' is on the Wattpad app or the Wattpad website reading this book on Wattpad will give you a better understanding cuz it allows you to write your own stories, add and watch YouTube videos, and add and look at photos and/or images. You can also text the people who find your book interesting.]

MoonFairy425 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 8: A Changed Bakugo

"Kumo! Kat! Will you two be quiet, Momo is right across from my room." I hissed,

"Sorry Amber, Kat has ADHD and now that he's free I don't think he's going to stop any time soon." Kumo said,

"Kat do you have a hobby or something?" Deku asked,

"I like playing video games, sports, listening to music, heroes, and Yamikumo." Kat said,

when Kumo heard this he spit his drink out "Ptfffffff!? What!? Kat you can't be serious." Kumo said,

"I'm serious Kumo I like you, no, I love you." Kat said,

Kat then kissed Kumo on the head, afterward Kumo was busy processing what happened.

"So Amber was it? Are you and Izuku a thing?" Kat asked,

"Not yet, but we'll get there." Me and Deku said at the same time we then looked at each other and started to laugh,

Kat looked at us with a smile, "You two are really cute together." Kat said,

"Well it's late, there are some sleeping bags in my closet so I'll get them, Oh and Deku?" I said,

"What is it Amber?" Deku asked,

"Bakugo might be coming in the morning, I'm going to give him a chance for you and him being friends again,

oh Kat and Kumo you two will need a masks a fox mask to be more precise,

they will be different designs on them but they will look something alike. I'll tell you more in the morning." I said,

leaving and going into my closet for two sleeping bags after getting them I gave a black and orange one to Kat and I gave Kumo a dark purple one,

"Thanks, Amber but I don't think Kat will be going to sleep any time soon." Kumo said,

"Don't worry about that I'll use my quirk on him, Sleeping Gas breath and Telepathy." I said,

'Kumo I need you to get Kat into his sleeping bag before I put him to sleep, and Tipp wake me up before sunrise with my water spray bottle, so I can make two fox mask Miraculous.' I said,

"Kat if you get into your sleeping bag I'll give you a good night kiss on the lips." Kumo said,

"Okay!" Kat said then he got into his sleeping bag, after Kumo gave him a kiss I blew some sleeping gas in to his face knocking him out,

"Good night Amber. Good night Midoriya." Kumo said, getting into his sleeping bag next to Kat,

"Night Kumo." I said,

"Night." Deku said, Deku then got up onto my bed and fell asleep, I got two blankets out of my bedside drawers I then put one on Deku then I got into bed and put my on me,

[Author note; Amber's bed is a Emperor size bed, but the bed she got for her dorm room is a Queen size bunked bed, here are some pictures the first one is the Emperor size and the second is a Queen size with two Twin size bunk bed together.]

[Emperor bed size is 200cm x 200cm]

[Bottom bunk is a Queen size with a the second twin size bed can be pulled out from under the Queen size bed.]

The Next Morning

I woke up from water being sprayed in my face. Just so you know I'm use to it so I don't really get upset about it,

"Thanks Tipp." I said, getting out of bed and made my way over to my work table,

"No problem Amber." Tipp said,

"Creation." I said, I then made two different fox masks, Now I have to make Kwami information.

Kumo's Kwami

Kwami Name: Cogg

Kwami Power: gives Courage and Knowledge to the user as well as the ability to move like a ninja and ninja items and weapons.

Transformation Words: Cogg Let's Help

Detransformation Words: Cogg We're Done

Appearance: a White fox with the same markings on its head that match the mask.

Kat's Kwami

Kwami Name: Hope

Kwami Power: able to let the user give hope to comrades, by doing this their quirks are powered up and enhances them, also gives the user the ability to move like a ninja and use ninja items and weapons.

Transformation Words: Hope Let's Give

Detransformation Words: Hope It's Done

Appearance: a White fox with the same markings as the mask on her head.

Once I was done Kumo, Kat, and Deku were awake and got to see two Kwamies come to life with my quirk,

I placed one hand on both the Kwami info with the masks on top of the Kwami info,

"Quirk Collection Miraculous Creation!" I said, suddenly two Kwamies came into existence in a flash of light,

"Amber that was so cool! So what are there names?" Deku asked,

"This is Cogg and he will be your Kwame Kumo, and this is Hope and she will be your Kwami Kat here are their Miraculous mask." I said, handing them the masks,

"It's nice to meet you Cogg." Kumo said,

"The feelings mutual." Cogg said,

"Your sooo cute Hope!" Kat said,

"Thank you Kat, tehe." Hope said,

"Okay Bakugo should be here around 10 or 10:30 so I'll go and get some breakfast and I'll bring some up for you all okay." I said leaving the room, and going to the kitchen,

First I got 3 bananas, 10 strawberries, a hand full of spinach, some milk, and some strawberry milk.

Then I got a knife, a cutting board and the blender, after piling the bananas and cutting the strawberries stems off.

I cut the bananas, strawberries, and spinach up. I put the strawberries and bananas into the blender first.

Then put the top on I blended them for 2 minutes, then added some milk, then blended for another 2 minutes.

I then added the spinach with a cup of milk and half a cup of strawberry milk into it, after blending it for 5 minutes I paused for 3 minutes.

Then blended them again for another 5 minutes, then added another half a cup of strawberry milk to it, I then blended them for 8 minutes,

I then grabbed my giant drinking bottle and I poured my smoothie into it after I put the top on.

I put the strawberry milk up, after putting the dishes in the dishwasher I grabbed the milk, a box of cereal, 3 bowls, and 3 spoons. I then headed upstairs.

After setting the items down on the table I sat down on my bed and drank my smoothie.

Once everyone was finished me and Deku took the stuff back down I put the dishes in the dishwasher, and Deku put the milk and the box of cereal up, I looked at the time and saw that Bakugo should be here soon so me and Deku head upstairs so I could tell them the plan, when I was finished my phone went off.

"Hello, Jeffrey." I said,

"Madame Amber there is some boy with ash blond hair who is asking for you at front gate should I let him in?" Jeffrey asked,

"Yes let him in and lead him to the gallzbo and offer him some of the jalapeno cupcakes I had you make yesterday. I'll be there soon." I said,

"Yes ma'am." Jeffrey said, I hung up and looked at Deku, Kumo, and Kat,

"Time for you two to transform." I said, Kumo and Kat nodded,

"Cogg Let's Help!" Kumo said,

"Hope Let's Give!" Kat said,

After they transformed we walked out of my room then we walked downstairs and outsaid Kumo and Kat stayed in the shadows while moving, soon we could see the gallzbo and saw Bakugo enjoying the cupcakes,

we continue walking towards him soon he noticed us and he stopped eating the cupcakes and got up and bowed slightly to me.

"Hello Bakugo and welcome to my family's home my name is Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, I'm guessing but I take it my friends Fate and Fateful lead you here?" I said, he nodded

"Yes, but I'm also here to give this to you De... I mean Midoriya." Bakugo said holding out a folded letter to Deku, Deku took it and opened it, after he finished he had tears in his eyes he then handed it to me,


Izuku, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. What I did was wrong and unforgivable and unhero like. I shouldn't become a hero after what I did to you and all those other kids. Even though we promise to become heroes together when we were kids. I don't think I deserve to be one. When I found out you were almost killed by the same villain that attacked me, I thought about how auntie Inko would have felt if you had died, and it just made me feel even more guilty about what I said to you and how I treated you, if you don't forgive me I'd understand and I'll leave you alone.

~Katsuki Bakugo


"Kaachan of course I forgive you, you know I could never hold a grudge against you,

I know your reason for why you bullied me, but you don't have to worry about it cuz I have a quirk now,

but I'm not able to use it that well but with Amber's help I'm sure I'll be able to use it without hurting myself,

but please don't break your promise to me, we made a promise and I want to become a hero with you! So Kaachan can we please be friends again?" Deku asked,

Bakugo then fell to his knees and started to cry, "Izuku even after everything I did to you, you still forgive me and you still want to be friends?

Yes I want to be friends again I'll do all I can to make sure that the trust you put in me and your forgiveness were not wasted." Bakugo said, Deku then pulled him into a hug which he returned,

once he calmed down we sat at the table and we started talking,

"Bakugo how are the cupcakes I had my butler Jeffrey make them." I said, as he ate another one,

"To be honest I thought they were regular sweet cupcakes but after taking my first bite I couldn't stop eating them,

Can you ask him if I can have the recipe for them for my old hag?" Bakugo said,

"Actually he already gave me the recipe, Jeffrey is the type of person who will experiment with foods

and write down his perfect food experiment's recipes and will give them to the person who loves the food and he will give them the recipe for them to enjoy themselves and he for some unknown reason name them,

Ground Zero Explosion Spice Cocoa Cupcakes

Suddenly Bakugo started choking I passed him a cup of tea which he took and drank to clear his airway,

"Did you say Ground Zero?" Bakugo asked once he could talk,

"Yes is there a problem?" I asked,

"No I guess I just remembered something is all." He said,

"By the way I don't know why but I keep having this feeling like I'm being watched." Bakugo said,

"Sign, Kumo, Kat, you can come out now." I said,

Suddenly they jumped down from above me and landed behind me on one knee and an arm on their knee with their heads down,

"Wait are those ninjas!?" Bakugo said,

"Yes and no, Kumo and his boyfriend Kat were originally you and Deku, boys detransform please." I said while drinking my smoothie,

"Cogg We're Done!/Hope It's Done!" Kumo and Kat said, they then pulled off their mask,

"Yo I'm Yamikumo Midoriya, but call me Kumo." Kumo said,

"HEY how's it hanging I'm Katsuki Bakugo, but call me Kat, tehe." Kat said,

"Oi look alikes what's your quirks?" Bakugo asked

"I've got the same quirk as you Bakugo, but Kumo is quirkless." Kat said,

"Kumo come here." I said,

"Okay." He said, walking over to me I placed a hand on his head,

"Yamikumo to you I give Total Telea Control: with this quirk you have the ability to use Telepathy, Teleportation, and Telekinesis to a higher degree than anyone. Drawbacks: are when you use Telepathy you can only use it for 10 minutes before getting a headache, Teleportation the farthest you can Teleport is 50 meters, and Telekinesis the most you can carry with it is 150 pounds, but with training the three you can increase their limits.

You are now no longer quirkless Kumo, but I want you to know that you will lose this quirk I gave you if you go over to the villain's side, except if you go there to be a spy for the Heroes." I said I then removed my hand and went back to drinking my smoothie,

"Oi what was that about Amber? Are you able to give quirks? What's your quirk?" Bakugo asked,

"Kaachan!? She can't answer your question if you keep asking her new ones." Deku said,

"Thank you, Deku. Now what is my quirk I'll let Deku answer that cuz I'm pretty sure he wrote it down after I told him, am I right Deku?" I asked looking at him,

"Yes I did and I'm sorry for that." He said,

"Deku there is no need to apologize for that cuz that is what you do best." I said,

"Thank you Amber." He said with a blush.

So Deku brought out his notebook and gave it to Bakugo.

"I'm guessing you have some feelings for Amber huh." Bakugo said,

"No comment!" Deku said, smiling,

"What about you Amber?" Bakugo said,

"Yes I do so what." I said looking Bakugo in the eye,

"Nothing but the nerd better take good care of you." Bakugo said, then he got up

"Leaving?" I asked,

"Yeah and Thanks for the recipe and the cupcakes. Nerd I'll see you and Little Miss Princess at UA Kay." Bakugo said,

But I caught his arm stopping him,

"Bakugo would you like me to help train your quirk with me and Deku, cuz where on private property we can use our quirks I've been given promissen by Principal Nezu, to have people come over to be trained on the weekends and summer break with our homeroom teacher. So how about it?" I asked,

"If it'll help me get stronger than why the hell would I say no." Bakugo said with a crazy smile on his face,

"Well see you guys tomorrow at UA." I said put a tracking device quirk into their systems as part of the deal I made with Nezu,

Tomorrow is my first day at UA and I can't wait to see what it has in store for me.