
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

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18 Chs

The Devil

He could feel himself panicking, he couldn't move, he was being smothered by something. He needed to be free, he used all his strength to headbutt whatever was directly on top of his head instantly dispelling a clone?

He felt himself breach through the bodies covering him and gasp, he was panting while making sure to take as much air in as possible. He turned back around seeing his clones all laying on his bed sleeping.

He kicked one of them, dispelling it instantly and then started to punch the other three, his anger was calmed slightly by beating up said clones, they nearly smothered him in his sleep!

He yawned, and as he sat down he suddenly got all the memories from the clones. Seeing them spawn in as tired as he was last night 'shit no wonder they fell asleep'.

He put on a simple outfit, he was going to train all day so no real need for anything else. He left the room, he was going to find the kitchens and grab something to eat and then go to the training fields.


He came across a peculiar sight, Panda was swinging Nobara in circles as she screamed for Megumi for help, Megumi just watched on unphased.

He thought about his 13 clones all currently working on Taijutsu in the garden trees, but shook his head ignoring that for now.

"Yo!" Boruto said as he waved towards everyone, "I completely forgot to ask but when is this tournament?" He said as he was now far closer to Maki and Megumi.

"Five days" Megumi said, his voice flat as he watched Nobara hit the floor after Panda threw her.

"Hey Maki, you wanna spar" Boruto said with a surprising amount of confidence as he turned to face her, observing her surprise.

"Ha, as if you could even scratch me brat" she spat out with condescension in her tone "I mean honestly you started learning Jujutsu a couple days ago".

"Please just one spar, It should be over quickly right?" He begged, he really does want a spar with someone so strong to see what his limits potentially were.

It would be over pretty quick your right…but if you insist" she said with a smirk as she jumped onto the grass field pulling a staff out of somewhere.

Boruto took a quick stretch as he yawned, mainly to annoy her. He walked over as he opened both of his eyes revealing the glowing Jogan. "Hey if I win, can you get me a sword?" He asked to see if he could get something else out of this fight.

She scoffed "yeh whatever brat, your not winning anything" she swung her staff before rushing at him in a burst of speed.

'Huh, not too fast then' he easily weaved out of the way of the staff and used that momentum to spin and hit her with a kick to the stomach which sent her skidding backwards.

She rushed him again, it really wasn't fair. She was human and Boruto was basically an Otsutsuki without the paper white skin. Her swing was actually a feint which he fell for, her leg came swinging into his surprised face.

He backed off now far more wary, yes there may be a speed and strength advantage but he was severely less experienced than her. He clicked his tongue before rushing her.

As he was within distance of her staff he used every ounce of his speed to disappear and reappear directly behind her, he wound his leg back before kicking her in the stomach again sending her flying.

She quickly regained her balance, she pushed off the ground as she ran to him as they clashed once more. He allowed her to get closer this time as he used his hands to block her staff while also any chance he could use to get closer.

He weaved to the right of another swing, he quickly kicked the staff out of her hands. He used her surprise to hit her with a punch to the same spot he had kicked twice previously.

He heard her gasp before he leaned back up weaving out of the way of her strong elbow and as she was vulnerable he hit her with a front kick in the same spot again!

She went flying back landing on her back and as she was getting back up she felt a foot resting on her stomach. She winced as she could already feel the spot bruising, as Maki looked up she saw Boruto looking down at her with his right eye closed again.

"Hey, I think you owe me a sword"

She groaned, he grinned.


Boruto was swinging a training katana, he does need to be at least competent with one if he wants to use a real one after all. Suddenly he put a hand on his forehead and ran his hand through his hair. He swore he just heard something?

He groaned as he dropped the training sword and dropped to his knees while holding his head, he pressed his head against the floor. He swore he could hear something.

Boruto didn't realise but the seal on his palm started to grow. He did realise however when he was suddenly elsewhere. He was floating in an orange void. He could see a figures silhouette and his eyes widened as it revealed itself.

"Who are you?" Momoshiki almost whispered in a raspy voice and suddenly he was inches away from him! The Boy released a gasp as he met eyes with the alien.

"Who are you!" It demanded but the boy couldn't answer. He was frozen in fear. It grinned demonically "ah, it doesn't matter but I know for a fact you are not the brat. Not that I mind that he's gone but I also know this is a different universe" he said directly into The Boys ear it's grin still on its face.

"So…tell me, who are you and where are we exactly" It rasped into his ear. The boy swallowed and took a deep breath.

He closed his left eye briefly before opening it again. "I am just someone who woke up in this body, we are in a different world and that's all I know about what you asked. I do however know this world contains cursed spirits and they don't use Chakra but use cursed energy" he noticed Momoshiki had backed off slightly allowing them to meet one another's eyes.

It grinned "No not a different world, a different universe"

It almost seemed to smile before it's grin came back. "This is a unique opportunity." Its grin only widened, it looked unnatural and wrong.

That's all The Boy could think before he was sent back into his own body. He took in a deep breath while he was still on his knees, his head was still resting on the damp grass.

He could feel his Karma seal retreat down his body, the tingling sensation was something he had never felt before and was unique to say the least. He tried to stand and tripped over his own feet.

He made for a pitiful sight as he stumbled and tripped, still incredibly disoriented from the whole experience. He regained his balance against a nearby bench. And as he sat on said bench he thought about the meeting of him and Momoshiki.

'He knew I wasn't Boruto which is fine, he also knows we're not in the Naruto universe which is well…still fine it's not like he can tell anyone. He can't take over this body anymore, not after he healed Boruto at the end of the Code arc.' He thought to himself, he was mainly troubled by the end of his encounter.

'By 'unique opportunity' what did he mean?' It could mean a plethora of things, most of them not great for himself or this world and its inhabitants. He stood and walked back over to the practice sword.

He will think of this later, right now he's got training to do. He dispelled his clones from earlier in the forest and embraced the memories of the Taijutsu training and used his Jutsu to summon another 10 of them.

All of his clones had the training sword in their hands and they ran into the trees nearby before starting to train with the sword. He had been given a really basic lesson from Maki after he had beaten her. All that she taught him was the bare basics and once he had mastered these he figured he would go back and ask if she knew any other teachers.

He closed his eye, tying to ignore the wide grin on the God's face but couldn't stop himself from shivering when he remembered this phrase 'unique opportunity'.


It didn't take long at all to master the basics, all 11 bodies mastered different small parts of the original lesson meaning when all the clones dispelled the original body had it all mastered in less than 30 minutes.

He then recalled his very first attempt at rasengan and decided today he would learn it. So he decided to leave the school. He needed to find a ton of water balloons.

As he walked to the front gate of the school he realised the school was surrounded by a giant forest so this may take a while. He sighed and started to jog down the road, he would just follow the road and eventually find something.


Once he reached the end of the forest he found himself near a small looking village, he quickly entered and started to talk to the locals about any shops.

He walked the directions the sweaty middle aged man gave him. Quickly he found himself outside a couple busy stalls. He approached a young man cleaning and asked him "Hey, uh you don't know if anyone sells water balloons here do you?"

The man jolted in surprise and turned quickly "Oh! Sorry you gave me a fright" he started to rub his chin clearly thinking "and about those balloons you will probably find down with her" he said as he pointed towards another stall.

Boruto gave the man a thanks and a smile before turning towards the red and blue stall. He quickly found the balloons but forgot he had no money, he almost punched himself. As he was about to distract the woman to steal the balloons he heard a scream.

As people started to turn towards said scream he quickly pocketed as many balloons as possible before making his way through the crowd himself.

As he was pushing through he suddenly heard more screams and people who previously seemed concerned and curious were not terrified as they turned and started to run.

'Fuck this' he thought to himself as he jumped over the top of the crowd and as he landed and took in his surroundings he saw a terrifying sight.

He almost tripped when he saw 3 dead bodies all laying on the floor, half of their bodies just gone somewhere, and as he looked up he saw a woman who was screaming.

Her screaming was cut off by her head suddenly disappearing, he could see the blood stains land on something invisible, something shimmering in his vision. He opened his right eye revealing his Jogan and everything was revealed.

It was a cursed spirit, it was squid-like as it floated through the air, its tentacles brushing the floor, something not squid-like was its dozens of different eyes or its mouth on the front of its face filled with sharp teeth.

The tentacles were covered from bottom to top in spikes that seemed to be dripping, it wasn't blood it was a purple sludge most likely poison or something similar.

Its head was a very dark blue, the skin looking very weathered. The thing's head alone was taller than he was by a foot or two and its tentacles were at least 3 metres long.

He jumped a couple metres back so he could gain some space and time, he didn't know what to do. He didn't have any cursed techniques or weapons to exorcise this thing.

Maybe clones could work? He decided to test it and summoned 15 clones all of them rushing the cursed spirit as he stood back and observed.

He watched as the tentacles quickly reacted, grabbing or swiping any clone in the vicinity killing all of them quickly, the actual main body of the thing took some full strength punches and didn't even flinch.

So either this thing is so far above my level it didn't matter or it has some pretty strong durability for its strength. Its tentacles weren't exactly fast, but they were precise and with dozens of the things it would be hard to dodge.

He summoned another five clones to distract the thing, making sure they didn't go for any actual attacks but just feinted and drew out the things' tentacles.

And as the clones all distracted the thing and its tentacles he saw an opening, he pushed off the ground with all his strength cracking the floor.

He'd never moved this fast before, he could feel the air seemingly cutting into his face and as he spun and wound his right leg back he grinned as he imbued his leg with chakra as he kicked it.

He sent it flying through the village, he kept his eyes on the thing's body flying through the air unable to stop as it went into a nearby field. Its body created a trench from where it was unable to stop.

He followed after it quickly ready to kick it again, after that kick he felt his blood pumping and was ready to destroy this thing, he felt himself grin at his own power.

He ran through the dust hiding this spirit from his sight and hit it with another kick before it stabilised itself, he sent it further into the field with him not following far behind and as it stopped he was running through the dust to hit it again.

He punched it right in one of its eyes and watched as it was thrown through the air and caught sight of its underneath, usually a squid has a beak there but this thing just had nothing, its skin underneath however was interesting.

The skin was smooth and a light blue looking far less weathered than the rest of it, so he decided he would let the dust settle this time as he wanted to see how much damage he had done to the thing.

He almost felt his heart stop as he saw the things grin, the spirits body had not taken any damage at all! The parts of the body he had hit had only grown darker, its skin looking thicker where it was darkest!

'I…I only made it stronger…its weak spot is of course where its skin was light blue but it's surrounded by dozens of tentacles. I need to-' his thoughts were forcibly stopped as the things started to fly towards him.

Its war cry was a loud screech that made his stomach drop, he tensed and waited for the thing to be closer before he made any moves.

The thing was metres away from him in less than a second, he waited even more just for it to be within feet of him and then moved. He heard the crunch of its jaws as they closed around nothing, he dodged to the side and watched it turn to face him once more.

He didn't know what to do at all, he couldn't even think of touching its weak spot. It would be like jumping into barbed wire. He needs to get rid of the tentacles but there's no way to do that, he could probably rip a couple off but the sludge didn't not look like something he wanted in his bloodstream.

He let it rush at him once more, he dodged again and as he watched it go past he gained an idea, he grabbed one of its tentacles and ripped it off from the stem.

His right hand was bleeding terribly from this but he endured and waited for it to pass by and when it did it was far faster. Whether this gain of speed was from the pain or anger of getting a tentacle ripped off he didn't know.

It didn't bother him however, he swiftly leapt to the side once more but he used the tentacle in his hand as a whip and he grinned as another 2 tentacles were separated from its body.

Its screech of agony perked his own ears as he saw it rush him again however this time it turned around just before it reached him.

Its tentacles started to whip at him, he was having trouble dodging as he would weave to the left then need to dodge again and again, this wasn't giving him any time to attack at all.

When he tried to back off it merely followed him, he could feel himself getting sloppier by the second. Keeping track of 20 tentacles and dodging all of them took quite the mental focus.

And he felt himself start to snowball, he took one cut then winced and slipped slightly from the shock of the pain and then he took another, and another it kept going.

He felt himself on the ropes, he needed to do something fast. If he doesn't do something he will die here. He felt himself scream when a passing tentacle hit his chin.

He felt himself slipping again, he tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his back. The squid in response basically got right on top of him, its tentacles whipping at him. He could himself cough blood onto his own chin.

He could hear the crack of the tentacles of they whipped him, he could feel the spikes dig into his skin and tear at his body and he could feel the sludge slowly seeping inside of his wounds.

This thing was torturing him, it enjoyed the screams. It could have ended this fight by now. He didn't even have time to think as he felt his eyes start to close, his body was tired.

He didn't want his eyes to close, no he wanted to keep fighting but he doesn't have a choice here. He could feel some part of himself slipping; he felt his head drop back down onto the damp field.

He looked up and saw a light, a blue light.

His eyes lit up as he saw the opportunity but seemed to dim as he took another hit, he saw the chance he had but couldn't take it.

He could feel his eyes stinging, not from the pain. He had the chance of a lifetime right here because of the spirit's arrogance and couldn't take it.

He felt his right arm tingle, as it did he felt strong, no not just strong. He felt better, better than he had ever felt, the tingling quickly stopped as it reached his face but he didn't care.

He now saw the chance and needed to take this chance.

His eyes focused as he grabbed an approaching tentacle and pulled. He didn't pull the tentacle off, no he pulled himself up. He saw the squid's tentacles freeze for a second before they all moved as they tried to hit him all at once.

It seems the spirit realised its mistake and is trying to finish him off.

It was too late for that.

He felt himself grin as he used its tentacles to pull himself towards the light he repositioned his body so that he was going into the cursed spirits body leg first then he bent his knees ready to kick out his legs.

Boruto grinned, his face covered in his own blood as he pushed through the cursed spirit's body, he revelled in the feeling of his own body bursting out of the other side of this spirit.

The air was refreshing, his body was gliding through the air like a professional diver. He spread his arms out and closed his eyes, his feet still above his head he unknowingly created a cross shaped shadow on the dead cursed body.


Hana was having a good day until that thing showed up, she saw it the night before and just believed it to be her mind playing a trick on her.

She of course realised it was real when it showed up in the market and killed her friend Yuki, she didn't even hesitate before she ran and now she's watching someone else die.

She felt herself sobbing as the monster that was sent flying by a boy was now killing said boy, stabbing and slashing the poor boy with its tentacles. She could feel herself panicking.

The screams were terrible, she recalled. She remembered Yuki screaming for her, she let out a heart wrenching sob as remembered Yuki's face as she ran off abandoning her.

Her breathing was fast paced and frantic and it just stopped… Not permanently but it did stop as in a flash the boy seemed to use himself as a spear to penetrate the beast's skin and come out the other end.

She felt herself shaking as she was a mix of joyous and despaired as she watched the monster who killed her sister was destroyed.

She looked towards the boy who was still in the air and almost lost her breath, the sun was perfectly positioned to turn him into a silhouette.

The shape of said silhouette was a cross, an upside down cross and while Hana didn't know much about Christianity even she knew what that sign was.

The devil

And she was right, a devil was here but it is here no longer.