
chapter 5

it has been a week since I started living at ryozanpaku. I've been spending my days training alongside Kenichi and sparring with Miu while my dad, Sakaki has been trying to enroll me in highschool (due to my eidetic memory I am already too smart for middle school) "Your head is too low! Weave through the pegs more quickly!" Koetsuji Sensei yelled at Kenichi. "Sensei! Is this muscle training all we're going to do everyday?! When are we gonna learn some techniques?!" Kenichi inquired. "There's a saying that goes 'power is the foundation of everything. No matter how skilled it is, an ant cannot defeat an elephant'" "in this story, am I the ant?" Kenichi asked. "Aren't you insulting the ant?" I say while still weaving through the bamboo pegs in the ground and carrying the heavy clay jars by the tops. My remark cause Kenichi to get distracted and trip over a peg.

"Don't look down on me!.... I'LL QUIT!" Kenichi yelled. This caused Koetsuji to put on a serious face. "Kenichi, an ant has the strength to lift something 8 times it's own weight. Instead of quitting, learn from the ant.". "...It's true that I lack power ...So what do I need to do?" this caused Koetsuji to chuckle "For now, let's take a short break. That goes for you too Danielle." "Yes Sensei." I reply. Kenichi looks at me. "hey." he says. I look back at him "yeah". we both look at each other for a while"why are you always mean to me" ever since we came here I've been making remarks similar to the one I made earlier to him. "Because it makes you angry" I say deadpan "Why do you want to make me angry?" he asked.

"Ever since we got here, you've been saying stuff like 'I want to get stronger' but whenever things start to get a little too difficult, you say you want to quit or go home or something like that. stop acting like a coward." was my excuse the truth is that I just think he looks cute when he's angry. Like a small dog, or a baby. Of course I wouldn't ever say that to his face, that would be too embarrassing, so I put on a cold visage. he sits there silently for a while, before Suddenly saying "you're right" startling me slightly. "I've been running away from difficult things my whole life, fearing that I might get hurt. No more, I'm not gonna run anymore, because if I run this time, I might die. thank you Danielle-san, if you hadn't of told me this now I'm probably never would have noticed. I'll try harder to get stronger. strong enough to protect myself in the people I care about!" he declared causing me to blush slightly

"W-well, as long as you understand." "Ok, break times over" said Koetsuji. "Already!" cried Kenichi. "I said short break didn't I? Danielle, you can spar with Miu, if you would like" Miu Furinji is the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji, the master of the house. Miu is basically the only one here that cooks and cleans, that is until I came here and started to help her around the place. "C'mon Danielle-san let's go to the mat" "coming Miu" I was brought to a mat inside one of the buildings about nine yards square. "So, you're starting school next Monday, are you excited?" Miu said while I dodge a jab "I don't know, I mean I think so. Nee school, new country. I'm kinda anxious to be honest" I reply while sweeping my leg under her feet, which she jumps over and makes a kick towards my abdomen. I narrowly dodge and she grazes my side. in that moment I grab her leg and attempt a throw, but she wraps around me and takes me down with her "don't worry, you'll be fine, they'll love you" she said while on top of me "You think so" "I know so." she says confidently "you know, you're the only person my age I know that's able to match me in a spar" "I guess you just didn't have very many good sparring partners on America, round two?" "you're on" and live that we continued sparring for two and a half more hours while making idle chat.