
Reincarnated into a world of magic

Imagine this scenario. You're walking back home and you see someone about to get hit by a truck. Do you A. walk away. B. Stay and watch, or C. Save the person. Most of us wouldn't know what to do but our protagonist did what uh thought was right and saved them. That's how he ends up dead...only to be reborn into a world of magic with a gamer system.

Star_king192020 · Games
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2 Chs


Pain. Tiresome. Coldness.

That was all that he felt when he died.

He looked around. He seemed to be in a dark void. Was this heaven or hell? Was this the self proclaimed afterlife that everyone went to after they died? But this place was empty. No...this couldn't be it.

[Congratulations! You have been chosen to be reborn!]

W....What the hell is this? A blue holographic screen had just appeared infront of him in the middle of the void. 'Wait a minute.' He thought. To be reborn you would have had to already died. Then those that mean he's dead right now?!

He closed his eyes and thought. It was coming back to him. He was walking home until he saw a woman on the ground and about to get run over by a truck, he didn't know how he did it but he had somehow managed to push uer out of the way in time but he was killed in the process.

[Regaining old files.....]


[Could not regain past files]

[Create new files] (Yes/No)

Okay weird.....He reluctantly brought his finger to the holographic pad and tapped the Yes button. To his surprise it actually worked.

[Choose your name]


Hm a name. 'What would be a good name for myself?' He thought. After some hard thinking he had decided on the name Maverick. I liked the sound of it. I sounded nice.

[Choose your race]

[Human] [Elf] [Troll]

All of them seemed weak but I rather be a human then a elf or a troll.

[Processing data...]


[Character information]

Name: Maverick

Age: 16

Level: 1

Race: Human

Faction: Neutral Good

Class: None

Secondary class: Locked(Will be unlocked once player reaches level 50)

HP: 50/50

Magic power: 10

Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Defense: 10

Speed: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

[You will spawn to your new world soon!]





Maverick watched as the time counted down. 'I wonder what type of world I'm going to be sent to.' He thought. Suddenly the dark void was being replaced by a bright light. A little too abruptly as Maverick had to shield his eyes his his arms. When the light dimmed down he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a house that resembled a log cabin of some sorts. His eyes searched the room until he found a mirror. He could finally see what he looked like. He had black spikey hair and a regular attire.

He looked down from the mirror to see a book that had the title 'Healer spellbook'. Once he touched it that same holographic screen from before showed up.

[Would you like to learn this spellbook?]


"Again? I thought this was only for when I was in the void...." He paused as he thought more about it before reaching the logical conclusion. "My life's a game." He whispered. That was actually kind of cool.

He clicked yes.

[You have learned the art of healing]

[Healing skills]

Small cuts healing - Level 1

Wound healing - Level 1

Regeneration - Level 1

He wondered how he would be able to level these skills up.

He didn't have much time to think on it though as he heard something. It was coming from outside. Once he walkes outside he realized his house was located in the woods.

He walked in the direction of the sound. At first it seemed like he was lost but he was starting to hear the sound more clearly as he walked in one direction. It was...crying? He found what was making the noise. It looked like a little girl who looked to be eleven years old crying by a tree. It looked like her peft knee was injured. He walked closer to her and she got frigtened by his presence and almost tried running away.

"Woah woah. I'm not going to hurt you." He put his hands up to prove it. She seemed to relax more now. I walked closer to her and put my hands just above her knee. "I'm here to help you." Time to put these healing abilities to the test. Suddenly a yellow light appearedon her leg and after a few minutes it was fully healed.

The girl looked at her knee surprised. She stood up and walked around to test her knee. "It..It doesn't hurt anymore." She looked at Maverick and jumped up to hug him. "Oh, thank you, big brother!" She said.

Maverick paused. What?