
Reincarnated into a world of magic

Imagine this scenario. You're walking back home and you see someone about to get hit by a truck. Do you A. walk away. B. Stay and watch, or C. Save the person. Most of us wouldn't know what to do but our protagonist did what uh thought was right and saved them. That's how he ends up dead...only to be reborn into a world of magic with a gamer system.

Star_king192020 · Games
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2 Chs

The lonely girl

The girl jumped up and wrapped her arms around Maverick tightly in appreciation. "Thank you, big brother!" She said.

He stared dumbfounded at the girl. "Uh w..what?"

She let go a looked up at him with a beaming expression. "You helped Mia get rid of the pain in her leg, no one has ever done that for Mia!" The newly indentified Mia said.

"What do you mean? Don't you have people to look over you, like a family?" Maverick inquired. He did wonder what this girl had been doing out in the woods by herself.

"N-no...I escaped from an orphan home." She whispered. "I don't have any family members from what I can remember. And now I don't have a home either."

Maverick looked at her as her expression turned into one of sadness. He felt a rush of guilt sent through his body as he looked at the little girl. She didn't have anyone to rely on or a even a bed to sleep in. He would feel a massive amount of regret if he just left her out here to die because there is no way she would survive out here on her own.

"Well would you want to live with me?" He asked. He obviously didn't have anyone living with him so it seemed like a good idea. Mia looked up at him surprisedly.

"Would you really do that big brother?"

"Of course, it would be cruel for me to leave you out here. And you can call me Maverick." He said.

"Okay Big brother Maverick!" Mia said gleefully.


As Maverick and Mia went back to his home he noticed how Mia's clothes were slightly dirty and destroyed. She would need new clothes very soon but this world probably still used some type of money to buy things and right now he was pretty much broke. He needed to find a way to make money so he could buy things like food. But there was one problem. He didn't even know where the nearest town was. Maybe Mia knew.

"Hey Mia do you know where the closest town is?" Maverick asked.

"Of course I lived there up until a few days ago. It should be a couple miles that way." She said pointing to the left. Once they reached his home they went where Mia pointed. Maverick took her with him since he didn't trust her to be alone. Once they got there Maverick noticed how the town looked like it was from the medieval times. One the inside he felt intriuged but he didn't let it show.

After searching around the town for a while they finally found the library. He needed to find books about the place he was in. And probably a few spellbooks if he wanted to survive in this world. Once they got in he instantly went to the world history section.

After an hour or so of reading he figured out that this town was named Graywick that was in magical kingdom Melvia. There were five other towns in said kingdom.

Ambershear was the home the human and animal hybrid mages.

Angelpeak was the home of the holy mages like Healers, Priests, and even real angels.

Ghostrest was home of the soul mages.

Ironhand was home of the elemental mages.

And Newfell was home of the most poweful mages. Time, space and reality shifter mages.

Deadstar was home of the animal mages.

Graywick was more of a normal town filled with a mix of all types of mages. When he walked here he saw people with animal like characteristics.

He also found out that he could make money by becoming a professional adventurer and doing quests.

"E...Exuse me sir, is there anything I can help you with?" A timid voice said from beside Maverick. He stopped focusing on the book for a moment to see a blonde haired girl with blue eyes and she looked about as opd as me. She looked extremely nervous for some reason.

"Yeah I'm looking for spellbooks, you know where I could those?" Maverick asked.

"Those are in the back. I'll go get them." She said. She quickly speed walked to the backroom to go look for the spellbooks. A few minutes later she came back with two boxes filled with spellbooks. Some about Productions and others about red magic. But a recurring problem showed up once again. He had no money. He searched through the boxes of spellbooks until he found the one he truly wanted.

"Can I get this one?" Maverick asks pointing at the Pyromancy spellbook. Controlling fire sounds badass.

"Of course. It's 50,000 jewels." She said simply.

He blinked. "Alright I'm gona be real with you, I don't have any money. But I'll get you the money you need when I become an adventurer." He stated.

The worker at the library looked at him like she didn't believe him at all. Not that he blamed her, it made sense she thought skeptically of him.

"I know that's hard to believe but just trust me." He said. "And if that's not good enough then how about this." He pulled out the ownership certificate to his house. "If I fail to get you this money in three months then you will have complete ownership to my house." He said causing the girls' eyes to widen in shock.

[You have chosen to make a deal]

[If you make a deal than it will be impossible for the two participants to break said deal]

[To solidify this deal you have to shake hands]

Maverick held out his hand which the girl reluctantly shook. Two magical chains wrapped around the wrists of the girl and Maverick before slowly dissipating, showing that they made a deal.

He took the Pyromancy spellbook and waved back at the girl with a simle as he left. "Don't worry I'll be back." He promised. The young librarian girl sighed. At least now she knew he wouldn't break the promise.

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