
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 4

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a 12-13 year old girl with blonde hair and golden eyes.

Hachiya Karako: (actually reincarnated in the World of Taimanin). I raise my hands and place them over my eyes.

-1 minute later-

In a room you can see two children lying on a double bed, a 12-13 year old girl and a 5-6 year old boy, the girl is somewhat nervous and with a worried face looking at the boy. sobs from the 5-6 year old boy, with gray hair and eyes, are heard.

Hachiya Karako: (why, why did god send me to hell, a multiverse almost as shitty as Warhamer 40,000, but with a lot of sexual crap).

I spend another second wondering why God hates me so much and other things. then I finish crying and I sit on the bed, I look at Alicia and I put on a kind smile. Hachiya Karako: "I had a bad dream, but now I'm fine."

with an expression of fear and concern, a high-pitched voice and something broken as if she were going to cry.

Alice: "S-sorry, M-Master, I couldn't help you."

Maintaining my friendly smile, I reach up and wrap my arms around Alicia's large body, placing my hands behind her back.

Hachiya Karako: "thanks for worrying about me, Alicia."

Alice: "It is my duty, young master."

Hachiya Karako: "I understand."

I stop hugging Alicia and get out of bed, Alicia also gets up and starts to fix the bed.


I check my room with my eyes to know exactly what's in there since when I woke up yesterday I didn't have time or cared too much to take a good look at my room.

The room is 32 square meters, the walls and the floor are made of slightly dark wood, at the ends of the room there are some steel supports and the ceiling is made of steel lined with dark wood, it has a bedroom, where I am and Alicia with a double bed, a wardrobe, a nightstand, a bathroom with a bathtub and a desk next to the wardrobe with a black PC.


I keep looking at the room and thinking about how to change it up a bit, until a slight cough snaps me out of my thoughts.

Alicia: "teacher, you should go to the lady's office."

Hachiya Karako: "you're right."

Alicia comes within inches of kissing me, raises her hands and grabs my Child's Kimono, she unties the cloth that ties my Kimono and undresses me, leaving me naked.

I walk to the bathroom and go in to bathe, I turn my head a little and out of the corner of my eye I see Alicia, she begins to pick up the kimono and the cloth that covered my penis, she puts them in a laundry basket and takes it out of the room. bedroom.

-25 minutes later-

I finish bathing and when I go out I realize that Alicia is standing at the door with another Kimono and boy's underwear, Alicia sees me come out of the bathroom and begins to dry my body and then get dressed.

When I finish dressing I turn towards the door, I walk towards the door of the room followed by Alicia, Alicia passes in front of me and opens the door with a slight bow, waits for me to pass, I walk past her, when I go out into the hallway, I almost have a heart attack when I see a somewhat familiar and scary face.

Hachiya Minako: "I see that my son has become a bit rebellious by making me wait 2 more minutes."

Somewhat nervous, I lean slightly. Hachiya Karako: "sorry mother, I had a nightmare and it took me a while to get ready."

in a slightly softer voice than before.

Hachiya Minako: "I'll let this foul go, now you will go to Gosha Academy and you will be escorted by 2 Clan Taimanins."

Hachiya Minako: "remember, don't embarrass the Clan and you won't be allowed any kind of help, be it monetary or medical, only what the Academy gives you."

Hachiya Minako: "do you understand?"

Hachiya Karako: "yes mother."

Hachiya Minako: "Okay, you can go."

I walk down the corridor followed by Alicia, upon reaching the main room of the Mansion I see 2 Ninja-Taimanins, a Man and a Woman with a full body suit, each one tight.

The woman has a black full body suit that covers her entire body and a black colored mask that covers her entire face except her black colored eyes, her suit covers everything but her stomach from the waist to below the breasts, she is covered by a fine black thread in the form of a net and his arms that are covered with black thread in the form of a net, from his gloves to his shoulders.

The man has a dark blue full body suit that covers his entire body and a dark blue mask that covers his entire face, his suit covers everything except his thighs which are surrounded by a net-like blue thread from his knees to his hips. .

His arms are surrounded from the gloves to the shoulders by the same net-like thread and from the hips to the armpits they are surrounded by the same net-like thread.

the man looks at me for a few seconds and with a somewhat thick voice.

Male Taimanin: "hello young master."

As she greets me, the woman, in a bit of anger, raises her right hand and hits the male Taimanin on the head.

then out loud.

Female Taimanin: "Idiot, you can't talk to the matriarch's son like that!"

once she is done scolding the Male Taimanin. She turns to me and assumes a bowed position, her left hand placed next to his hip and her right hand on his chest, his voice soft and melodious.

Female Taimanin: "greetings, young master, we are here to escort you to Gosha Academy by order of his mother."

Hachiya Karako: "I was already informed of that by my mother."

I turn to Alice. Hachiya Karako: "See you later, Alicia."

Alice: "Yes, teacher."

Alicia stays in the main room of the mansion while I go out the door followed by the two Taimanins, I pass by a garden and then I reach a large wooden gate guarded by several Taimanins from the Clan, I can see that the Hachiya Mansion is surrounded by a wall of some material, lined with dark wood.

a Taimanin opens the wooden door and I leave the Clan compound, the first thing I see is a stone path surrounded by a forest.

the Female Taimanin tells me that she will be my guide to the Academy, after spending several hours walking we arrived at a town with stone buildings with several steel pillars in the corners and I could see several Taimanins walking calmly through the town.

The occasional civilian or Taimanin would look at me a few times, but then everyone would ignore me.

Hachiya Karako: (As expected of Gosha Town, civilians and taimanins are used to seeing the son or daughter of a Clan leader.)

We continued our march and after passing a few streets I could glimpse a building with a Shuriken logo, the Male Taimanin looks at me with a thick voice.

Male Taimanin: "That's Gosha Academy, from the outside it doesn't look very big, but inside it's several floors down where there are multiple facilities, such as student classrooms, training grounds, a dining hall, several staff rooms with the name the teacher at the door, special rooms where students are trained to resist torture, an infirmary and a weapons room.

then the Female Taimanin looks at me and with a soft voice.

Female Taimanin: "Normally, Gosha Academy is open to all kinds of students, whether they are civilians outside of Gosha, exchange students from an organization, kingdom, or country."

Female Taimanin: "but about 7 years ago, Japan's war against the Chinese Union for Taiwan ended, if it had ended with the surrender of either or both parties, nothing would have happened, but it ended with the intervention of the UFS (United States), the European Union and the Russian Federation wanted the war between China and Japan to end, and since neither China nor Japan have the military power to face the three nations they had to listen to them, and that is why the Taimanin It remains in a state of alert in case of a sudden attack from China or some other nation."

Female Taimanin: "That's why Gosha Academy is now closed to the public and foreigners, it's also much more strict and demanding than it normally is, they only allow candidates with the potential to become an Elite Taimanin and their mother, Hachiya Minako is an Elite Taimanin, which gives you, young master, the potential to reach that rank."

Hachiya Karako: "And what about those who don't have that potential?"

Female Taimanin: "They are sent to some other Taimanin Academy, outside of Gosha Town."

We continued talking while walking in the direction of Gosha Academy.

-9 minutes later-

We arrive at the Gosha Academy and the first thing I see are two rows of children, one is girls who curiously are 3-4 times more than boys and the other is boys with a handful of them.

I stand at the end of the line of children.

Standing next to me and with a slight bow, the Female Taimanin opens her mouth and with a somewhat soft voice and gentle tone.

Female Taimanin: "we're retiring, young master, good luck at the Academy."

Following her mate's lead, the Male Taimanin stands next to her and with a slight bow opens his mouth, a soft, serious voice.

Male Taimanin: "good luck, young master."

They both turn and start walking in the direction of the town, but the Male Taimanin suddenly stops and turns around looking at me, opens his mouth and with a somewhat loud voice.

Male Taimanin: "Don't get the sexuality teacher pregnant."

When I heard that, I was shocked by that advice, but then a memory from my previous life came to mind.

Hachiya Karako: (it's true, the Students are subjected to theoretical and physical sexuality studies, at least the boys are obliged to the theoretical and physical studies, the girls only to the theoretical ones, although if they want they can do the physical ones with a male teacher of sexuality "(the girls part is canon, but I imagine the boys are forced to do both in the original story)").