
Reincarnated in the omniverse with the power of Saitama

Damien a high school student gets reincarnation with the power of Saitama from One punch man in the omniverse as the champion of the King of all Gods.

David_555 · Others
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40 Chs

Gaea’s Issue

Damien stood tall as he glanced at Lin Tianni, the previous sect master of the Heavenly Sword Villa.

" What kind of deal did you come to make?" He asked as he glared at Lin Yuefeng. Could it be that they had attacked without even listening to the demands of the enemy? He couldn't wrap his head around what was going on right now.

" It's nothing much, I just wanted to grant the sect a wish with some limits of course and in exchange, I want the old man sealed under the formation. That's all." Damien spoke nonchalantly.

Lin Tianni was about to burst out in fury until he came back to his senses and realized that everyone with the exception of Lin Yuefeng was on their knees and no matter how they tried they couldn't move. He knew then and there that the Heavenly Sword Villa has met an unbeatable opponent this time.

' Wise choice old man.' Seeing the old man's hesitation, Damien chuckled in his heart. " Why do you need that demon? " The old man asked in confusion. The Heavenly Sword Villa has everything a man could ever want, but why did this young man want the old demon sealed under the Heaven Suppressing Seal.

" That's for me to know and you to find out old man, now do we have a deal or not?" Damien spoke impatiently. All the drama was getting him pretty bored.

" Alright. We have a deal.... but the thing is that old demon is quite strong and if he is free, we might not be able to completely contain him." The old man spoke in exasperation.

" Just open the damn formation. I'll deal with him myself." His emotionless eyes glanced at Lin Tianni causing him to shiver uncontrollably.


" Bang!!" After moving to the Heaven Suppression Hall, the old man began to perform some hand seals, before strands of Profound Energy burst out his body and he began to perform some strange hand seals.

Suddenly, the within the hall, a huge earthquake erupted, before an incomparably vast devilish Profound Energy burst out.

" Sword Sect bastards you guys have made a big mistake by freeing me today. All of you will perish under my claws.!!!" A hoarse voice sounded out, before an old man who looked like he could be blown away by the wind any moment appeared.

His entire body was extremely skinny and ragged, his white hair and beard were dirty and he looked even worse than the filthiest beggar.

His entire Profound Energy was rolling in waves, pushing away everyone around him... well everyone except the grey haired teen who stood there with an unimpressed look.

" Sigh. I don't have time for this." Damien sighed as he walked forward, completely unbothered by the fierce aura being released by the old man.

" Normal Series: Normal Punch." Casually smashing his fist out, with less than a single digit percentage of his power, a huge shockwave erupted, before the old man was smashed and sent flying dozens of miles away, leaving the audience gobsmacked. The demon they had been working so hard to suppress was sent flying by a simple casual punch. It was as if the grey haired teenager wasn't trying at all. Seeing this most cultivators, especially the old men began to question whether they actually deserved to truly be called cultivators.

Gently picking up the unconscious old man, Damien immediately levitated and placed him on Long Fengs back.

" Okay ask me what you want now old man." Damien spoke without looking at Lin Tianni and his son. " I want you to be a protector for this sect for the next hundred years." After he spoke, everyone went completely agape.

" Pfft." Damien couldn't help but laugh as he glared at him as if he was the stupidest person in the world.

" Sorry old man, I've got a job to do. In fact lemme give you something else." Damien places his two fingers on the old man's forehead and a second later, the old man dropped to the ground, his face covered in sweat.

" What technique is that?!" The old man muttered in shock as he lifted his eyes to look at Damien who had already sat on long Feng and left. He had just been granted a techniques that would make Gods bow to him. Lifting his head, he laughed out, it seemed like he had saved the Heavenly Sword Villa twice in his lifetime.


Damien sighed as he sat on Long Feng's back. " My Lord, I have a problem." Gaea's voice rang out in his head which caused him to nod gently and slowly his consciousness vanished from his body.

" My Lord." Seeing Jim she bowed respectfully, before silver light burst into a chariot, which Damien climbers on to and she pulled.

" What's the problem Gaea?" Damien asked. " My Lord, I've gotten about 80 percent control of the Records but the remaining 20 percent I can't seem to get access to." She spoke respectfully as she drove the chariot deep into the universe of the Records.

{A/N: Guys help me think of a name for the Universe where the Ahashic Record can be found.}

" I've tried severally My Lord but I can't seem to gain control over that aspect of the Records." She said apologetically.

" It's alright Gaea, I know the reason, I'm fact you can say it's my doing, though it's subconscious." He sighed as realization dawned on him.

He had asked for two wishes from the One Above All. The strength of Saitama with his unlimited potential and the IQ of Light with unlimited potential as well. With the power of Saitama, he used it almost daily, but ever since he got the power of mental energy and the Akashi Records, and considering the fact that he basically knew almost everything about the Against the Gods he had somewhat nerfed his own Iq.

" No wonder Gaea can't take full control of the Akashi Records, she gains her power from my mental energy and although my mental energy is boundless, it definitely has a limiter . The only way to break that limiter is focus more on my nigh omniscient inheritance and that should do the trick." He thought to himself.

" Wait for me Gaea, I'll be back." He smiled and left the Records as he opened his eyes in the real world.

" You're up already." Looking in front of him, Damien smiled. He saw the old Ghost bound by several chains and tied forcefully to Long Feng's back as he struggled to break free.

" What happened here Long Feng?" Damien asked as he walked to him. " When you were cultivating, he tried to sneak attack you.

" What's your deal old man, I literally beat the shit out of everyone just to save your life and you want to sneak attack me?" Damien spoke as he removed the chains from the body of the old man.

" You brat ! I wanted to slaughter everyone from that Sword Sect!!! Why did you stop me?!!" He roared out as the moment he got free and smashed his fist as Damien.

" Bang!" Damien caught the fist with his palm and gently flung him backwards, sending him flying across Long Feng's back.

" Let's talk old man.." Damien sighed as he sat down. He most definitely understood how he was feeling right now. Being sealed in a place for more than a hundred years. If he was the one, he would've probably destroyed the world the moment he was released.

" Do you know who I am?" The old man spat out a mouthful of blood from Damien's little toss.

" Of course, you're Yun Canghai. Strongest in the illusory Demon Realm after the Demon Emperor, Patriarch of the Yun Family." Damien spoke with a chuckle as the old man drowned in confusion.

" Why did you free me." The old man asked as he sat down. From the exchange now, he wasn't Damien's match. Maybe at his prime, he would've stood a chance but now he definitely wasn't powerful enough.

" Do you want to go back home?.... Do you want to go see the state of the Yun family now? Do you want revenge?" Damien asked with a smile.

" I do." The old man nodded his head with a sigh. "Alright then, I can take you back, though you'd have to lead the way, but in exchange, I want a meeting with the new king or queen of the illusory demon realm." Damien spoke with a small smile. One couldn't get to the Illusory Demon Realm without a Profound Ark, but he didn't need it. He was strong enough to withstand the chaotic space and definitely fast enough to get there within a few minutes at top speed.

" Why do you want to meet the ruler?" Yun Canghai frowned. The royal family couldn't just meet anyone at anytime.

" Hehehehe Let's just say I have a deal for them." Damien laughed.


A/N: And there you have it folks. The next chapter would be about Damien leveling up His omniscient ability. Please comment if you have any cool abilities that omniscient can grant or I'll just stick to what I have. Peace