
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
370 Chs

Too much is not good

Akira sat on the sofa, waiting for his five older sisters to change their elementary school uniforms into casual clothes.

After 10 minutes of waiting, one of the little girls came down the stairs.

The little girl was wearing a blue t-shirt and a knee-length skirt. She stood in front of Akira.

"Sorry to keep Akira-chan waiting."

"It's alright, Onee-chan, it wasn't too long."

"Arerere... Akira-chan doesn't call Onee-chan's name, lest... Akira-chan doesn't know who this older sister is?"

The little girl smiled playfully, she really liked seeing the confused reaction of her little brother, who couldn't tell the Quintuplets apart.

"That's just Ichika Onee-chan's feelings." Akira said with a forced smile.

"Akira-chan this time guessed right, and in return, Ichika Onee-chan gave me a hug."

Ichika spread her arms apart, she took Akira into her arms while complaining about her little brother's black hair.

(Phew~ My guess was right, only Ichika likes to tease me. I won this bet) Akira thought.

Among the Quintuplets, only Ichika bullies Akira the most, the other older sister spoils him more.

"Ichika changed her clothes quickly."

A little girl watches Akira and Ichika's interaction by folding her arms across her chest. No need to ask, she is Nino.

"Nino, don't just stand on the stairs, come on down."

A little girl's cheerful and excited voice rang out, and Akira guessed it was a Yotsuba.

"Nino, block the way."

The little girl who criticized Nino was none other than Miku.

"I am hungry..."

The little girl clutching her stomach while complaining of hunger, Akira needn't hesitate, it's Itsuki.

The four of them went down the stairs, sat on the sofa, surrounding Akira, who had just been released by Ichika.

"Today is Akira-chan's birthday, let's do it then?" Nino's suggestion.

"It?" Yotsuba tilted her head, she looked confused.

"Did the Yotsuba forget? Every Akira's birthday, we will measure his height." Miku explained.

"Oh, I remember." Yotsuba patted her head lightly.

"Let's measure Akira-chan's height, I wonder how much our dear little brother's height has grown." Ichika said with a smile.

The other sisters agreed, including Itsuki, who was eating the bread in his mouth.

It's the tradition of the Nakano Family to measure everyone's height on their birthday. Quintuplets are born on the same date, so they usually take turns measuring their height.

But Akira, as the only boy in the Nakano Family, is very spoiled by them. Especially the Quintuplets, they loved him so much, it sometimes made Akira a little scared.

According to Akira, anything in excess is not good, including affection.

Akira's hand was pulled by Ichika, he and the other sisters, climbed the hand, and he arrived at the door of his room.

The six of them have their own room, provided by their parents.

"We're here, Miku. You brought the stature meter?" Ichika turned to Miku and asked.

"Of course I brought it."

Miku took the stature meter from her shirt pocket, and handed the stature meter to Ichika.

"Akira, stand straight up against the wall."

Nino pushed Akira against the wall, making sure his little brother was upright. She nodded in satisfaction.

On the wall next to the bedroom door, there was a scratch on the wall of his height by year.

"Let's begin, Yotsuba. Hold the stature meter."


Yotsuba took hold of the stature meter, and Ichika pulled the meter down.

"How tall is Akira?" Itsuki asked, his mouth puffing up from munching on the bread.

"95 cm." Ichika said while looking at the status meter.

"Akira's height increased by 7 cm this year."

Nino was happy, she pulled Akira away from the wall. Then Miku used a cutter knife to carve Akira's newest height on the wall.

"Un, Akira-chan is growing well, and Onee-chan is satisfied."

Ichika pressed her cheek against Akira's.

"What's wrong, Akira?"

Noticing Akira's gaze on her, Itsuki couldn't help but ask.

"There isn't any." Akira shook his head.

Akira remembered when Itsuki was a teenager, she had an ahoge, but now his hair is straight without an ahoge.

"Let's take a photo as a memory."

The Yotsuba took out a camera.

This was also one of the traditions of the Nakano Family, or rather, the tradition that the Quintuplets had created. The six of them will take a photo together against the background of Akira's bedroom wall, which has his latest height engraved.

Setting the photo timer, Yotsuba put the camera on the chair, and then she hurriedly hugged Akira, who was being hugged by all her sisters.

"Everyone, smile." Ichika said with a sweet smile on her face.

Akira and his older sister smiled at the camera.


After the photo session was over, the six of them left the apartment because Akira said he was bored living in the apartment.

The Quintuplets agreed to Akira's request, they thought their little brother was lonely at home when they were at school and their parents were busy working.

Walking on the sidewalk, Itsuki asked curiously:

"Akira wants to visit what place?"

"Don't go too far, mom will be angry if we come home late at night." Nino reminded.

"Not far, in less than 10 minutes, we will arrive." Akira said in his childish voice.

"Where is Akira-chan going?" Asked the always cheerful Yotsuba.

"I won't tell Onee-chan." Akira refused to reveal the location of his destination.

"The more Akira-chan doesn't say it, the more Onee-chan offers." Ichigo smiled faintly.

"Akira is acting mysteriously." Miku puffed out her cheeks.

"Humph, since Akira said it like that, let's see later, will we be as scared as Akira said." Nino said proudly, she looks like a heroic warrior about to enter the battlefield.

"Onee-chan don't cry."

Hearing Akira's reminder made the Quintuplets even more curious. They were wondering what place their favorite little brother five of them had gone to.

Thanks to the [Photographic Memory] that Akira had, he had memorized his route and destination in his mind. He took shortcuts, every now and then, the six of them crossed the street.

"Akira... Is it still far away." Miku asked breathlessly.

Currently, they were climbing the stairs towards the hill, and Miku, who had the weakest stamina among the six of them, she already looked exhausted.

"You're too weak, Miku, Akira doesn't even complain. You as Onee-chan should set an exemplary example."

"I don't want to hear that from someone who keeps wiping the sweat off his forehead."

"What did you say!"

Nino and Miku glared at each other.

"Nino, Miku, don't fight in front of Akira-chan." The Yotsuba tried to separate the two of them.

"Don't set a bad example for Akira-chan."

Ichika flicked her finger on Nino and Miku's foreheads.


Nino and Miku covered their foreheads with their hands. When Akira's name was mentioned, it proved to be effective, the two of them were no longer fighting.

Among the Quintuplets, only Itsuki looks normal. His breathing was even, his forehead was not sweating, and she ate the bread she brought.

"Where did Itsuki Onee-chan get those buns?" Akira didn't hold back his doubts.

"I brought a few slices of bread before leaving." Itsuki answered honestly.

Akira was speechless. He already knew Itsuki's greedy attribute, but he thought it would appear when Itsuki was a teenager, it turns out that it had started from childhood.

"Come on, let's get to Onee-chan a little more. Cheers up."

Maybe because Akira encouraged her, Miku started walking up the stairs again.

Five minutes later, they reached the top of the hill.

As the Quintuplets stared at the scene in front of them, they grew nervous.

"A-Akira-chan, d-don't tell me the place you want to go to is the cemetery?"

Yotsuba opened her eyes wide, she stared at her little brother with a dumbfounded expression.

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