
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Gift at the burial

Death is the only justice in this world.

Death is unavoidable. Old, young, rich, poor, healthy, or sick. In the end, everyone will die one way or another, and everyone will end up in a grave.

Akira deliberately chose the burial site as the location for this year's Sign-in because, according to him, this place also has a deep meaning, namely the final resting place of humans.

"System, Sign-in here!" Akira commanded in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for a successful Sign-in]

[Reward :]

-Slime Bodysuits

-Stand : Gold Experience

-Natsuki Subaru's Sportswear

When Akira saw the reward he got this time on the panel display, he was so happy that he almost screamed in celebration.

Ignoring the first and last rewards, the second reward amazed Akira, he finally got another magical ability.

"A-Akira-chan, we better go home now, it's getting dark soon."

Akira's clothes are pulled by Ichika, she makes excuses so she can leave the burial.

"Ichika is right, mother is worried if we come home at night."

Even Itsuki, who was always thinking about food, was afraid of coming to a twilight burial like now.

"Let's go home, Akira, there's nothing to see here."

Nino pulled Akira's hand while walking down the stairs. The other girls also didn't want to stay here much longer, even Miku, who usually walks at the back, came down the stairs quickly.

Because he had Sign-in, Akira let himself be pulled by Nino.

"Don't walk too fast, Nino Onee-chan, watch out for falling." Akira said.


Just as Nino was about to deny, his foot slipped.

When Nino was about to fall, Akira held Nino's hand so she wouldn't fall. Because his body is smaller than Nino's, Akira loses his balance, and Nino's body falls on him.



Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki help Nino get up.

"Sorry Akira-chan, I didn't do it on purpose."

Being pulled by his sister, Nino helped Akira up.

"It's fine, as long as Nino Onee-chan is okay."

Akira patted his dirty pants.

"Akira, your hand is bleeding."

Miku notices Akira's palms are bleeding.

"It's just a minor wound." Akira said while enduring the pain. He was just an ordinary person in his previous life, of course he would feel pain when he was injured.

Nino bit his lower lip and felt guilty.

"It's my fault, if I don't rush, Akira-chan won't get hurt."

"What should we do?"

Yotsuba panicked upon seeing the blood on her little brother's hand.

"Calm down Yotsuba, first go back home, then medicate Akira-chan's hands with the first aid kit."

As the eldest sister, Ichika acts as the leader.

"Ichika is right, let's go back to the house." Itsuki nodded in agreement.

The six of them descended the stairs, and because of the previous incident, they were more careful not to repeat it.

Nino kept holding Akira's hand all the way, like a mother hen protecting her chicks.

10 minutes later, they arrived at the luxury apartment area where they lived, entered the apartment door, and got on the elevator.

Arriving at the door, Ichika took out the spare key, turned the key, and pushed the door open.

"We're back."

"Welcome back."

Rena answered Ichika from the kitchen.

Akira and the others headed to the living room, and after Akira sat down, Nino went to get the first aid kit and returned to the living room.

"Let me help." The Yotsuba intended to help.

"No, let me do it, this was originally my fault, I have to take responsibility."

Nino refused Yotsuba's help, she stubbornly treated Akira.

"Just leave it." Miku said while patting Yotsuba's shoulder.

Nino moistened a cotton pad with 70% alcohol, and then she cleaned the blood on Akira's palm very carefully.

Akira frowned and held back from making a sound. If he groaned in pain, Nino would feel even more guilty.

"Slow down, Nino, Akira looks in pain." Itsuki said worriedly that, seeing his little brother in pain, she had lost her appetite for bread at this point.

Rena walked from the kitchen because she didn't hear her children's chatter like usual. Seeing Nino treating Akira, she approached them and asked:

"What happened to Akira."

"It is because---"

Before Nino could speak, Akira spoke first:

"I fell while playing earlier."


Ichika and the others did not expect that their weak-looking little brother was actually protecting his older sister from being scolded by their mother.

"It will be bad if mom finds out I took Onee-chan to the burial." Akira thought inside his mind.

"Let mom see."

Rena took Akira's palm, saw that there were rough scratches on her son's palm, dripped medicine for a bacterial infection, and then wrapped it with a bandage.

"Chu~ great mother's son, does not cry." Rena kissed Akira's forehead, and spoke softly.

"Next time, Akira, be careful while playing." Rena stroked her son's hair.

"Okay mom." Akira nodded.

"Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki, go take a bath with Akira. Don't let Akira's hands get wet to prevent inflammation."

"Understood mom." Ichika followed her mother's words.

Then Rena returned to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Lets take a bath." Ichika said.

The six of them went to the bathroom, arrived at the bathroom, Nino and Miku helped Akira take off his clothes.

"I can undress myself." Akira said he was embarrassed.

Although he looks like a 3 year old child, his soul is 22 years old! Letting a 7 year old little girl help him take off his clothes, Akira couldn't stand it.

"What are you saying? With hands like that, leave it to Onee-chan." Nino said folding his arms across his chest.

"Why is Akira-chan shy, don't we bathe together every day?" Said Ichika who had taken off all her clothes.

Akira saw that Yotsuba and Itsuki were also naked, because they were only 7 years old at this time, their chests had started to grow a bit, and the area below had not yet grown any hair.

Akira wasn't a pedophile, seeing a small naked body didn't affect him at all.

"Wow, Akira-chan's elephant trunk is getting bigger every day." Nino exclaimed after removing Akira's underwear.

"Nino was right, it's getting bigger." Miku opened her eyes wide.

"I don't know how many girls Akira-chan will ruin with this." Ichika said while touching it with her index finger.

"Don't touch it, Ichika Onee-chan." Akira complained, and he moved away from Ichika.

"Ichika, don't play in the bathroom, it's dangerous." Itsuki reminded.

"Let's take a bath." Yotsuba averted her eyes from Akira's elephant trunk.

Before entering the bath, they wash themselves first.

Akira was bathed by the Quintuplets, not a single part of his body was left out. Nino rubbed his back, Yotsuba washed his hair, Itsuki and Miku rubbed their hands, respectively, and Ichika rubbed his front body.

The most troublesome thing was washing the hair, right now the Quintuplets' hair was really long. It takes a lot of time to wash their hair.

After everyone washed up, they got into the bath, with Akira in the center and the Quintuplets surrounding him.

"So convenient..." Yotsuba breathed a sigh of relief.

"Akira, sorry for the previous incident." Nico apologized.

"It's not Nino Onee-chan's fault, it's also my fault for inviting Onee-chan to a place like that." Akira said.

"By the way, Akira-chan, why did you visit that place." Ichika asked curiously.

Akira knew that he would be asked about this, so he had prepared an answer.

"This afternoon, there was a program broadcasting ghost sightings at the burial. So I wonder if I can see a ghost if I go to a burial."

"Akira isn't afraid of ghosts?" Itsuki asked surprised.

"Are ghosts scary?" Akira tilted his head and looked like an innocent child who didn't know.

"Of course ghosts are scary!" Nino said without hesitation.

"Let's end the ghost topic, Nino won't be able to sleep." Ichika said smiling.

"Who can't sleep!" Nino said angrily.

They chatted and laughed in the tub, and after soaking for a few minutes, they came out and dried themselves with towels.

As for Akira? He received the services of his sister, who would wipe him dry.

Akira was speechless at the exaggerated attitude of his five sisters.

Out of the bathroom, they returned to their respective rooms to get dressed. Only Nino, with a towel covering his tiny body, entered Akira's room and helped Akira get dressed. Only then did she return to his room to get dressed.