
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
370 Chs

Dangerous Stalker

The crowd gradually dwindled, leaving only a few pedestrians.

Curious about the stalker's appearance, Ichika wanted to look back, but Akira quickly stopped her.

"Don't turn around, Ichika-Nee will alert the stalker."

"Sorry, this is the first time I have experienced this situation. If it weren't for Akira-chan, I might not have realized how dangerous my situation was."

To suppress her fear and nervousness, Ichika pulled Akira's hand to her chest and hugged him tighter.

"Um, Ichika-Nee can count on me." Akira nodded while watching the movements of the stalker behind him.

(From what I remember in the anime and manga, Ichika has never experienced being stalked. Basically, the theme of the story Gotoubun no Hanayome is harem and slice of life. There is no 'hero saves beauty' scene. After all, Fuutarou is weaker than an ordinary high school student because he is bookworm)

Akira frowned, thinking about why this event was happening now.

(Don't tell me... Because of me? That's possible. The quintuplets should live normally without encountering life-threatening threats. But because I interfered in their lives, it caused negative effects like the butterfly effect when a time traveler goes back to the past to change the future)

Even though he doesn't have concrete evidence for his theory, he believes the theory is not far from the truth.

If Akira doesn't interact with the quintuplets, the Timeline will still flow like in the manga.

(Never mind. There's no point in blaming yourself. Everything has happened, the most important thing is I have to guarantee their safety)

Thanks to this incident, he changed his relaxed mindset back to excessive paranoia.

He began to formulate several countermeasures if the five people faced danger.

(After all, stalking cases are nothing new in a country that claims to be one of the most dangerous countries in the world) Akira thought cynically.

Stalking cases in Japan are a serious problem that has occurred for years.

Stalking cases can take various forms, from following the victim, sending unwanted messages or emails, to threats of violence. In some cases, stalkers have even physically abused or murdered their victims.

"Park? What do we want to do here? Akira-chan doesn't want to do anything perverted with Onee-san, right?"

Ichika's fear had reduced a lot thanks to the sense of security that Akira gave her, she didn't even miss the opportunity to tease him.

"If Ichika-Nee doesn't mind, I have no problem doing it here. There are some condoms in my wallet, want to try them? There are several variations of fruit flavors."


Ichika's smile stiffened at Akira's answer. This was different from what she expected.

If it was Fuutarou, the airhead would be shy and change the subject.

"Akira-chan is joking, right?"

"What do Ichika-Nee think? By the way, I am an experienced man."

Akira smiled proudly, pulling Ichika's hand into the park area.

"Ahaha... Akira-chan is good at making jokes." Ichika laughed dryly to cover her embarrassment.

Seeing her little brother's expression, she was sure it wasn't a lie.

(Akira-chan is still 13 years old, he said he has experience in that field? Kids nowadays are so scary)

Ichika feels unable to maintain her dignity as an older sister when she has no experience in sexual aspects.

While her mind was filled with uncertain thoughts, she didn't realize she was sitting on a park bench.

"Ichika-Nee wait here. Once the stalker appears, don't panic. I was hiding nearby."

Akira whispered in Ichika's ear.

Feeling the warm breath on her ear, Ichika, who was used to teasing others but was actually a pure girl, had her face as red as an apple.

Apart from her father and Fuutarou, this was the first time she was so close to another man.

"No, don't leave me alone. What if the stalker does something dangerous." Ichika held Akira's hand, refusing to let go.

"Trust me. I'll record the stalker interacting with Ichika-Nee. Once the evidence is obtained, we can report the other party to the police."

"What if the stalker is carrying a knife or other dangerous weapon. It is too dangerous."

Worried about her little brother's safety, Ichika forgets the fact that Akira has superpowers.

"If Ichika-Nee doesn't like this method, how about I eliminate that stalker from this world."

Akira made a throat slitting motion without changing his expression. To be honest, he was reluctant to use cruel methods.


Seeing that her little brother didn't seem to be joking, Ichika's back broke out in cold sweat. She was sure that Akira was not bragging, but would really kill the stalker.

As an ordinary person, murder is an unforgivable act. She didn't want her little brother to stain his hands with blood.

Unfortunately, Ichika didn't know that Akira's hands were no longer clean and had been stained with his enemy's blood.

"Okay, let's do it according to your plan." Ichika agreed while biting her lower lip.

"Um, let's get started."

Akira pretended to buy drinks, then left Ichika alone on the park bench.

It was currently 6:30 in the evening, the park which was usually busy with children playing, was now quiet with no one besides Ichika.

"I don't want to go through this again." Ichika muttered quietly.

Even though she knew Akira was watching from somewhere, she felt fear in her heart. Fortunately, her acting skills were beyond doubt, so she looked calm on the surface.

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps could be clearly heard in the garden.

In the distance, Ichika saw a man wearing a hat and sunglasses appear.

(He must be the stalker that Akira meant)

Facing a dangerous situation, Ichika looked as usual, showing no panic.

"Hey, Nakano Ichika."

"Sorry, who are you?"

"I am your fan."

"Thank you for being my fan. Your support is very valuable to me."

"It is a lie."

The man looked at Ichika with an unfriendly gaze.

"Sorry, but I have to go."

Ichika stood up and was about to leave, but the man blocked her way.

"You can't leave before explaining who that man is?"

"That man? Who do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb! I saw you walking intimately with a man not long ago!"

The man's emotions were unstable, his eyes were red with anger, and his expression looked scary.

Ichika subconsciously took a step back, this only caused the man's anger to grow even greater.

"That man is my little brother." She said without being able to maintain her smile.

"It is a lie. I know everything about you. You are quintuplets, and don't have a younger brother. Arghhhh.... Even you lied for that man, you are no longer the Ichika I know."

After grabbing his hair, the man smiled, but his smile looked strange.

(Ichika-Nee, you try to run, this scene is almost reaching the climax)

Suddenly, Ichika heard Akira's voice in her mind. Not asking for the reason, she followed his words.

"Sorry, I have to go."

The man grabbed Ichika's hand as she passed by.

Ichika tried to let go of the man's hand, but the other party didn't let go.

"Don't resist, or you might get hurt."

Feeling an object near her stomach, Ichika's eyes widened to see a kitchen knife pointed at her.

"D-Don't be rash, let's have a good talk, okay?"

"Sure, but let's change places."

The man grinned lewdly, his imagination already running wild imagining the lewd things he would do to his favorite actress.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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