
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

College or Career?

Quintuplets chat room.

Ichika: "Image."

A photo was attached, and the first person to notice it was Miku.

Miku: "This.... Amazing! Akira looks cool dressed as a samurai! Are you both cosplaying?"

As a lover of the Sengoku Period, she was impressed when she saw the photo.

Ichika: "We're not cosplaying, this is a movie set prop. I'm currently shooting a film with an ancient theme."

Nino: "Akira looks handsome in those clothes. I also want to take a photo with him."

Miku: "Nino returns to factory settings, you become a lover of handsome men."

Nino: "What's wrong with that? My taste is still normal. Miku, look at yourself, liking a Sengoku Period general, isn't that the same as liking an old man with a beard? In fact, your taste in men is not normal!"

Miku: "It's not the same. I just like it, doesn't mean I'm that type of guy. As long as a man is handsome, Nino quickly falls in love."

Nino: "Nonsense! I'm not a cheap woman who falls in love just because of a man's appearance."

Miku: "Very unconvincing."

Nino: "Hmph, I'm too lazy to argue with a girl who likes middle-aged uncles."

Miku: "You mean me?"

Nino: "Who else?"

The topic of conversation changed so quickly that Ichika didn't have time to respond. When she wanted to mediate a dispute between the two, the person she least expected would take over the conversation.

Yotsuba: "Nino, Miku, don't fight about this. We all have our own type of dream man. It doesn't matter whether Miku likes middle-aged men or Nino likes handsome men. Don't mock each other's tastes."

Nino: "Appears, victor of the war of love."

Miku: "I least want to hear this from Yotsuba."

Ichika: "Yotsuba, you appeared at the worst possible time."

Yotsuba: "Ehhhh... Did I say something wrong?"

Yotsuba is saddened by her sister's cold response. She just wanted to break up the fight between the two of them, why was she cornered instead?


At the film shooting location, Ichika smiled faintly looking at the chat room.

"Itsuki is probably still studying." She guessed.

"Ichika-Nee, filming is about to start." Akira reminded her.

"Ah, let's get ready." Ichika said with a smile.

Both of them took their respective positions.

Akira greeted the other extras and got to know each other briefly.

Sitting in a chair, the film director observed that all the actors and actresses had prepared, then gave a nod to the cameraman.

"Ready... Action!"


At 6 p.m.

"Ichika-chan are you sure you don't want to be taken?"

In the driver's seat, Oda asked Ichika outside the car.

"Thank you very much, Oda-san, but there's no need. I want to go on a trip with Akira-chan, this is also to strengthen our relationship as a family~"

With her hands behind her back, Ichika refused while smiling faintly.

"So that's how it is... By the way, Akira-kun, are you sure you don't want to join my agency? If you enter the film industry, you will become famous quickly! The film director really praised your acting, you know."

Oda once again offers an invitation.

Previously, Akira acted so perfectly without making a mistake.

Movements, expressions, voice intonation, dialogue, everything is done well without any shortcomings.

If it weren't for the other actor making a mistake, the shooting would only be done in one go.

Akira even received an invitation from the film director to play in another film, and promised to get a better role.

"Thank you for your offer, Oda-san. However, I am not interested in getting involved in the entertainment industry. There are so many things I have to do, I don't have time to shoot a movie."

Facing the other party's olive branch, Akira politely refused. His priority was to return to his home world.

"Sigh~... What a shame. Alright, I'm not forcing it. If you change your mind, please consider my agency as your choice."


"Then I'll go first. Be careful, Ichika-chan, Akira-kun."

Saying goodbye, the window glass rose to cover the car, Oda stepped on the accelerator and the car drove away leaving behind smoke.

"The distance from here to the apartment is quite far. Ichika-Nee are you sure about walking?" Akira asked walking next to her.

"Does not matter. Isn't there Akira-chan? We can be home in the blink of an eye." Ichika said casually.

"Up to you." Akira stopped persuading her to call a taxi.

Even though the sun had already set, the road was not dark at all. The metropolitan city is always sparkling with lights that illuminate the dark night.

On the street, pedestrians are dominated by office workers returning home. Of course, these were people who were lucky enough to work for good companies, not black companies that enslaved their workers.

"Hey, Akira-chan, which is better between continuing my acting career or going to college?"

Turning to the side, Ichika looked at Akira whose gaze was unfocused.

"Just follow what Ichika-Nee's heart desires most. If you want to continue your career, I don't think father will refuse. After all, our family is not short of money. Even if you all become NEETs in the future, father can still support you." Akira answered with a joke.

"But I feel bad for everyone else if I'm the only one who doesn't go to college."

"Isn't the promise between the five of you just to graduate from high school together? That's why Ichika-Nee and the others changed schools for Yotsuba-Nee, who failed to pass the final semester exam and was threatened with not being promoted... After that promise is fulfilled, the five of you will take different paths, and the path Ichika-Nee chooses is a career in the entertainment industry. So, follow your conscience. I'm sure Nino-Nee and the others will understand."

"Akira-chan... I..."

Ichika's heart was touched, her little brother understood her very well, even better than Fuutarou.

In her heart, she had already made her choice.

"Thank you, Akira-chan. Thanks to you, my mind feels clearer."

"You're welcome."

Even though he couldn't see Ichika's expression behind the mask and sunglasses, Akira guessed what kind of expression she was showing.

When outside, Ichika has to disguise herself so that other people don't recognize her. Otherwise, she will soon be mobbed by fans.


Feeling his hand being held by her, Akira turned his head.

"There are too many people, Onee-san is worried that we will get separated."

Ichika made a ridiculous excuse.

"Oh." Akira nodded and didn't argue.

The two of them walked holding hands like a couple in love.


"What's wrong, Akira-chan?"

Seeing the change in Akira's expression, Ichika asked curiously.

"Ichika-Nee, has someone ever stalked you?"

"Never, don't tell me..."

"Congratulations, this is your first experience."

"I don't want that kind of experience at all!"

Knowing there was a stalker, Ichika was a little afraid. After all, she's just an ordinary girl. Faced with this kind of situation, she would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid.

"Should we call the police?"

"No need. Ichika-Nee forgot who I am? That stalker won't be able to do anything as long as I'm by your side. Let's find out the motive."

Then Akira guided Ichika to a quieter place.

"Okay, Onee-san believes you."

Ichika tightened her grip on his palm, she felt safe with Akira and agreed to his plan.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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