
Reincarnated in the Lord of the Mysteries

The main character reincarnated to the Lord of the Mysteries with his System that grants him the ability to do anything.

ePythagoras · Book&Literature
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14 Chs


Melissa stared at the foods served on the dining table, unable to hide her surprise and cravings. The beef luncheon looked especially delicious and appetizing. 

Looking at Klein who was preparing tea, Melissa can't help but become suspicious. All it took was a single day for their life to change so drastically? 

"Klein, tell me the truth, are you doing something illegal?" 

Klein's back trembled, a wry smile escaping his lips.

'How else am I supposed to explain it aside from getting a job? Should I say that her big brother became a deity?' he lampooned quietly. 

Placing the tea beside Melissa's and his plate, Klein sat down and began eating, only to sense Melissa's gaze looking at him oddly. 

'What now?' Klein asked himself if he forgot something important. 

"I got a job in an antique company. They handle very expensive antiques all over the continent. If not for their former assistant inspector passing away due to an accident, I wouldn't have landed the job." Klein slowly explained, munching the beef with delight and thankfulness. 

"Even if they paid you in advance, aren't you using too much money?" Unable to hold back, Melissa also began eating, not forgetting to question Klein. 

"They paid me one month in advance. I should earn 10 gold pounds every week so that's about 30 gold pounds." Klein began to eat the lemon cake. 

"..." Melissa fell silent, her hands halting. She looked at Klein as if she was looking at a monster. 

"T-thirty gold pounds?!" she shouted in shock and disbelief. How could that be? An antique job with ten gold pounds weekly salary… 

Klein can't help but look at his little sister with pity. If only she knew that we basically don't have to worry about money anymore… 

After eating, Klein began to profusely explain his job to Melissa before they planned to go pick a villa when Benson arrives at Saturday. 


Klein laid down on his bed, the curtains on his room opened wide, the crimson moon basking him with its light. 

He looked at the System panel of [Wishes] nodding his head inwardly. His first wish was logged on it, a notification informing him of something. 

<<You have consumed your daily wish for today.>>

'So I really reincarnated after midnight, to think that a single day would be so eventful…' Sighing, Klein can't help but inspect his memories. 

Three different lives, when he views them, it feels like watching a colorful film, seemingly unreal. 

He stared at his status and once again confirmed that no one can pry to his secrets nor corrupt him. 

<<[Concealment] Regardless of the pryer's level, they can't seek answers related to you.>>

<<[Irregularity] Host's 'level' is elevated to the Oldest One, preventing corruption and madness from forming. You are an entirely separate existence…>>

He was already The Fool with full ownership of the Sefirah Castle, sensing the sensitive parts of Tingen where latent danger constantly lurked, Klein can't help but sigh. 

'This world is truly dangerous for the original Klein… Thankfully, I have the System to help me out.'

Falling asleep with Cogitation, Klein started dreaming, though he was fully lucid all the time. 

'What a weird thing. I always liked lucid dreams back then, but now it's so effortlessly achievable?' 


After eating breakfast with Melissa, giving her allowance for the week as it was still Tuesday, he had already formed a plan. 

He was now The Fool, his Beyonder Characteristics originating from the System, the three Beyonders characteristics can help someone achieve a Quasi-Sequence 0: The Fool. 

Klein is planning to control the Half-Fool Antigonus, Zaratul and his family, as well as the Secret Order to exert his influence on the real world. 

But the time is not yet ripe, he would instead focus on getting 0-08, the Quill of Alzuhod that's in Tingen, to foil Adam's ascension. 

'The former Lord of the Mysteries and God Almighty failed to control themselves after assimilating more than one Sefirot, but what about me?' 

Klein already had an answer. He used his today's wish to gain every information and experience about the first apocalypse that finished the Earth Era and started the First Epoch, personally immersing himself in the sea of information where everything began up to the present time.

The madness that accumulates as you go higher towards the divine throne comes from the Oldest One, which means that if you are separated from 'Him' then you'll not be affected. 

However, despite being theoretically possible, no one can ever try and attempt it as the universe itself came from 'Him'. But Klein's existence changed everything. 

His current long-term goal is to assimilate the Chaos Sea, destroy the Outer Deities, unseal the Western Continent and try erasing the Oldest One's sentience. 

"...Well, shall we pay Ince Zangwill a visit?" 

Klein smirked in thought, his hand pulling out a King of Angels from the Fool Pathway in Second Epoch. Before it managed to gain sentience because of Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth, Klein willed his Irregularity and made the King of Angels into his permanent Attendant.

The King of Angels now named Ace Acathel, his appearance changed into that of possessing pure black hair and silver eyes, golden-silvery slithering lines appearing on his forehead.

Ace Acathel darted his eyes around before a will belonging to him manifested with Klein's authority and permission, he slowly knelt with one knee and bowed like a knight before Klein.

'Why do I feel that the scene is quite not right?' Klein laughed jokingly inside his head, noting that they are inside a small bedroom. It was definitely cramped.

"Your Attendant, Ace Acathel, awaits your orders, Your Excellency."

Klein nodded, letting his Irregularity and Concealment flow into Ace Acathel, hiding his existence from the watchful eyes of others.

"Go retrieve the Quill of Alzuhod." Sitting on the bed, Klein lifted his chin, sending out the relevant information to Ace Acathel.

Ace Acathel bowed and thanked his Lord with the information before he vanished from the two bedroom apartment.

Gazing at the sunny sky, Klein had a thought, 'My existence will make things more chaotic and... a lot more interesting. Being The Fool is more overpowered than I initially thought it would be.'

Smiling, Klein relaxed on the bed, his back on the wall, he began browsing through his knowledge and experience from Earth Era up to the Fifth Epoch granted to him by his wish for today.

The Fog of History that Klein has had infinitely surpassed everyone in existence at present time. Only the Outer Deities and the Oldest One can defeat him in this field.


Appearing in a room with a red chimney, Ace sat on the empty chair, observing the middle-aged man writing on a paper using an ordinary looking quill.

He came from the Second Epoch where deities walked the land, countless catastrophic events constantly happening.

Ace knew the virtue of serving the Lord, his institution told him that only by being 'His' Attendant could he extricate himself from this world full of madness.

Even if he wanted to rebel, he can't do anything nor fight back, so he instantly decided to be 'His' Attendant and do his job faithfully.

Ace flicked his fingers, allowing the Realm of Mysteries that were concealing him from the middle-aged man's senses and vision, to envelop the whole room.

Ince Zangwill who was focused on controlling 0-08 finally noticed Ace, his body stiffening, even the usually rowdy 0-08 stopped writing, falling silent. 

"Hello, traitor of Evernight, I came here to retrieve the Quill of Alzuhod."

Ince Zangwill's eyes dilated in terror before he weakly muttered, "W-who are you?"

"I come here under my Lord's orders, the Ruler above the Spirit World." Ace smiled warmly, the golden-silvery lines on his forehead slithering in response.

"Hand it over peacefully, Ince Zangwill. Not even a true deity can save you." Ace's eyes turned into slits, appearing like your average neighbor, but Ince Zangwill only felt extreme terror enveloping him.

Neither did Ince Zangwill notice that even the Quill of Alzuhod was trembling. But it was because of excitement!