
Reincarnated in Tensura. (Restarted)

This is the story of our MC Optio who got stabbed. But gets reincarnated in The World of Tensura by Voice Of the World. Follow his journey in the world of Tensura but in the past. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have this story on Royal Road as well! Please check it out! https://www.royalroad.com/profile/352713/fictions

SpritVoidWolf · Urban
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20 Chs

11: Milim


[Narrator POV]

In the tranquil embrace of the Tensura world, a joyous event unfolded—the birth of a cherished member of the Nava family. Apollo, Velzard, Velgrynd, Lucia, Velda, and a gathering of magical beings stood together, their hearts filled with anticipation and love, as the realm prepared to welcome its newest addition, Milim.


As I gazed upon the scene, the atmosphere was imbued with a sense of warmth and excitement. The harmonious hum of magicules seemed to dance with anticipation, foretelling the arrival of the precious bundle of joy. My family, The Nava family, united by blood and love, eagerly awaited the arrival of their niece and daughter.

Within moments, a gentle cry filled the air, drawing smiles to the faces of the onlookers. The radiant pink-haired baby girl emerged, her innocent blue eyes wide with curiosity and wonder. I, who had only seen Milim in the show and was not prepared for her vibrant appearance, stood there in awe and astonishment.

Besides Me, Velda, Milim's father, watched with a mixture of joy and concern. He had willingly sacrificed much of his powers in order to conceive a child with a human, a decision he made out of profound love. As he observed the birth of his daughter, a hint of melancholy tugged at his heart, for he knew that his powers had been significantly diminished. Looks like the word 'Creator' doesn't only apply to creation.

Me, sensing Velda's emotions, approached him with a gentle smile. "Velda, my dear brother," i said softly, "I understand the sacrifice you've made for the sake of love and family. The loss of your powers is a testament to the depth of your devotion. It may seem daunting now, but together, we will find a way to navigate this new chapter in our lives."

Velda looked into my eyes, gratitude shining in his own. "Apollo, I appreciate your understanding and support. The power I once possessed is but a fraction of what it used to be, but I do not regret my decision. The love that Lucia and I share, and the gift of our daughter, Milim, is worth any sacrifice. As parents, we will do everything in our power to ensure her happiness and safety."

I placed a reassuring hand on Velda's shoulder. "Indeed, Velda. Our powers may ebb and flow, but the strength of our love and determination remains steadfast. Milim will be surrounded by the love and protection of her family, and together, we will face any challenges that come our way."

As we stood there, the weight of our shared responsibility mingled with the joy of Milim's birth. Velda's gaze shifted to his newborn daughter, a mixture of awe and tenderness etched on his face. "She is a testament to the love we share, Apollo," Velda whispered. "Her presence brings light and hope into our lives. I promise to be the best father I can be, even without the full extent of my powers."

I nodded; my voice filled with unwavering support. "Velda, as Milim's father, your love and guidance will shape her into the remarkable person she is destined to become. Remember, true strength lies not only in power but in the bonds, we forge and the love we give."

Velda's eyes shimmered with gratitude as he embraced me, a silent acknowledgment passing between us. In that embrace, we found solace and reassurance, knowing that our united front would provide Milim with the nurturing and protection she deserved.

And so, as Milim's radiant presence filled this world with joy and hope, the Nava family, along with their newfound extended family, vowed to cherish and safeguard her with unwavering love. Together, we would navigate the intricate tapestry of parenthood, facing challenges and celebrating milestones, all while savoring the precious moments of Milim's growth and discovery in the captivating realms of the Tensura world.

'Sometimes the truth hurts, But the death of Lucia and Veldanava is important for the future events.' I thought sadly and looked up to the sky, hoping that i will be able to handle the guilt.