
Reincarnated in TBATE as Gojo

Gojo gets reborn. He is OP. Cover art by Pixiv. I do not own jujutsu Kaisen or TBATE I just own my story.

TheCasualReadear · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


During our flight, I got to know more of Seiryu. He is more than what meets the eye. Throughout our flight he developed a keen addiction to pointing out a clouds shape.

Which became extremely infuriating after the first three clouds. "Tree, egg, bat, heart, etc." constantly berating my hearing. It got so bad that I had to threaten him. However, simple threats did not register with this idiots brain and he just kept and kept at it. "Sword, dog, arrow, carri—"

Enough was enough he deserved it, I pierced the air with my water magic to shut him up. He dodged it with ease; in the distance I saw the aftermath of my attack. A crater formed at the side of a mountain. Our play fight continued with me attacking with various forms of magic.

He dodged with ease and paired it with a attack of its own. What could only be described as a humongous tornado of ice. It was so Terrible I could see the monsters below shaking in fear. The sharp cracks of air meeting ice at supersonic speed made it sound like a lightning storm.

You could see it, a swirling mass of light blue lightning. The air started warping in and out like a rubber band. "CRRRICKKK" the mass shot at me at Mach 10. It made a dent inside my defense but nothing serious.

"That's all you got?" I asked teasingly. "Fuck you" he said back. I grinned wildly "Fuck you too" I spat out as I sent a missile of mana and cursed energy. If you saw us we would seem as mere flashes of light at the speed we were moving. At one point my body was leaving a trail of distorted atoms, and that was when took a breather; we decided to stop after we saw the destruction we caused.

The area within a kilometer was razed to the ground. "Your worthy of being my companion" I remarked. "It is you that is worthy of me." He shot back looking offended of my comment. I frowned a bit "I didn't mean it as a offense no need to be mad."

"Hmm…". I let out a exasperated sigh "cmon let's go home." I snuck into one of the many alleyways inside the city. The cold stone of the brick wall felt rough against the callouses of my fingers. The weather was frosty and rigid. "C'mon" I started walking towards the palace. This city never stops awing me. The setting of a fantasy world always interested me, but such a thing was not possible for me a fantasy and a fantasy it was. Until I was reborn, That fantasy became true.

I came upon the gates; "The royal guard greets the prince!" They yelled. They looked at my companion but decide not to question it. I never got used to the way they treat me. As is the relationship between royalty and commoners formal and authoritative. The neatly packed beds of flowers were placed in a neat row around the palace. It gave the palace a elegant and regal look and…well it also smelled quite nice.

"OWWW!" Came from the courtyard, their I saw Tess and Arthur in a spar. Arthur had just hit my sister with a sword. I couldn't help remark that his swordsmanship was quite advance, but that did not quell the rage dwelling inside me. The fact that someone caused pain to my sister hurt me more than you think. But…I have to deal with it as Tess will get mad at me, and its important for her learn how to protect herself.

I walked to the trio Virion took notice first, Arthur and Tess coming after. They all looked at Seiryu, which know that I noticed has been quiet since we got here. Vision and Arthur's face immediately turned fear stricken at the sight of him. They got into defensive stances and tensed preparing for a fight. Tess looked confused at the sight, "What's happeni—" she couldn't finish as Virion pushed her behind

"TESSSSIAAA! Get out of here right now!" He screamed. Tessa hearing the absolute seriousness in his voice didn't question any further and ran. Now it was just me Virion and Arthur both with terrier expressions, both with weapons out, both ready to die fighting.

Stones plz also thanks for reading :)