
Reincarnated in TBATE as Gojo

Gojo gets reborn. He is OP. Cover art by Pixiv. I do not own jujutsu Kaisen or TBATE I just own my story.

TheCasualReadear · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


"Gojo what the hell is that beast!" Virion screamed. It's weird how I can perceive the world. I can feel everything. I can feel the sweat dripping down from Arthur's neck, the slight twitch of his hands, the most subtle movement I can feel. I almost got lost in the feeling. "Gojo! Answer me NOW!".

"What it's just my "dog". I could see Seiryu shaking with fury from the corner of my eye. I can sense that too. The slight wind emanated from his thin body, the glow of his yellow eyes, the glean of his claws. Is it something to do with my unique talent for mana? Or maybe it's my cursed energy?

"Dog, you say? That is no dog it's a mana beast" Virion said. He gripped the handle on his sword tighter. "You have 3 seconds to explain to me what that is or else…".

"Or else what you and Arthur will stop me? You will strike me down where I stand? you are not capable of such a feat"

The frowns on Virions and Arthur's deepened.
'I might have gone a little too far' I sighed.
"There is no reason for such an uproar. All you need to know is that Seiryu won't destroy the city or cause trouble"

3rd POV

"Seiryu!? Is that its name. Where are you going Satoru! Come back here now boy!". Satoru heard the cries, turned back glanced at the duo, before sticking out his tongue and flying away. "Geez people are annoying aren't they Seiryu. Huh Seiryu what are you doing?". "You think I let you off easy for disrespecting me like that". The battle continued until the night. Years later people would tell stories of this night. It was called the "Clash of The Century"

Meanwhile back on training grounds…

"My god the nerve of that boy!" Virion yelled angrily at the sky. He looked around and could tell Arthur was still a bit frightened about the scenario. "Relax I'm sure everything will be fine," He told his disciple. Arthur took some deep breaths. Virion took a few too. Virion himself was not entirely convinced by his words. That beast was powerful…very powerful and mysterious. Truly befitting of his grandson. Its domineering, suffocating, and almost ancient aura could make any of the strongest mana beasts piss themselves.

"Is everything okay?" a meek Tess asked from behind a cluster of dark brown shrubs. "Yes, little one everything is fine. Me and Arthur just got a little excited about Satoru's new pet that's all."

"Can I see his pet?" Tessia asked joyfully.
"No definitely not," Virion responded coldly.
The glow from Tessias eyes dissipated and a frown replaced her smile. "But whyyyyyy!" Tessia whined very loudly. "Because I said so and that's it" Virion scolded her. "Who taught you to question adults".
"You did, you said that people aren't trustworthy" Tess replied.

"Keep questioning me and I will increase your training twofold. Tessia sunk into the ground. Anyways Boy get back to work" Arthur watching the scolding was snickering in the back when Virion turned his attention to him.

"Yes, gramps" he got down and started doing Burpees. "You too Tessia get down and give me 60". "AAARGH" a loud stretched-out groan escaped her small mouth. "Oh? You want more work is that what I'm hearing m? Very well I appreciate the enthusiasm give me 120 burpees the both of you. NOW!"

"Gramps what did I do." Arthur cried, but regardless Arthur completed his workout in outstanding time. Meanwhile, Virion was thinking he must have been a saint in his last life to be able to train these two. They were the most promising kids he had ever trained.

Especially, Arthur, was on another level when it came to the sword. The way he carried himself, his behaviors, and his actions were noble. Which was surely bizarre because he is a commoner. "Alright, kids that's it for today. Rest up and be back here at 6:00 am tomorrow." Vision ordered the pair.

Tessia hauled Arthur to the street markets. Arthur had made a promise to Tessia to go shopping with her earlier that day. "C'mon Arthur!" Tessia screamed with excitement. She had to be looking forward to this all day. "A real date with Arthur!". Arthur knew that about the girl's affection towards him, but shook them off as the feeble heart of a child.

He didn't want to come along for this excursion. However, he didn't want you to deal with Tessia's foul mood throughout the day, so he will play along with this child. Tessia and Arthur walked into a clothing store. One of the most prestigious in the kingdom it had some of the most skillful designers in the Elven domain.

It is said one has to wait nearly a whole year to request an item. This rule was different for royalty however the store's owner was close friends with the royal family and showed favoritism when it came to them. The duo was met with irritated comments when they suddenly just walked in skipping the whole line at the front; When they saw the security letting them just pass right through they were appalled.

One of the people at the front started to complain to the guards, but we were met with silence. Soon there was a crowd of angry customers throwing insults and complaints at the guards. A tall, dark-haired man, youthful in appearance came out to greet the duo and reassure the annoyed customers. The man was wearing glasses and had a small goatee on his chin. He had a smooth chocolate complexion skin. He was the owner of one of the fashion meccas in this world, Evangelion, His name, is August Auclair.

Satorus Pov

I had been following my innocent sister being tricked by that demon boy into accompanying him into the markets. I left my companion back at the castle. He was still mad at me for some reason I could not care. There's a necessity that prevails above him, a watchful eye in the place of my absence. Yes, that's it I would make a totem if you will that's able to track anything: people, objects, and, animals. Wait what I'm thinking I'm turning Into one of those overprotective parents. The type that installs spy apps into their children's phones.

Arthur Pov
Arthur knew that he was being watched by Satoru he just didn't know why he had been with him for the better part of a year. Why is it that he still doesn't trust him? I'll just have to confront him when I get the chance. As he followed Tess around the aisles of the store filled with and looming over them were various dresses and garments of many styles. This was just one small section of the store, but this enough was almost three stores worth of dresses. "Hey Arthur does this look good on me?" Tessia asked for the tenth time. "It looks great on you" Arthur replied in a warm tone and met Tessias eyes with a smile. "Oh r-really?!" her voice pitched up and her cheeks were scarcely flushed with pink hues. 'This is going to take a while Arthur sighed.


Hey, it's been a while since I last updated this series. Hope you guys enjoy if I see enough support I will be motivated to post again. Thank you for reading and for the love some of you have shown for this story. Please let me know if you guys want something cleared up or if there is some type of plot hole you want me to fix. All help is appreciated. Cya.