
Reincarnated in resident evil as a new species of infected/mutation

Steven is just a normal college student.. he is.. well, he is the type of protagonist who sits by the window in class.. a big loner. One day he was minding his own business, as usual, and all a sudden, in the middle of class, a sensation was building.. a unpleasant feeling was growing.. He had to piss! so he excused himself and went to the restroom.. as he was pissing a few bullies of his snuck up behind him and started to beat the shit out of him! he was thrown around, punched, kicked, and spat on.. until he was pushed and slipped on some urine and hits his head on the sink, everyone froze as they see his spasming body and blood gushing out of his head.. it was his end... Steven's days of living has ended.. well, in this world it is~

SSJ2_Vegeta · Anime & Comics
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As Steven was chasing the woman and screaming at her with monstrous noises the woman out of pure randomness turned around and raised a scalpel she had with her.

Steven was suprised on the turn of events.. when he was going to try to defuse the situation some random thought crossed his mind..


Steven didn't know why but he wanted to bite the woman; Steven blushed a bit at some random thought that had came up, Steven felt a strong impulse but he fought it with his will.

As the woman and Steven were facing each other, you could hear the approaching infected in the distance.

Meanwhile, in a room filled with screens and computers, are three men; they seem to be scientists, one being the head scientist, and they seem to be observing the situation that's happening..

What they see through their monitors is one particular strange infected and their now ex coworker facing off against each other.

"Intresting.. let's see what happens and then we will retrieve it and study how the bioweapon infected this one compared to the others.."

Steven not sure what to do is suddenly rushed by the woman, out of reflex, Steven swiftly dodges and counter attacks by thrusting his hand, as if it was a blade, through the womans chest. Steven in bewildered how and why he did it, but what's most shocking to him is that he feels like he accomplished something.. as if he was a young predator striking down his first prey with ease.. Prideful.. Steven felt pride and accomplishment.

Steven's body starts to shake in excitement of what's to come next.. The feeling he was suppressing, before the woman rushed him, could not be suppressed anylonger.

As Steven watched the woman cough up blood and slowly struggle in despair, Steven can hear the woman drowning in her own blood.. And steven loved it!

As Steven finally saw the light dim in the womans eyes, he knew she was gone.. Steven slowly pulled his forearm out of the newly fresh corpse's chest.

The scientists watching the monitor intensely, waiting for what's to come next..

As Steven looked down at the warm corpse he could feel his mouth start to foam, the taste of blood becoming more and more appealing, the tenderness of the flesh..

Steven couldn't wait anylonger! He needed to eat! His stomach was hurting, begging for it to be fed, and so he gave in..

Steven dropped himself on top of the corpse and sunk his teeth into the corpses shoulder; Steven can feel the still warm fluid enter his mouth, is was rich and delicious flavor! Steven can taste the adrenalin that was still in the blood, Steven can practically taste the fear the woman had before dying, and it excited him! But that wasn't the end of it, oh no, there is still a whole meal here!

As steven was enjoying the flavor of the crimson nectar he decided to move on to main course! Steven started to pull away from the shoulder, but not letting go, causing him to tear and rip muscle and flesh from the body; The meat that was in Steven's mouth tasted like a slowly cooked roast, that just melts in your mouth every single bite.

Steven's pupils starts to wander the room aggressively until it stopped at the corpses stomach.

Steven did not hesitate to tear open the belly of the corpse and when he did.. A sent filled his nostrils making him want to shove whatever he can down his throat! Steven dug his hands and shoved whatever he picked up in his mouth, then chewed and swallowed, and did it again!

'More. more. more. more. more. ~~~~~~ more. more. more.' That's all that Steven could think as he devoured his meal.

As Steven ate the corpse, tell there is nothing but bone, he could feel a something deep in his chest intensify by every bite he takes, Steven's not sure what it is but he instinctively feels like he needs to make this feeling stronger..

As Steven takes another bite he can feel whatever he is feeling bottle necking..

'just.. a bit... more..'

As steven takes the last bite that's needed, he can tell that the feeling in his chest just had a breakthrough.

Steven body starts to act.. strange..

The scientists was observing the event that is happening to Steven.. They can see the muscles and bones rearrange themselves under the skin of Steven's right arm.. and then.. *RIPPP* the flesh that was covering Steven's right arm started to tear revealing a strange Bloody arm, kinda like a body builder's arm, with three claw like fingers, like the claw machine games, and a hole in the center of Steven's palm..

The scientists eyes widened as they watched this..

But what happened next sent shivers down their spines..

"I- its mutating!"