
Reincarnated in resident evil as a new species of infected/mutation

Steven is just a normal college student.. he is.. well, he is the type of protagonist who sits by the window in class.. a big loner. One day he was minding his own business, as usual, and all a sudden, in the middle of class, a sensation was building.. a unpleasant feeling was growing.. He had to piss! so he excused himself and went to the restroom.. as he was pissing a few bullies of his snuck up behind him and started to beat the shit out of him! he was thrown around, punched, kicked, and spat on.. until he was pushed and slipped on some urine and hits his head on the sink, everyone froze as they see his spasming body and blood gushing out of his head.. it was his end... Steven's days of living has ended.. well, in this world it is~

SSJ2_Vegeta · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Steven felt his whole body tingle, as if it was asleep, his arm has changed into some kind of monstrous thing!

But for some reason he felt satisfied with the change, despite how alien it was, he felt.. stronger.. way stronger, and that he could do more.. hunting..

Not long after his arm changed, a group of men in hazmask suits approached with tasers of all kinds..

Steven narrowed his eyes and instinctively took a defensive stance.

The hazmat suited men took a step back out of shock.

It was showing.. intelligence!

This made everything even more dangerous by ten fold.

Time passed like this until the hazmat suited pre- enemy's started to take the offense and slowly closed in.

Steven instinctively raised his now mutated arm towards one of the bunch and to his suprise a strange flesh like tube shot out of his palm and punctured one of the hazmat suited people in the stomach.

As soon as the tube like thing made its home in the stomach of one of the hazmat suited people, it immediately sucked all of the man's entrails likeba vaccum!

Steven saw what he did in shock! But what supprised him was the fact that he immediately felt like he had ate a filling meal.

Could it be that the fleshy tube that he shot out of his arm was somehow connected to his stomach? It only made sense right? how else could he explain the fullness he felt?

Steven was feeling that anomyness feeling in his chest again.. but unlike last time it didn't grow as fast as it did when he ate that... woman..

Steven now knew what this feeling meant.. it was related to his evolution or.. mutation.

But steven couldn't think about that now as a few more hostile men approached!

One tried to flank but Steven knew better..

Steven immediately shot his non-mutated hand at the man's throat and took ahold on whatever he could get a grip on and ripped it out of the man's throat.

As the man was now grasping his throat, you could hear his struggles as he drowned in his own sweet crimson nectar.

As this was happening Steven instinctively ate what he had ripped from the man's throat.

Soon after another man, stupidly, decided to do a frontal assault.

Steven grinned at this and immediately raised his mutated arm and grabbed the man by the head, crushing it in the process.

As the body dropped, one of the hazmat suited pests managed to taze Steven's side successfully, but the only effect it had on Steven was his muscles twitching.

As the hazmat suited man saw how ineffective his attack was he looked up into the eyes of Steven.

All the worm could see were two crazed eyes looking down at him as if he was a bug that needed squishing.

And Steven did just that.

Steven raised his mutated arm, grabbed the human, and flattened him.

As the humans entrails were in a puddle on the ground, with Steven's mutated hand in the puddle, Steven unconsciously used the vacuum, that his palm could now do, and sucked all of the man's entrails into Steven's stomach.

The feeling is growing..

Their was only one last pest to deal with and he has collapsed unconcious after seeing his coworkers die horribly.

Steven smiled devilishly- no.. was this even Steven? Steven would have never done any of these things! no... This was someone else... Someone else entirely..