
Reincarnated in One Piece as a Celestial Dragon

After a lifetime of accumulating good karma I was given the option to reincarnate into a world of my choice with Three wishes.

Clutch_Shadow · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The Past

"I'm going to die soon, Leigh."

"Are you in danger, my Lord." The man standing next to him spoke.

"Not immediately, however I'll be placing myself in it soon enough." The man spoke as he looked over at his two sons, both with heads full of red hair, one of which was looking back at him with a curious expression. "Take care of Alec, please…Leigh, don't let him turn out like the rest of my people."

"As you wish, sir, however what about." He spoke as he looked at the child lying next to me.

"He will be coming with my wife and I." My father responded.

"If I may ask… Where are you going Sir."

"Leigh… what I'm abo it to tell you needs to be passed down to Alec in the future as I won't be able to do so like my father and his father before him did."

"As you wish sir."

"Back… when our ancestors first became Celestial Dragons it happened after a war. A Great War, a war so big that even continents sank and rose. However that war wasn't between the Humans, No it was between the God's."

"The Gods?"

"Yes, the Gods relied on something called faith in which they all fought to get more of. Eventually as the risks of dying got too high they decided to pick Champions to fight for them."


"Yes, Champions, the Gods eventually came to two sides. The Gods of Freedom allied under Nika, while the Gods who didn't believe in freedom allied under… another God."


"Yes… another… Nika had named a few champions, the most powerful was a man named JoyBoy, the King of the World. However the other God didn't like to fight on the surface. He was the God of Secrecy, Shadows, and Deceit."

"Who was he."

"If I say then he will know. However he had a champion as well… someone who could nearly rival JoyBoy in strength. He and his champion worked to take control of the world. The easiest way to do that was to target the Nobel Families under JoyBoy. So that's what they did, they targeted the worst of the members of each family. The ones who would do anything for power. Eventually the 6 Dukes and the 14 Marquis households rebelled.

They named themselves kings and challenged JoyBoy's rule. JoyBoy, knowing the situation he found himself in, spoke with Nika and the other powerhouses of the world, Namely the Samurai, the Giants, the Fishman/Mermaids, the Skypieans, and finally the challengers of the God's. JoyBoy knew that All was nearly lost but he persisted. He, along with the others, gathered at the center of the ancient kingdom. They went below, deep into the crust of the now Redline and used their combined Haki to sharpen the blade of the current Samurai Shogun. Together, they carved out the strongest material in the world… however it didn't come without a cost. In order to carve this material they needed the combined Haki from the Giants, Skypieans, Fishmen, And the Challengers, in order for the blade to withstand this Haki it had to be dipped in something."

"What was that? Sir."

"It was the Blood of a god, however the amount of blood needed was astronomical. The Gods under Nika sacrificed their lives to carve out those stones however even then it wasn't enough. So they targeted their opposing Gods, as well as the champions who served them. They were able to pick off all the Gods except the leader, however their actions of hiding in the dark only fueled his power. They used the blood of these dark Gods to carve out 26 Poneglyphs and scattered them throughout the world while the 4 remaining Poneglyphs were doused in their own Gods Blood. The corruptness of the dark gods Dyed the original white stone a dark Blueish Grey while it Dyed the rest a dark Red.

At that time a betrayal happened, JoyBoy's friend, the colossal elephant betrayed him. This led to the death of all of JoyBoy's retainers. When he returned he along with Nika sentenced Zou to walk the seas till the drums of freedom return. At that time he is to repay his betrayal with unfaltering loyalty to assist the drum's bearer.

Then he along with the others used their will to assist the Dying Nika in one last act. They pushed every ounce of their will into incarnating the abilities of JoyBoy's fallen retainers into fruits which were spread throughout the world. However their opposition didn't like that, he used nearly all his power to curse the Fruits, weakening the users and forbidding them from entering the now vast seas.

He then gave his Champion a task, this task was to revive him however this process would take a long time and to ground him to this world this retainer would have to stay on top of the highest elevation in the world, specifically the Redline. Forbidden to leave until her master returned. He then, knowing his coming death with the overuse of his power, met with Nika one last time where they battled to the death."

"Wait, so the champion of the dark god is on the redline. So why don't we capture them?" Leigh questioned.

"That's because….Those six Duke houses and 14 Marquis housed are the ancestors of Myself and the other celestial dragons."

Leigh stood there with a shocked expression.

"However before Nika died he passed his will of freedom onto the family of the God challengers. They all took on a distinct part to add into there name. They will too oppose the Darkness. The will of D. JoyBoy, knowing that he has done what he could, helped the Samurai king close Wano, sink Fishmen island to underneath the sea for protection, and relocate the Skypieans throughout the sky islands. Afterwards he came to the Redline and gave his former retainers turned betrayers a prophecy. If any one of them dared to mess with the corpses of the Gods then in retaliation the world itself will reincarnate them into Human form bringing forth a war that will surpass the one that had just ended. In anger, knowing JoyBoy had no reason to lie. The champion of the Dark god ran him through and left his possessions in the vaults of his former capital. The city of freedom Mary Geoise, which is kind of ironic given that it's turned into a city of Slavery now."

"Wait, so Mary Geoise used to be the capital of this ancient kingdom."

"Yes, however shortly after the war was over the Nefertari family regretted their actions and left the city settling on a desert island. My family, also regretting their actions, made a decision. One out of every generation from the main family would be sent out, secretly, to explore the world and to repay our betrayal through good deeds."

"Wait, so does this mean that you have a sibling wandering the world?"

"Yes, and he is about to do something that is unforgivable so that is why my wife and I are taking one of my and are leaving to stop him." He spoke with tiredness in his voice. "Leigh, the only reason I know this information is because of my status as the current 6th elder. Please make sure you pass it to Alec as it is highly likely that we will lose our position as an elder family upon my death."

"I will, Sir."

"Alright then, I suppose it's time to go meet my half brother." The man spoke before walking over to his children. "My little Alec, make sure you grow up to be a good man and don't take after the rest of us betrayers. Farewell my son." He said before picking up the other bundle and carrying him out the door.

If you are confused then read this. The man speaking is the current head of one of the Celestial Dragon families as well as the 6th elder. He is speaking of what happened in the past to be led up to his moment from what he was allowed to know. I put my own twist as the blood of a God is needed to carve out the Poneglyphs, this is why they are “indestructible” as there is no God in the one piece world anymore.

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