
Reincarnated in One Piece as a Celestial Dragon

After a lifetime of accumulating good karma I was given the option to reincarnate into a world of my choice with Three wishes.

Clutch_Shadow · Anime & Comics
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Going to Logue Town?

"It looks like Roger turned himself in." a young boy spoke as he was reading a newspaper which stated. "Notorious pirate Gold Roger has been captured and will be executed in his hometown Logue Town in One Month."

This young boy is Alec Figarland, the inheritor of the Figarland family, one of the 20 celestial dragon households.

"Leigh, let's go to Logue town and watch the execution." I say to the Old servant. Just a few weeks ago on my 15th birthday the servant had come forward and told me about everything my father told him all those years ago. I already knew as I was conscious at the time, however it felt good to know that he never forgot.

Still, I am wondering if what I've learned is true or not. Is this the same OnePiece world as I read in the Manga or is it different because of my birth. Also, who was my fathers half brother. He took 'Shanks' with him when he and my mother left and I know Shanks was found by Roger on Rocks D Xebecs ship after God Valley. Wait could that be it. My father knew he was going to die, did he plan for Shanks to end up in rogers hands?.

"Hey Leigh."

"Yes, Young Master."

"Was my father capable of predicting the future?" I asked while turning to him.

"You know your father was an elder."


"Each of the elders have to have some sort of strength. They have to be able to hold their position as the leaders of the World Government or someone will try to replace them."

"So each of them has at least Admiral level strength."

"Yes, and from what I had learned from your father was that he had the best Observational Haki among them. He often spoke of seeing Visions in his dreams and there have been cases of people who have mastered Observation Haki being able to predict the future be it by seconds or even decades."

"So that's why he knew he was going to die. He saw a vision, perhaps he even knew that taking my brother with him would result in him joining the Roger Pirates."

"There is a high possibility that you are correct young master…. Shall I prepare for the journey?"

"Yeah" I responded absentmindedly. 'So there is a chance that my father knew what would happen with my brother. Even though I know that, what could the reason for his departure be? What happened on God Valley where my father likely died. Just knowing the name of the Island makes me believe that it is the resting place of Nika and that dark god. Could the events that happened 14 years ago be the cause for Luffy's appearance as the inheritor of JoyBoy, and possibly Nika as well? I guess I'll only find out in time.'

A few minutes later Leigh told me that everything was ready to depart. It doesn't take as long for us as I always make sure that I have a packed bag ready to leave in case the other families decide to get greedy, after all I'm the only one left that they know of in my family so as long as I'm eliminated then they could claim part of our families fortune.

"Young master, I have already alerted the elders where we are going." Leigh tells me.

This is another thing that I found out since I've lived here. Every celestial dragon is required to alert the elders to where they are going before they leave in case they need to send an admiral for assistance, this used to be optional but ever since GodValley it's become mandatory for us to let them know our travel plans.

It makes sense as nearly all the branch families and some main family members were killed in that incident. Out of nearly 700 celestial dragons across 19 families they were less than 200 left. Of course that was before the main families realized what this meant and decided to "cull" the rest of the branch families which amounted to nearly 80 celestial dragons so now there are only the main members of the 19 families remaining at that point, since then the numbers dropped even more after the Donquixote family left so now there is just over 100 dragons remaining. Yeah it's surprising to see how many have died but it's a good thing in my own opinion as I know how bad they can be after seeing it with my own two eyes for over a decade.

Since we are leaving now I make sure to do the same thing I've done for nearly my whole life whenever I've left my home which is conjure up a mask, yup a mask. Most celestial dragons where the typical white suits with a fishbowl on there heads but I wear black trousers with a silver button up shirt with the top 3 buttons unbuttoned, along with a black cape tailored to my size with the words Celestial Dragon in silver lettering written in Japanese on the back. Pairing with this I have a simple red mask which I use my mana mana no mi's telekinesis powers to keep flush on my face.

That's another thing that's happened, I ate the mana mana no mi as soon as I was able to 14 years ago, before then I had been monitored 24/7 but around the time I was turning 1 I was given a little less supervision, this allowed me to eat the fruit and coincidentally it happened just as Leigh walked in. The look on his face as he saw little baby me eat a devil fruit that came from god knows where was priceless. As I thought back on the memory as I walked out of the room I snickered. "Ahh the good ole days… wait, those haven't happened yet" I realize after remembering that I haven't even started my journey in this world yet.

In fact this is my first time leaving MaryGeoise. Most Celestial Dragons leave by the time they are 8 for a trip to Sabaody however I've focused on my strength before I leave. After all though the 5 elders may seem friendly enough to me I know that they will be trying to get me killed by their personal assassins. Thankfully the strongest of there forces are around vice admiral level while the majority are rear admiral level. Thanks to my Mana Mana no mi, I can confidently say I can kill the average paradise rear admiral while escaping the average vice admiral.

The mana mana no mi is an interesting fruit, according to a little note that was stuck to it the fruit will be a paramecia type and as soon as I am able to awaken it it will become like a Logia meaning i will soon be able to turn my body into any element that I wish, or simply become a creature made out of mana. I also have a theory on which if I am made out of Mana then anywhere I leave my mana I can simply disperse myself in one location and reappear in the place I left my Mana previously. This will help me escape if I Need to in the future but for now it is only a theory. It is a very interesting fruit in my own opinion and the most similar fruit I can compare it to would be Katakuri's Mochi Mochi fruit as it will become a special paramecia when it awakens.

After a minute I had exited my room and made my way down the stairs towards the entrance of the mansion/mini castle. I passed by the "slaves" that work for me as I made my way through as they each bowed when I walked by. This isn't out of fear like it was when the pedestrians bowed at Sabaody but out of respect. As it is a known secret to any of the slaves that I'm not cruel like the rest of the dragons so any guards and slaves that do basic tasks around the city try to get assigned near my own property to avoid the sick tendencies of the other dragons.

I then walked outside and got on a carriage that was prepared with my luggage before we made our way towards the exit of MaryGeoise. As we were moving along towards the exit I couldn't help but look over at the moving walkway. "Sigh" I couldn't help but feel sorry for all the poor individuals who are forced to work under there as I knew that helping them would only make it so more people had to be brought to operate it. It's sad but every now and then I try to help someone out who catches my eye. It may seem hypocritical to only purchase slaves off the other dragons that would be of use to me but I simply can't afford to take care of people with no use.

We made our way to the north west side of Mary Geoise and left the city heading towards the elevator that leads into the East blue.

AN: (You may not remember but reverse mountain is right next to Logue town and the red line wraps all the way around the globe between the east and north blue and the south and west blue. This puts Mary Geoise on the exact opposite side of the globe from reverse mountain. I highly doubt that the celestial dragons wouldn't have an entrance to any of the four seas just that we only know about the one in the grand line as that is the main entrance everyone uses for the reverie.)

It took about a day for us to arrive before heading down to the east blue. I could smell the salt in the air the closer we got to water level. 'It's a shame that the Barratie hasn't been opened yet, otherwise I would have made a stop there on the way.' I said to myself as I walked onto the marine ship waiting for me.