

The Hokage saw me and calmly said "Do you know why your here?". I said a bit nervously "Is it because of my chakra natures?". Kakashi sensei and the Hokage said "That's exactly right!" ...Well that was somewhat expected...Then the third Hokage asked "Any Jutsu in particular you want to learn?" I replied"Can I learn the Fourth Hokage's jutsu that he was famous for and the shadow clone jutsu as well?" The third Hokage thought about it for a good 5 minutes and said "Yes you sure can!" He then summoned an ANBU and brought out the forbidden jutsu scroll. He then grabbed a pen and a paper and wrote down all he knew about the techniques, the dangers associated with them, and the techniques themselves. "Keep this well hidden and learn it only when there is no one around." I nodded as a response and hid it in my pocket.

Then he grabbed a scroll he had prepared before hand from his desk and said "These jutsus will be extremely useful to you! Make sure you learn them. The jutsus are Kakashi's chidori, earth wave technique, great flame technique, and the water dragon bullet jutsu. We have no wind style Jutsu to give you . Most of these come from Kakashi copying them with his sharingan and writing them down. Unfortunately he didn't feel like giving any wind jutsus because you need to make one yourself." (AUTHOR: More like Kakashi didn't master the wind jutsu that well and he didn't want to be embarrassed if you surpassed him with wind jutsu...)Well damn that's inconvenient but I should be fine with Fourth's flying thunder god jutsu. The third Hokage then said "I expect you to use these to protect the Hidden leaf village!" which led to me saying "Yes lord Hokage!"

The next day after memorizing the technique formula during the night time, I went and tested it out. The seals stayed stuck on the tree I put them on just by lightly putting it on with my hand and I can place them on a slightly bigger kunai which I will use the fourth's kunai design for since his kunai were made for this jutsu. After teleporting for the first time I got sick and puked. The second time I ended up extremely dizzy. Every time I used it the symptoms would get better and better until they were gone after the 80th time.

Kakashi sensei was staring at me with his eyes wide open. "I see that you already mastered teleporting with this but...does it really make you puke and stuff?" He asked. I replied back "Have you ever tried teleporting? The spatial awareness and stuff makes me disoriented. Either way now I'm used to it. Right now I can only teleport myself, while anything bigger than me will use a lot of chakra." "What about the other parts of the Jutsu?" asked Kakashi sensei. That's true there is Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder that makes a barrier capable of teleporting everything that attacks it to somewhere, then there's the Flying Thunder God - Second Step which is throwing a kunai at an enemy and when the kunai is close to the enemy or even behind him you teleport and attack the enemy's weak spot, and lastly there's the Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three which you throw 6 kunai in a circular shape and teleport doing something to create a lightning flash and it repels enemies with an extremely strong force. However no one figured it out yet so I would have to find that out myself. "No I haven't figured out the Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three and the Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder yet."

Now that I think about it what if I use lightning nature on the kunai while teleporting. I mean, the name has thunder on it. I tried it and when I teleported there was a flash of lightning as well as having my attacks go faster and hit harder as well. "That's exactly what Minato sensei did!" Exclaimed Kakashi. He asked "How did you do that?" I replied "I used lightning nature chakra while doing the flying thunder god technique." Kakashi was trembling with excitement and said "Good good I believe you will surpass the Fourth Hokage on this jutsu." That really inspired me (AUTHOR: Smooth talking Kakashi got you!) You motherf*cker just wait I'll do it better than the Fourth! (AUTHOR: I genuinely wish you luck.) You can actually be nice? That's great.

All week I was practicing the Flying Thunder God technique while on missions and stuff and leaving technique formulas everywhere so I can teleport to various places quick. At home my father copied the Fourth Hokage's kunai so that I can attach technique formulas and because they seem more natural to use when using the Flying Thunder God technique. At the same time I was using 15 shadow clones to continuously practice the shadow clone jutsu as well as the other jutsus in the scroll the third Hokage left me. Sometimes mid mission when we got a break I would release the shadow clones only to fall down in mental exhaustion. It would take me 10 minutes to recover at first but over time that shrunk to almost non existence as my mind strengthened every time and my shadow clones had to transmit less information every time as they refined and mastered the jutsu. Eventually I got proficient and mastered all the jutsus in the scroll after a month of continuous training with a few shadow clones. (AUTHOR: Great that means the chunin exams are near!) Oh god why! Your gonna pull some BS on me aren't you Author? (AUTHOR: meh idk 😐good luck.)

I speed up the pace a bit since I think that with over 700 possible episodes of the anime and stuff I can draw a lot of creativity from it...

Alex124creators' thoughts